Australian classification verdict: It's all junk!

Ol' Bag said:
Incidentally, how did Fallout handle chem addiction, gameplay wise?

Stat and skill decrease; some of them permanent, if I recall correctly.
Not exactly permanent. They have mid-term ill effects which fade out in the long term.

Addiction only makes you stuck in the mid-term down until the addiction is cured, IIRC.
What is this nonsense ?

Did they ban Bioshock too, then ?

Kids, using drugs will give you ability to kill swimmers by shooting bolts of lightning into water from your hands, like Emperor Palpatine !
i wonder if they would have banned it if it had a postive message towards drugs?

if say you got addicted, lost your job, wife, kids, car, home, family pet, became disowned, impotent, toothless and "acquired" aids would they not then see it as a positive lesson to the "innocent" knife-wielding dumbed down little people that we call kids nowadays?

just a thought.
This is so awesome.

As long as it doesn't propagate that whole pre-teen-hype-because-something-was-once-banned effect when they do release an acceptable version.

"Wow this game must be so extreme, that is why they banned it in Australia. I just have to have it cause I want to stick it to the Man."

Fallout wise this game is pretty neutered and tame.
I'm almost sure Bethesda knew this would happen all along and they did it intentionally. If they're good at something that's marketing. And I won't believe it they didn't know using real word drugs would cause the game to be banned in Australia.
In the end it will work just fine for them... they'll just modify the content for Australia, if they don't already had it done before any of this was known and they'll benefit greatly from the publicity anywhere on the globe.

Also, I think they really did mean "proscribed." No need for the (sic).
Per said:
incircles said:
Also, I think they really did mean "proscribed." No need for the (sic).

It said "proscibed", though.

pro·scribe (prō-skrīb') pronunciation
tr.v., -scribed, -scrib·ing, -scribes.

1. To denounce or condemn.
2. To prohibit; forbid. See synonyms at forbid.
Just what this stand-alone Oblivion mod needs, more publicity.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least that this is exactly what Bethesda wanted: Free advertising. If it was free that is...
It's kind of sad to know that the gaming industry and mainly the Australian gamers have such a tight ass government agency classifying their games...

It gets me thinking how I will feel if in Portugal this ever happens. It would be like going back more than 34 years, when we had a Fascist regime ruling the country and censoring everything they thought was inappropriate or that could disrupt "normal" behavior!

But I guess that nowadays we see a lot of things happening that even tough I'm almost sure that time is moving forward, it sure feels like if it's moving backward!
Briosafreak said:
You really didn't play much of the classic games, that's pretty clear.

Look how wrong you are: I played the first game 5 times all the way through, I just never used any in-game drugs (at least to the point of addiction, except the Rad-Away "accident" in F2), or made any melee-only characters. I did kill a kid once, though! Way to not answer my question, BTW :|

Wooz said:
Stat and skill decrease; some of them permanent, if I recall correctly.

Was that so hard, Brios? Thanks Wooz, it would seem I made the right decision. Users are losers!