Anyone play tribes?

I'd like to play tribes... maybe I'll buy it as you can get it cheap nowadays.

Anyone here play Quake3? (dumb question...)
I use the name [o|o]Testes. So you know if you've been beaten by me =)
i played quake 3 a little (dont worry, i didnt buy it. my best friend is a pirating bastard and i stole a copy from him.) Q3 is all right but it gets boring after a while. The best part is using the railgun. now that is the Shiiiaat. I recomend Unreal Tournament. i only played the demo and it was: funner, more challenging, and better graphics (in my opinion.) Also theres something very satisfying about pinning an enemy to the wall with a barage of Chaingun bullets.
>I recomend Unreal Tournament. i
>only played the demo and
>it was: funner, more
>challenging, and better graphics (in
>my opinion.) Also
>theres something very satisfying about
>pinning an enemy to the
>wall with a barage of
>Chaingun bullets.

This is something typically said by newbies that haven't played Q3 enough. I used to be one too. UT is good for CTF, but that's about it. The DM is fairly bad. The physics engine in Q3 is *way* better. I mean, where are the strafejumps and rocket jumps in UT? Q3 is the only game where you can really dominate, the weapons are perfectly balanced, the engine feels awesome. In UT you often get killed by a newbie that has happened to pick up the shield belt (too powerful) and the flak cannon (also too powerful, where's the balance?)
When you learn Q3, you will notice it is a masterpiece.
I played Q3 o a demo. I isntantly fell in love. Sadly I am still yet a newbie.
well the problem with both of those games is that they are too easy and unrealstic. All the rocket launchers and BFG's and flak cannons and whatever else crazy guns they have in there are too easy to use.

I mainly play 2 FPS. Tribes and Counter-Srike. In my opinion the best FPSs ever. Tribes has complex dueling and the idea for a jetpack and skiing down mountains is awesome.

Counter Strike is about the most realist FPS there is (Except Rainbow Six, and no one likes to die after being shot once). With Counter strike it takes pinpoint accuracy to make headshots wich kill the enemy easier than body shots esecpially since everyone wears kevlar vests. They also take into consideration the power and accuracy of each gun. for example, the AK-47 is very powerfull but very inacurate. the Mp5 is the most accurate gun in the game but it shoots 9mm rounds wich dont do much damage. They also have the AWP sniper rifle which kills in one hit to the chest or head. The people who made CS did an awesome job, thats why valve bought the game from them.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-00 AT 01:05AM (GMT)[p]its pretty cool. They only released beta 1 and beta 2 is suppose to come soon. The only problem is that there are no servers for it. The mod has to be awesome or their wont be any servers for it. Counter strike, TFC and Action Half Life have the most servers
Oh! ME-ME-ME *hand shoots into the air*...

I'll whoop anyone's butt on any Ultra_Renegades VX server! Just name one and I'll be there ;) I'm especially good at Bloodbath ;)

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[a href="mailto:" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]Webmaster: [a href=//" style="font-family:arial;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;font-size: 9pt;]The Mod Squad[/a]
RE: Oh! ME-ME-ME *hand shoots into the air*...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-00 AT 04:07AM (GMT)[p]ultra renegades is cool for about 20 minutes when you realize its too easy. its cool having all those super guns and infinite jetpack but its taking away key elements in the game.

Anyway if you guys havent played Counter-strike yet you are missing out on a great experiance. download it today from
DL CS OR I*LL....................

