Are cat pictures funny anymore?

BN, that video brought a tear to my eye. haha.

LOL Cats are amusing. Sure, there are a shit ton of pictures that make me want to fracking sock the creator in the eye socket but then there are those that are just hilarious.




Ohh watch out for the Zombie kitties. They are spawned next to early model Subaru Legacy's!
Maphusio said:
Ohh watch out for the Zombie kitties. They are spawned next to early model Subaru Legacy's!

Ah, zombie kitties.... we need more of those and less of cats jumping of couches with stupid faces and them eating CHEEZBURGERZZZZ!
Gotta post it again

Best keyboard cat in the world

Brother None said:
Gotta post it again

Best keyboard cat in the world


Wow. Now that is quite impressive. :clap:

So now we need...

1. Zombie Cats
2. AND keyboard cats :wink:
I'll make a Keyboard cat video for your funeral kharn if you die before me(you will).
SuAside said:
they've been overly used and often not funny at all, but there are some gems out there...
Kilus said:
Cats get into funny poses and positions all the time so they will always funny. Adding text to images always been generally unfunny.
Yep. I generally prefer the ones without captions, especially since most of the captions is in 1337, which has become even more retarded over time. That said, some of the ones with captions or that have been turned into demotivators are the most hilarious ones. Like all memes, there is a lot of crap and a few good ones.

Radwaster said:
Cats, cats, cats...
Proof that America's Funniest Home Videos ruins good videos with horrible sound effects and that people are abusive assholes, even if that abuse can be hilarious.

The Dutch Ghost said:
I guess everyone's relation with pet cats is different, I really love mine.
They have never scratched me, other than accidentally out of playfulness, and the house feels quite empty when they are outside.
They make better pets when you declaw them (every cat I've ever had kneads me with it's claws) but loose a lot of their usefulness when you do so (also it's hardly a kind or humane thing to do to the animals).

Some of mine:
I love cats in all shapes and forms, so I tend to like cat-related memes. Except keyboard cat, that shit is awful.

I always found it bizarre, though, how the self-proclaimed heartless dregs of humanity who hang out at 4chan and elsewhere have a tremendous soft spot for cats, so much that cat pictures likely comprise the highest proportion of images posted there.
Brother None said:
Gotta post it again

Best keyboard cat in the world


Holly that was good stuff. Conan O'Brien used that clip during one of his funny/pointless Walker moments... Priceless.

It's too bad that EVERYONE cuts out Conan's response to these videos. Often times it proves more amusing than the clip itself.
Memes stop being funny when they leak out of 4chan. I remember when Caturday was still a /b/ thing years ago, a lot of those pictures came from those threads.
Brother None said:
Kilus said:
I'll make a Keyboard cat video for your funeral kharn if you die before me(you will).

No thanks.

I'll give a GOG coupon gift to the man who makes a keyboard cat out of the epically bad president self-destruct dialogue in Fallout 3. Or other Fallout 3 stupidities.
if the dialogue is on youtube, you can make one easily.

there is a site out there that allows you to enter any youtube vid and then it automatically adds keyboard cat. :)
I actually saw a book of these captioned cat pics in Borders. Some hack is actually trying to make money off that crap.

I have to admit though, some are pretty funny.