Anyway to turn in snowglobes after killing Jane?


A Smooth-Skin
Has anyone worked out how to keep receiving the 2k caps after House? Do you automatically recieve it now, or do you still need Jane?
Nope, or if you kill House or any of his robots (without the aid of console commands)
It is connected to the plot - Mr. House is probably one of the last few people (if not the last) who actually cares about the snowglobes. Killing him or getting on his bad side logically prevents you from selling those things to him. You cannot remove them from the inventory (that's for vanilla snowglobes, don't know about the DLC ones).

You can use the console though.

More info:
The DLC snowglobes transfer automatically.

Also, why would a patch change it? it's not a bug, it's the way they decided to make it.
Atomkilla said:
It is connected to the plot - Mr. House is probably one of the last few people (if not the last) who actually cares about the snowglobes. Killing him or getting on his bad side logically prevents you from selling those things to him. You cannot remove them from the inventory (that's for vanilla snowglobes, don't know about the DLC ones).

You can use the console though.

More info:

Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. That had not occurred to me.
The fact that they are stuck in your inventory without the use of console commands is still fairly irritating though.
Pretty much every quest item remains in your inventory if it is not removed during the quest itself.
Irritating, yes, but you get used to it (99% of those items are weightless).
Yeah, thankfully the the 125+ rocket toys are weightless. The Ghouls at the test site only take five. The only other way to get rid of them seems to be to give them to the Boomer children. Not sure if handing them toys filled with radio-active chemicals is going cause any ill effects in the game. I wasn't around long enough for it to matter.
I hope they fix that problem for Fallout 4. I absolutely hate having to scroll through tons of unusable, undroppable crap just because I decided to solve a quest without it.
Nave Senrag said:
I hope they fix that problem for Fallout 4. I absolutely hate having to scroll through tons of unusable, undroppable crap just because I decided to solve a quest without it.
Look at your hopes. Then look at Bethesda (just LOOK at Skyrim's organization). See those hopes happening.... EVER? No.

Unless some other company can wrestle the rights to Fallout AWAY from Bethesda, or by some freakish fluke they DON'T make Fallout 4 themselves, but let someone else do it (kinda like with New Vegas, but without them being Nazis like they were), you will never see any of these "may the next one NOT have the same problems" hopes come to light.