Are you ready to die?

generalissimofurioso said:
Driving a rocket car down the Autobahn until I hit a sharp turn or get bored and swerve into the opposite lane.

I'm tempted to switch mine now...

I'd like to die falling out of a plane at an extremely tall hight over some scenic terrain. The death would probably be painless and I would get one awesome ride on the way down.

The Vault Dweller
Troussardi (designer) died in a ferrari. Not a bad way to go. I wouldn't mind dying in a Veyron.
In a giant space shuttle after saving the world and defeating the Evil Vorlon Empire.

Or, riding a fighter-jet and exploding.
Pope Viper said:
I'm going to sell my soul to Satan and become immortal.

souls like yours go a dime a dozen. youll get 2-3 years over your expected lifetime, thats it! face it!
Prosper said:
The question is as follows: How do you wish to die?

I am going to die a virgin because my girlfriend is in the afterlife.
But i guess that's not really how i am going to die... hm. i will probably accidentally fall off a 10 story building.

I dunno, by blowing myself ip with a nuke and taking a whole city with me?

But I prefer not to die :P
Stick an usb stick in my ass and let it download the content of my soul. No one would be able to execute it
KingAlex said:
I dunno, by blowing myself ip with a nuke and taking a whole city with me?

Hmm. Have you ever considered a career in terrorism? Wicked benefits. :)
maximaz said:
KingAlex said:
I dunno, by blowing myself ip with a nuke and taking a whole city with me?

Hmm. Have you ever considered a career in terrorism? Wicked benefits. :)

Yeah, nothing like 70 angels for all your kinky kinky desires!
TwinkieGorilla said:
i want to die fucking a stripper on a bed of cocaine and syringes whilst onstage as lead guitarist for Dokken, all while playing the baddest solo you've ever heard. i want my dying breath to be represented by the extended sustain of a major E chord, signifying the end of the solo...and my life.
This, except Motörhead instead of Dokken.
The Vault Dweller said:
I'd like to die falling out of a plane at an extremely tall hight over some scenic terrain. The death would probably be painless and I would get one awesome ride on the way down.

you know, in all seriousness *bows head, folds hands* i think about this every time i get on a plane. i've always thought about the fact that...someday, we'll all die and since that is the irrefutable case, why not die in an epic way? i've always wondered...on top of this first thought, what it would be like to experience a plane crash and/or be in said plane.

EDIT: it's not that i like "Dokken", because i don't. but any debaucherous hair metal band from the 80's will do just fine. motorhead are actually good, so that's not as on point.
i want to die ....and become a Nosferatu.Then i would suck the blood of the innocence until armageddon has arrived !
Wooz said:
Silly mortal, painters never die.
So I shall live forever thanks to my Warhammer efforts? Praise be!

I will die a long time from now due to alcohol poisoning while fucking a hooker in Vegas. Either that, or get eaten alive by bees.
How am I going to die? My god, that's like the last thing I'll be doing in my entire life. I am busy with a lot of other things right now. Tell you when I get there.