Are Food Perks Worth It?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I'm talking about Them's Good Eating, Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger, Tribal Wisdom, and Old World Gourment. Are any of them worth taking?
Them's Good Eating and Old World Gourmet may be more useful that the rest but I've never used them. The food perks seem to be more for role-playing rather than providing tangible benefits.
I honestly never really used any of them.

I'm a bit of a 'must have all ze good perks' guy, probably from Fallout 2, so I up the levels to perks from 2 levels per perk, to 1.

I found combat and other perks more useful.
Them's Good Eating nail it.

Very useful in Dead Money or if you´re like me and don´t like to spend A SINGLE STIMPAK.

you also can pick any of them for roleplay purposes. You can´t be a tribal without Tribal Wisdom, can you?
Them's Good Eating nail it.

Very useful in Dead Money or if you´re like me and don´t like to spend A SINGLE STIMPAK.

you also can pick any of them for roleplay purposes. You can´t be a tribal without Tribal Wisdom, can you?

Yeah, Thems good Eating is a VERY amazing perk.
I'm talking about Them's Good Eating, Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger, Tribal Wisdom, and Old World Gourment. Are any of them worth taking?

The game throws a massive amount of stims and other healing items at you. So I would say no. Even bog standard gecko and dog steaks heal ridiculous amounts of hp with a decent survival skill.
You can always just sell the Thin Red Paste and Blood Sausages, so sure.