Axis of Evil...

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Go ahead and bitch about corporate life and capitalism here...while your at it I have quite the story...

Today at work I pick up the company's (Wal-Mart) propaganda magazine and look at one of the article's. Its about how has music on the site you can download for like 40 cents a song and that they've made it very user friendly through a deal with the dreaded Microsoft. Apparently after you agree to subscribe for music downloads Windows Media Player allows you to access the page in Windows Media player...thats can do business the world's two hugest corporations bent on world domination at once!

Any thoughts?

The Vault Dweller
I could recomend a few programs that are better for DLing music (for free, at that) but the mods dont allow it so I wont.
PsychoSniper, stop and think about that post. What is the point? Don't post for the sheer thrill of hitting the "Submit" button. You are correct, but still "I could, but I won't." is a meaningless post.

The_Vault_Dweller, have you ever read the book Jennifer Government? Another corporate-run future, but every corporation belongs to one of two rival conglomerates. So you have companies like Nike allied with the NRA (a mercenary company in this future). Perhaps this is the first step down such a road, 'eh?
Actualy, the author of that book has some website with a game where you can 'run' a nation, pretty fun for a few days.
What I love about Walmart is that things are so cheap.

What I hate about Walmart is that it's economies of scale allow it to wipe out small businesses, mostly sole proprietorships. Those folks are reduced to working at walmart where they are so underpaid that the only place they can actually buy their consumer goods is..... walmart.
Walmart can be the economic death for small towns, obliterating all the small businesses. The company knows this, yet they set up new stores in small towns anyway.

On a related note, the first time I ever entered a Walmart was about two months ago.
Has walmart gone international- become worldmart? (and thus bring with it the end of civilization?)
welsh said:
Has walmart gone international- become worldmart? (and thus bring with it the end of civilization?)
Well, they own one of the biggest supermarkets over here, so I'd say it's definitely on their agenda.
Actually in one of the latest pieces of news Wal-Mart has bought lots of small national chains that are keeping their names, but are by the Wal-Mart corp. One was in the United Kingdom, one was in Japan, as well as a few others...they are also re-tooling those company's to basically be Wal-Mart clones.

The Vault Dweller
i hate walmart and their stupid "super centers" arg they are soo huge that it takes an hour to get a box of shotgun shells. they only have 1/4 of the registers open at a time, so you have to spend a ton of time in line....... :wall:
bob_the_rambler said:
i hate walmart and their stupid "super centers" arg they are soo huge that it takes an hour to get a box of shotgun shells. they only have 1/4 of the registers open at a time, so you have to spend a ton of time in line....... :wall:

To think the store I work at is currently expanding to become one of those...theirs one in a town near me and I think its WAY too big and amazingly has the same number of people hired as my store.

The Vault Dweller
I actually learned this in a college class, in a textbook. "Wal-Martization" was the actual word used in the text and we even talked about it for a half-hour or so. It affects the local economy so much that (like Welsh said) all of the mom and pop places go under, and the only beneficiaries are, well, Wal-Mart and few punky high-school kids. They really do have good prices and good customer service as well. The bad thing is they sell so much stuff now(electronics dept. is friggin' huge now, lots of produce now, as well) that almost no new business can thrive within 5+ miles or so.
Eeek! They are killing off all the small businesses with better product availability, customer service, and a multitude of products. Instead of being happy with walmart for having such a broad range of products and great service you all seem to think they are evil. Shame on you all!!!!
Anyone who thrives extremely well in the shit-storm of life must be looked at as evil... life is pain.