Bad movies you love?

I enjoyed Mystery Men quite a bit. Helped that I had a thing for Claire Forlani at the time.
This was the movie-fest I forced my daughter to endure for my last birthday:


She liked 'Last Dragon' and powered through 'Ice Pirates', but I lost her at the Chinese restaurant scene in 'Dead Heat'.

Does your daughter still talk to you? :postviper:

But seriously, I refuse to accept the fact that A Boy And His Dog is in any way shape or form comparable to Dark Star. Even as a crossover fan of John Carpenter, science fiction, comedy, and bad movies, I had to turn that shit off in the first half hour. This is the same guy who sat through the entirety of Birdemic.

If A Boy And His Dog is bad, then Logan's Run, Colossus, and Silent Running must be shit.

She gets free room, board, and high speed internet from me, so I still get a couple of texts and an occasional conversation throughout the year.

There was a movie I half remember from the 80s about a nuclear powered mega bus, which I think was called 'Cyclops'. I remember as a 5 or 6 year old kid watching it on over-the-air TV. Even at the time, I thought 'this is pretty bad.'
My own entry: Demonseed.

I liked that one. :D


Here's another. I remember this being quite scary when I was a kid.

I think the tagline was "Jaws on hooves". :D

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I think it hits all the beats to be a cult classic like 'The Room." So bad it's good.




Grow up Pwener. Clearly your monocle is not made of 14k Gold. I guess Crni does have a slight point since you are a youngster though. I should stop relating to youngsters.
Grow up Pwener. Clearly your monocle is not made of 14k Gold. I guess Crni does have a slight point since you are a youngster though. I should stop relating to youngsters.

Why does NMA hate everything I mildly find amusing? WHY?! Oh right, I have horrible taste. Never mind then.
Why does NMA hate everything I mildly find amusing? WHY?! Oh right, I have horrible taste. Never mind then.

Hate is going around these days.


28 Days Later might be called bad by some, but it is one of the best in the zombie genre.


This scene is the best part of the sequel.
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Some are just too bad... I did like Troll (1), (and how the dad's name was Harry Potter).

My own entry: Demonseed.

There is a chance, you might actually like this:

This here though, is kind of a classic in old Science Fiction movies:

Man so many half-bad-half-decent movies come back in my mind that I watched as a child ...

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No one mentioned the first Ugandi action film Who Killed Captain Alex? Just go look up the "amazing" action scenes and you'll be blown away by the special effects, should put Michael Bay to shame.
No one mentioned the first Ugandi action film Who Killed Captain Alex? Just go look up the "amazing" action scenes and you'll be blown away by the special effects, should put Michael Bay to shame.

Is this the one with the "Uganda Airforce" horrible photoshop? Now that's daring to dream.
Is this the one with the "Uganda Airforce" horrible photoshop? Now that's daring to dream.

You bet ya, I think my favorite part of it all is the random shit the narriator will say at anytime in the movie in the most broken african/english you can imagine.
Ohhhh man, I like a lot of bad movies. While some may also like the movies I like; my micro list is based off of how the majority feel about them.

Tremors is in my opinion a badass movie that is very well written and paced. The following movies opted to continue the ham fisted B style and I love them just the same. Let's be honest Burt Gummer is the man!

Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies by far, while the 2nd and 3rd are dumpster fires, the franchise has done very well being continued in CGI. Traitor of Mars was very good.