Apartment Nazi


Vault Senior Citizen
Date: 2008-12-19, 6:05PM PST
I am a born again Christian. Why is this a problem for people????! I have a house that's MINE and I PAID FOR IT. I also have a basement apartment for rent. It's a great space [and] I'm charging very little for it, $480 monthly, for the right tenant. I know it's ILLEGAL to require a Christian in the apartment, against the human rights. That's why I NEVER put this in my ad. Why then does it keep getting taken down?


Available Immediately – Broadway and Commercial – Showing Saturday and Sunday – Email for directions and additional information.

What kind of apartment is it?

* One bedroom basement apartment with separate entrance
* Tastefully decorated with modern décor
* Approximately 650 square feet
* There is even a window! Security bars installed for your safety and to prevent unauthorized activity
* Closed circuit camera installed for security and safety. One in your suite, one at the entrance, and one in the exercise yard


* $480.00 per month
* First month’s rent + ½ month security deposit due at move in
* Small pet allowed with approval and payment of additional ½ month pet damage deposit
* One year lease permitted, option to renew lease at end of the term with no increase in rent
* LANDLORD’S SPECIAL! Move in before January 1st and don’t pay for the remainder of December! That’s significant savings.

Included in the rent:

* Electricity
* Heat – Maintained at 21 degrees with lock box to prevent unauthorized tampering. Additional heating available for $20.00 per extra degree of heating per month. You may not use your oven to heat the apartment. If you do, you will be fined $50.00 per occurrence.
* Air conditioning – Maintained at 25 degrees during the summer with lock box to prevent extra cooling from being dispensed. Additional cooling for sale for $20.00 per degree of cooling requested per month.
* 25" Zenith color television set with basic cable service - INCLUDED IN RENT!
* Wireless internet (with content filter applied to block forbidden/immoral websites) - INCLUDED IN RENT!
* Provision of coin laundry services - You will have your own personal coin laundry washer and dryer machines. Washers and dryers are paid using a token system. Tokens can be purchased through the landlord. Washer tokens cost $4.15 each and dryer tokens cost $3.60 each. You are not allowed to use foreign currency or slugs in the washer and dryer. Violators will be fined $100.00 per infraction.

About us: (Landlords)
We are conservative, bible believing, God-fearing, born again, evangelical Christians. We interpret the bible literally in every way possible. We live a strict moral code and observe God’s laws in our everyday life. My wife stays at home and teaches our home-schooled children. I work as a pastor at a local congregation and am active in the faith community.

About you: (Tenant)

* You are employed
* You do not participate in lascivious deviant sexual behavior
* You do not choose alternative lifestyles as your lifestyle
* You do not have any criminal history
* You must have excellent character references
* You do not smoke, drink or take drugs. Mandatory drug screening required.

Additional Rules/Conditions:
CLEANLINESS: You are responsible for the cleanliness and orderliness of your apartment. Beds are to be made before leaving your suite, countertops must be wiped down, and you must remove all trash. Upon inspection, if the tenant's basement suite is not clean, the cost of cleaning services plus a fine of $100.00 will be levied.

LIGHTS: The lights in your basement suite and in the day room are not to be tampered with. If a light needs repair, report the condition to the Landlord.

WAKE-UP: Wake up will be at 5:30am each morning. All ceiling lights in the suite will be turned on automatically.

LIGHTS OUT: Ceiling lights in the suite will be turned off at 11:30pm.

CONTRABAND: The following items are considered contraband – alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, weapons, lock picking equipment. If any contraband is discovered to be in your possession, you will be subject to a minimum $1,000.00 fine. In addition, your items will be confiscated permanently. Second offense – you will be evicted without notice. A bailiff will escort you and your belongings off the premises. Your security deposit will not be returned.

SMOKING: The basement suite is non-smoking. Anyone in possession of tobacco products of any kind or any lighter or matches, will have their contraband items confiscated and will be fined $100.00.

INSPECTIONS: The Landlord will conduct unannounced inspections to ensure that these rules and regulations are being followed.

VISITATION: Visitation periods will be on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. All visitors and their vehicles are subject to search while on landlord property. Refusal to allow a search can result in their being barred from all future visitation privileges. All visitors must sign the Visitor's Log. Unauthorized visitors will be escorted from the property, and the tenant will be fined $250.00.

