Stag said:
Australia is dumb as shit. I don't need a map to tell me they're dumb as shit, I have anecdotal evidence. Besides which, everyone knows Australians are dumb as shit.
<<< Australian. The Australian government is dumb as shit, rather than the people (Although to be fair, i think most of this country is populated by fucking ignorants, hence why this government is in power to begin with.)
One of the attorney generals is a 60 year old idiot with self righteousness pouring out his ass and hes blocking the R18+ Games bill because he does not agree with violent games, but is apparently fine with shit like SAW.
Our telecommunications minister is insisting on installing a mandatory firewall to "Protect the children", despite the massive fucking technical difficulties the project is having.
The main reason these fuckwits say in power is because the masses in the city's see them pumping water from the agricultural area's of the country and giving it to the city's so they can water their lawns. Give it about 15 years and we're going to be importing all of food from overseas, mark my words.
Ah hell, i just spent the post agreeing with you. In summary, yeah, this country is mostly populated by jackass's, but don't lump us all under the one flag = /
Edit: Oh, anecdotal evidence is not worth shit either.
I Have anecdotal evidence that elephants turn purple and frequently fly without assistance.
Edit2: For the topic at hand, im fairly sure our rating board are schizophrenic, because the games they ban vary so much in content its impossible to tell where they stepped over the very wonky line.
A title we're all familiar with, Fallout 3, was banned here because you could acquire Morphine (I think its Med-x on the international release), which was depicted as aiding the player in a positive manner and promoting drugs, as well as showing the injection.
Allright, cool. We know the standards. Little later, Farcry2 comes out. Not only does Farcry2 depict injections with said morphine, you can EUTHANIZE people with it and the game contains executions. This got through without a hitch and was slapped with MA15+. And the government wonders why we have the highest piracy numbers of any country.