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-00 AT 08:40PM (GMT)[p]COUNTER STRIKE RULEZ
it is so **** fun to play
i was nearly getting a kicked from
a coupple of lessons in the school because
we did play to much........(guess whoms idea?)
Hell that was fun.........
i remember that newbie idiot coming spraying nullets with P90 one shot in the hed with desert eagle BLAM and his dead......
the game is just so ****** COOOOLLLLL!!!!!!
(i better stop soon)
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

see. Counter strike is so cool that some people lose the ability to write english upon plaing it. :)
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

see. Counter strike is so cool that some people lose the ability to write english upon playing it. :)
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

I don't see why CS is so special. Yes, it's a very well-made mod, but so what? It requires no real skill like Q3 does (anyone opposing this has not played Q3 more than 15 min).
CS is also boring. You walk around a corner and die after one head shot because some lamer is camping at a window with a sniper rifle.
Another annoying thing is that the bullets from burst weapons spread way too much. I dunno if it's realistic or not, but I've heard that it was done just to favor HPW's.
And how fun is it to wait 10 min each time you've died?
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

Whats special about CS is that it takes skill to play. Q3 has all these weapons that have huge blast radius that you just point and shoot (and yes ive played Q3 a lot. i own the damn game) The only way CS would suck is that if you dont know how to play it. For those people who actually have good aim CS is easy.

P.S. i dont know if you knew this but if you get shot in the head... it really hurts. That might explain why you die in one hit. If you knew how to play CS then you would realize how cool it is.
heres a few tips:
1. when you turn corners, you dont walk out around the corner and then turn and shoot. you turn sideways, and then strafe out (jumping also helps)
2. Buy a Kevlar vest and a helmet when ever you can. If you dont have a vest than you die very easily no matter where you are shot. if you dont have a helmet and you get shot in the head with any gun, your dead. if you have a helmet then you can withstand damage to the head.
3. Use smoke gernades, flashbangs, and high explosive gernades. if you dont know how to use these then your entering a world of shit.
4. Practice. Counter strike actually requires some skill so if you want to fully enjoy it you might have to play it a little and get good at it.
If you dont want take the time to get some skill then go play Quake 3 where no skill is required.
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

>Whats special about CS is that
>it takes skill to play.

I just explained why Q3 requires way more skill than CS.

> Q3 has all these
>weapons that have huge blast
>radius that you just point
>and shoot (and yes ive
>played Q3 a lot.
>i own the damn game)

It takes immense skill to master a weapon such as the railgun (and you have to do that to be good at quake). Also, using the rocket launcher is very difficult to do well. It's not just point and shoot in the general direction of the opponent. You have to time the rockets perfectly because everyone is moving (and fast, unlike CS). You can predict someone coming around a corner and fire a rocket there. And you can do rocket jumps.

> The only way CS
>would suck is that if
>you dont know how to
>play it. For those
>people who actually have good
>aim CS is easy.

It's much easier to aim in CS than in Q3 because it's so slow.

>P.S. i dont know if
>you knew this but if
>you get shot in the
>head... it really hurts.
>That might explain why you
>die in one hit.
>If you knew how to
>play CS then you would
>realize how cool it is.

It's realistic, yes. But that doesn't mean it's fun.

>heres a few tips:
>1. when you turn corners, you
>dont walk out around the
>corner and then turn and
>shoot. you turn sideways,
>and then strafe out (jumping
>also helps)

wow, big surprise. You can use the strafe key...
Does everyone here know what strafejumping is in quake (no, it's not jumping sideways)

>2. Buy a Kevlar vest
>and a helmet when ever
>you can. If you
>dont have a vest
>than you die very easily
>no matter where you are
>shot. if you dont
>have a helmet and you
>get shot in the head
>with any gun, your dead.
> if you have a
>helmet then you can withstand
>damage to the head.
>3. Use smoke gernades, flashbangs,
>and high explosive gernades.
>if you dont know how
>to use these then your
>entering a world of shit.

>4. Practice. Counter strike
>actually requires some skill so
>if you want to fully
>enjoy it you might have
>to play it a little
>and get good at it.

It takes years of practice to be good at quake. Just watch some demos of real good players.

>If you dont want take the
>time to get some skill
>then go play Quake 3
>where no skill is required.

RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

Your telling me the rocket launcher and the BFG take skill to use? The only cool part of quake 3 was the railgun, and it wasnt so hard to master. all you have to do is hit someone with it. one hit and the enemy is dead. i should know because i own quake 3 and i have played it a lot. it took be about 5 days to beat every level on the hardest difficulty.
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

>Your telling me the rocket launcher
>and the BFG take skill
>to use?
Did you see me say BFG? I agree that the BFG is quite shitty because it's so superior to other weapons.
The Rocket Launcher however, really does take skill to master.

>only cool part of quake
>3 was the railgun, and
>it wasnt so hard to
>master. all you have
>to do is hit someone
>with it. one hit
>and the enemy is dead.
If the guy hasn't picked up any extra health or armor, which most players usually do. In a normal 1v1, you need usually 3 rails to kill.

> i should know because
>i own quake 3 and
>i have played it a
>lot. it took be
>about 5 days to beat
>every level on the hardest

I seriously doubt that you, after playing Quake 3 for only 5 days, beat the whole single player on Nightmare.
Also, if bots are the only thing you play against, I'm not surprised you find it easy to rail since the bots run in straight lines and stand still.
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-00 AT 03:55AM (GMT)[p]Well answer this then. if quake3 is so great then why didnt all the pc game magazines said that it was. heres the review pcgamer gave to it. you decide:

"While 1999 will be remembered as the year that the world escaped a potential technological collapse, it was also the year that saw the very real fall of some major dynasties. The Chicago Bulls - winner of six NBA titles in the 1990s and clearly the hoops team of the decade - were staring at a 3-26 record just a week into the year 2000. The Dallas Cowboys, who took home three Super Bowl trophies over the course of the decade, limped into (and right out of) the playoffs with a .500 record. Oh, how the mighty had fallen.

Computer gaming has its dynasties, too, and one of the biggest of the 1990s was id Software. For almost the entire decade, id lorded over the realm of first-person shooters with an iron gauntlet: Wolfenstein 3D ushered in smoothly scrolling FPS action, Doom and Doom II took it to the next level with vastly improved graphics and gripping deathmatch combat, and Quake and Quake II almost single-handedly revolutionized multiplayer gaming over the Internet. And that's not all: an entire industry sprang up around id games, from gaming services to web sites to third-party software vendors.

Now the hotly anticipated Quake III Arena has finally arrived - and with it the end of the id dynasty might be in sight. Don't get the wrong idea: QIII takes the frantic, gory action millions crave and cranks it up several notches in terms of graphics and level design. On the right system, your jaw will drop at how fantastic things look and how fast and smoothly the action flows. But when all is said and done, QIII offers little more than Quake or Quake II did when it comes down to the nuts-and-bolts of gameplay - actually less, since its single-player game is little more than a practice mode for online competition. Compared to the rich depth of Tribes, the innovative multiplayer modes in Unreal Tournament, and the phenomenal single-player drama of Half-Life, QIII feels - I can't believe I'm saying this - a bit like a throwback. "
RE: DL CS OR I*LL....................

Obviously, these guys haven't played the game enough.

>Don't get
>the wrong idea: QIII takes
>the frantic, gory action millions
>crave and cranks it up
>several notches in terms of
>graphics and level design. On
>the right system, your jaw
>will drop at how fantastic
>things look and how fast
>and smoothly the action flows.

None of the real players care about the graphics in Q3. Only newbies play with Lightmap lighthing, high texture and geometry details.
Everyone wants high framerates and smooth gameplay, so they turn all the unnecessary details off. It's not the graphics that makes Q3 so popular, it's the near-perfect engine (as they've had the chance of developing it for 4 years now), and perfectly balanced weapons (well, not the BFG, but that one isn't very common).

>But when all is said
>and done, QIII offers little
>more than Quake or Quake
>II did when it comes
>down to the nuts-and-bolts of
>gameplay - actually less, since
>its single-player game is little
>more than a practice mode
>for online competition.

But that's already more than enough, because once you really get into it, you can play it for years. It doesn't get boring.