Are they tring to reinvent the Golden Axe?


Night Watchman
Staff member
One of my favourite childhood games (Turtle Village rocked!) , albeit also the one the memories of which are most tainted in my mind, I heard (and this thread reminded me of it) that it's going to have a remake.

Now, the screenies or previews are too hard for me to find on google (meaning they're not on the first page :P) so I ax (pun intended!) you: Have you heard of this? What is your take? Are they making a game true to its roots, but with next-gen graphics and gameplay?

Oh my gawd. I remember playing that in the arcades!!!11

I hope they redo it. It was awesome.
It's for XBox 360 and PS3, Stag.

Silencer's linked thread shows the port, already released. Which is just a port.

The NextGen version, well...

nuff said
Vault 69er said:
Some sites have this listed as an RPG. :irked:
I would not object if someone made a good RPG out of that, though. Might have been good for cosmic balance.
I don't think Golden Axe would make a good RPG, that'd be like making a Streets of Rage RPG. It's not what the franchise did well.

It's supposed to be an action game with RPG elements, tho'. I'm guessing it'll play like Diablo with monster-racing elements?
Dude, it's got a <s>knight </s> barbarian riding a <s>horse</s> turtle killing things. Of course it would have done well as an fantasy RPG franchise.
So I guess they're going for some hybrid RPG type thing, like Alien Syndrome on the PSP?

[old fogey mode]Why must everything have elements of everything else these days? A couple of games like that, okay. But I miss the days when beat-em-ups were beat-em-ups, when shoot-em-ups were shoot-em-ups and when RPGs were RPGs! Mindless arcade blasting is what Alien Syndrome was about, and arcade bopping and bashing is what Golden Axe was about![/old fogey mode]
The transition from beat 'em up to hack and slash isn't too odd of one, though the gameplay is a bit different. It's fairly logical, for Golden Axe.