Don't buy a new car if you are in college. The value of the car drops big time soon as you leave the market. You don't know where you are going or if you need a car. Plus you will probably need something with a hatch or sizeable trunk for you to carry your shit because moving is a pain in the ass.
Go with a used foreign car with a stick shift. My first car was a Ford hand me down, which I sold for a few hundred bucks. Then a Honda Accord that I totalled. Next car was a Honda Accord- which was also totalled. Next car was Nissan 200SX that was pretty sweet and I drove that into the ground. Currently I have a Honda Civic.
You want a car that will hold value, that you can sell and get most of your money back, that won't break down, and that can last you maybe 300K miles. Plus a stick.
Don't buy a new car if you are in college. The value of the car drops big time soon as you leave the market. You don't know where you are going or if you need a car. Plus you will probably need something with a hatch or sizeable trunk for you to carry your shit because moving is a pain in the ass.
Go with a used foreign car with a stick shift. My first car was a Ford hand me down, which I sold for a few hundred bucks. Then a Honda Accord that I totalled. Next car was a Honda Accord- which was also totalled. Next car was Nissan 200SX that was pretty sweet and I drove that into the ground. Currently I have a Honda Civic.
You want a car that will hold value, that you can sell and get most of your money back, that won't break down, and that can last you maybe 300K miles. Plus a stick.