I.D. BRACELETS: Each tenant will be issued an I.D. bracelet with his/her photograph. It must be worn at all times. If you lose your I.D. bracelet or it is broken, you will be required to purchase a new one at the nominal cost of $5.00.

EXERCISE YARD: The tenant will have access to the exercise yard in the area to the back of the property for 2 hours per day from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The tenant is not allowed to bring any personal property to the exercise yard. Once the tenant leaves the exercise yard on a particular day, he or she may not return. No boisterous behavior is allowed in the exercise yard. There is no smoking allowed in the exercise yard. Minimum fine for exercise yard infractions is $50.00.

* Location: Broadway and Commercial
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


So I'm ziping around fur affinity, click their link of the day... found this.
* You are employed
* You do not participate in lascivious deviant sexual behavior
* You do not choose alternative lifestyles as your lifestyle
* You do not have any criminal history
* You must have excellent character references
* You do not smoke, drink or take drugs. Mandatory drug screening required.

Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail.

5:30 am wake up call. Guess that means no students either :P

This for real? Surely no landlord is that insane? Plenty of crazy ones about but actually insane? No one would want to live there... even if it does have a window!
WAKE-UP: Wake up will be at 5:30am each morning. All ceiling lights in the suite will be turned on automatically.

LIGHTS OUT: Ceiling lights in the suite will be turned off at 11:30pm.
Holy shit.

Funny how he thinks requiring people to be Christians is illegal, but fining people on your own authority and evicting them is legal, as well as invading your privacy.
what if the guy who wants to move in works from like 9pm to 4am...

guess he wouldnt want someone like that!

but yea, a posting like that... thats some backwards bullshit.
Sounds like a fucking prison.

Closed circuit TV cameras in the suite?

I wouldn't be surprised if the person who moved in wound up being ground into a fine paste and spread on bread the next morning.
Yaya, that made me smirk.

Those kind of people need to be shot on sight, would make the world a little better maybe.
$480.00 a month for 650 sq feet of space under the ground, living in someone else's home.

Yeah, just that is not going to get tenants. Renting out a room in your house goes for around $150 to $500 with utilities included and not even discussed about.
That price is pretty reasonable besides the extreme authotarian like rules.

But seriously, who the fuck is that dumb to sign up to something like that unless there a goddamn alterboy touching priest?
Pretty much everything in that ad is illegal.
Born again Christian? 'Fucked up Christian' sounds more like it.
You'd have to be a hardcore masochist to rent that room.
I think I'd rent it just so I could violate his terms and then take him to court for all he was worth when he tried to do something about it-- ESPECIALLY if I could hold out there for a couple months. I don't think your average lawyer would have too tough a time establishing intentional emotional damages/distress.
someone's a bit obsessed by power and control... seems only fitting he's a christian.
Wow, fuck all that, anyone living there should blow that place to smithereens from the ground upward and get those nutbars off the planet before they end up infecting anyone else with their stupidity.
If you are going to let a book controll your life it seems only reasonable that you will lash out at someone.
Hot dang, I love the automatic light controls. Talk about having someone else rule over your life. And nothing beats ID bracelets and limited visitation rights.

Sounds like a great place to live. Is the price really good for its location?
I know it's ILLEGAL to require a Christian in the apartment, against the human rights. That's why I NEVER put this in my ad. Why then does it keep getting taken down?
* You do not choose alternative lifestyles as your lifestyle

What's he talking about here, if he's not lifestyles alternative to his die-hard christian life-style.

Anyway, I don't know about Canada, but in Denmark a whole bunch of his rules would be illegal. I guess I'd consider moving in and not giving a shit about his rules. The first time he fined me, I'd drag his ass to court.

On the other hand, who wants to live with a guy like that, rules or no rules.
aenemic said:
someone's a bit obsessed by power and control... seems only fitting he's a christian.
How come the mods vatsed my reply, but left this equally obnoxious shit post here? It seems pretty odd that the mods ignore anti-Christian remarks.
Gentlemen said:
aenemic said:
someone's a bit obsessed by power and control... seems only fitting he's a christian.
How come the mods vatsed my reply, but left this equally obnoxious shit post here? It seems pretty odd that the mods ignore anti-Christian remarks.

it's not anti-christian. I only said it's fitting he's christian. there are some great christian people out there.