The Vault Dweller said:
How in the world could he possibly have defeated Kerghan [...]
As we all know: Kerghan is a sissy. The real challenge in Arcanum is Stingy Pete. He should have been the end boss, methinks.
MrBumble said:
He uses the trick to have infinite money from the blacksmith of Shrouded Hills. It might be considered as cheating right ?
It's an ingame glitch, mang. Everyone who plays Arcanum on a regular basis uses it. I don't consider it a real cheat. Plus: if I remember correctly, in the Fallout speedruns, glitches were used as well.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Next person to write Baulder's Gate gets banned.
I'll support that.
Meh. After watching the vid a couple of times (what friggin' language is that in, anyway, it's so confusing), I reckon I'd be able to do it in two or three minutes less than this guy. He makes a couple of mistakes, methinks, and wasting his first 3 minutes in Ristezze's shop using that ingame glitch
we all use, is just a waste of time (in a way). I can half that time with an easy manoeuvre, I reckon.
It is weird that he doesn't have any random encounters at all, though, and once he gets to the Void, the speed seems to have upped significantly, so I think he might have used some "cheats" along the way. But still: I love it. And I totally love Arcanum.
What software does one need to "videotape" a thing like this? And are there freeware versions of that software available on the interwebz? If so, I just might give it a shot. I'm pretty sure I can beat his 23 minutes.
No, I'm not kidding. I know Arcanum through and through.
Also: cody92, don't hijack this thread with <strike>baulders</strike> balder's gate speedruns et al. Okay?
Vault 13 said:
He SHOULD get banned alone for that nasty comment !
My thoughts exactly.