
Kotario said:
Papa_Viper, do you have relatives? You should attempt to guilt them into purchasing some of the baby accessories. "Look at the ultrasound pictures of your lovely little niece... Now, you know, it will be a shame we have to keep her on the floor, as we don't have a crib."

When my parents were buying furniture for a much younger me, they did it in third-world countries (quite a few custom-made pieces as well). Quite a bit cheaper than buying such items State-side. Find the right places and it could be just as good as well (at least for dressers and bookcases, don't think you could find a convertible crib).

OH yes, relatives have already been hit upon, as well as baby showers being planned for home (30+ guests), and work (20+ guests).

I make a decent wage (90K+), so dough isn't the problem, just rather staggering how expensive some of this stuff is.

My employees and I were talking today, and I'm thinking that once she (the daughter) is 16-17, we'll have a pool party for her and her friends. My guys and I will be upstairs, watching with binoculars.

bob_the_rambler said:
ooo dont worry by the time baby reaches 6 or 7 he will heve spent more on clothes and food and doctors bills than he makes in a year.
plus once your little girl reaches teenagerdom you will have to buy a car, popular clothes, money so that she can take out her looser boyfriend, money to pay her cell phone bills, gas money, graduation times 2. oooo you are in for the time of your life.

Good lord, you really know how to make me feel better, don't ya, Bob?

First car will be used, and if she wants to take loser boyfriends out, part time jobs will be available.
Pope, you're only at the beginning of your baby expenses. You're also going to have to cough up 250-350 a month to pay for daycare, insane amounts of doctor bills and medicine (because every baby today seems to be allergic of 1000+ things), and assortments of diapers, clothes, and other things that you'll most likely be throwing away or stacking in a closet after using it only one or two times.

My brother, who makes more money every month than my two parents combined, actually had to borrow money from me -his ten years younger brother- because the baby expenses turned out to be way higher than he had at first expected.

Oh yeah, Pope - don't be expecting to be able to afford a decent vacation for years to come, my man. Baby = the ultimate money pit.

*EDIT* Oh, and congrats :D Babies are the sweetest and most beautiful things in the world. And little girls too.
You're going to miss that when she turns into a money-hungry superficial 17-year old cheerleader slut, so enjoy it while it lasts!
Jebus said:
Pope, you're only at the beginning of your baby expenses. You're also going to have to cough up 250-350 a month to pay for daycare, insane amounts of doctor bills and medicine (because every baby today seems to be allergic of 1000+ things), and assortments of diapers, clothes, and other things that you'll most likely be throwing away or stacking in a closet after using it only one or two times.

My brother, who makes more money every month than my two parents combined, actually had to borrow money from me -his ten years younger brother- because the baby expenses turned out to be way higher than he had at first expected.

Oh yeah, Pope - don't be expecting to be able to afford a decent vacation for years to come, my man. Baby = the ultimate money pit.

*EDIT* Oh, and congrats :D Babies are the sweetest and most beautiful things in the world. And little girls too.
You're going to miss that when she turns into a money-hungry superficial 17-year old cheerleader slut, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Yea, I hear ya, we're avoiding the daycare thing since my wife is going to be home for a few years (at least). Clothes will hopefully not be TOO bad, as we've got friends who are giving us a ton of stuff, and there's always second hand stores.

Thanks for the congrats! I'm hoping when she's a 17 year old cheerleader slut she'll bring her friends over and maybe I'll get laid.

Pope_Viper said:
Thanks for the congrats! I'm hoping when she's a 17 year old cheerleader slut she'll bring her friends over and maybe I'll get laid.


Dude that is so an Orderite thing to say! :lol:

Congrats in any case. May her days be full of joy and health. And free of any contact with any other Orderites! :twisted:
Murdoch said:
Pope_Viper said:
Thanks for the congrats! I'm hoping when she's a 17 year old cheerleader slut she'll bring her friends over and maybe I'll get laid.


Dude that is so an Orderite thing to say! :lol:

Congrats in any case. May her days be full of joy and health. And free of any contact with any other Orderites! :twisted:

Hey, I have to live up to the treachery, debauchery and lack of morals that IS The Order. :P

I just hope she doesn't end up with someone like her dad... Gawd help her if so.
You know what's really scary? I'm starting to think that babies are okay.

Yeah, it's my girlfriend's fault.
Member of Khans said:
Yeah, forget about the gas money... when she's old enough to drive there won't be any gas left.

Oh, right. Gas is already more expensive in Germany.
In order to save money, do what my Father did. Ship her off to relatives in the Northern Caucases and never speak to her again.
Commissar Lauren said:
In order to save money, do what my Father did. Ship her off to relatives in the Northern Caucases and never speak to her again.

Hmmmmm. Now THAT's an idea.

Sad. Kid hasn't even been born yet, and I'm plotting her departure.

PsychoSniper said:
Pope_Viper said:
I just hope she doesn't end up with someone like her dad... Gawd help her if so.

Meh, make sure to get vidieo to sell on the net if she does :p

Now there's an idea. Wonder if I can get the wife to agree to that?
Children are strange, babies especially. I can't understand why you want one, but congratulations anyway.
Big T said:
Children are strange, babies especially. I can't understand why you want one, but congratulations anyway.

Hmmmmm. You know, I thought that myself, but as I get older (34+), I found out that I liked the idea that you'll have a being that gives you affection unequivocably, and you can teach and guide it.

Plus there's the whole extending the family line BS...
Thanks for the congrats! I'm hoping when she's a 17 year old cheerleader slut she'll bring her friends over and maybe I'll get laid.
By the time she's 17 you'll be too old to have a boner. Just ask Welsh, he's been there.
Colt said:
I thought we were your surrogate family line? Well, aside from Ratty for obvious reasons. :roll:

Of course you guys, are, but none of your are fruit from my loins.

Well... Ozrat may be, but we won't go there.