Axis of Evil...

Who would ask questions when you get such a bargin on liver destroying beverages such as beer? I sure as hell wouldn't
At what point does a sucessful business become an evil conglomerate?
If a small business used the tactics Wal Mart does (bulk buying, diversification, low prices), they would be congratulated for good business sense. To condemn a giant for it seems somewhat hypocritical.
Not that I appreciate the idea of a global monopoly but the preachy attitude of most anti-monopolists (as evidenced by the title of this thread) gets on my nerves.
wal-mart sells for cheaper because they can afford to, the average mom and pop place cant stay open if they sell as cheap as wally world.
In the past six months my Wal-Mart has run into some serious problems...

Currently they have less people employed than they need to run the store and whats amazing is that they are trying to EXPAND it while their already short on workers for the store being normal sized.

It seems that some months back they suddenly gave a few older workers bad shifts and lowered their hours...a lot quit. Then they did the same to others...this occurred til half the people who had been their for years were gone and even now so people are complaining about having to work so hard that they are considering quitting also. I dont get it. Why would they treat their valued employee's so badly? Unless they WANTED them to quit...I heard with sales down due to the recession they need to cut costs to pay for the stores maybe the want to get rid of the old workers with all the raises?

In the Shadow of Capitalism,
The Vault Dweller
Here in Anchorage we have two Wal-marts that I know of. Thankfully, neither of them have become the world-ina-box type in the Lower 48, yet. They seem to have a kind of weird co-habitation with the Carrs/Safeway and Fred Meyer stores here. They sell food items and Wal-Mart seems to stick to mostly the stuff you find in Wal-Mart minus the fresh food.

On a perhaps scarier note, K-Mart up here has totally shut down as far as I know thus rendering Wal-Mart's arch rival mute. I never liked 'em anyway. - Colt