Vault Dweller

I decided to start this thread a couple of days ago when I felt I couldn't take it any more. Take what? The noise my neighbor makes; I live in a block of flats like many of you I suspect. Living here isn't all that bad but every once in a while some of the neighbors start giving me hell; it's not something personal or anything, it's just that some family just bought the apartment next to mine and before moving in they decided it needed some improvements... can't blame him for wanting to improve his living conditions now can I? The thing is that this guy (or the workers that are doing the job) just loves to use a drilling machine and has been doing so for the last month or so on a regular basis. Around 8 AM I get a real rude awakening, the start work and for about a week the worked in the room that is next to my bedroom. Now picture this: there you are catching some zees and dreaming of some hawt babe and her girlfriend fighting over who should go down on you first... in other words bliss; then, all of a sudden the drilling starts and you jump out of bed (literally) and the next thing you know is that you're in the bathroom wondering what awful sin you have committed in order to deserve such a cruel and unusual punishment. This became pretty much standard in the last month and I can't take it any more! FOr the love of God who needs that many holes anyway? what is this guy doing, tearing the walls down with just a drill and perseverance?
I mean I respect the right to make repairs or improvements to one's flat but enough is too much! Luckily I'm not home during the morning and afternoon but fear not for the second helping starts at 18:00 almost on the dot and lasts for about two hours... And to make things better the "show" goes on even in the week end, same rude awakening in the morning and it goes on and on during most of the afternoon. This weekend The noise was so great I swear I could have fired a shotgun in my room without anybody noticing. Now for the cherry on top of the cake: yesterday a pipe came out through the bathroom wall just above the crapper. It only came through about half and inch but it made quite a hole and it got plaster all over the bathroom. Good thing I wasn't on the john when it happened... Now if that doesn't just beat all I don't know what does! Having a neighbor like this just makes me want to own a gun...
So this was one of my stories involving bad neighbors. If you feel the urge to bitch about the shit your neighbors do to you this the thread so let it pour!

I mean I respect the right to make repairs or improvements to one's flat but enough is too much! Luckily I'm not home during the morning and afternoon but fear not for the second helping starts at 18:00 almost on the dot and lasts for about two hours... And to make things better the "show" goes on even in the week end, same rude awakening in the morning and it goes on and on during most of the afternoon. This weekend The noise was so great I swear I could have fired a shotgun in my room without anybody noticing. Now for the cherry on top of the cake: yesterday a pipe came out through the bathroom wall just above the crapper. It only came through about half and inch but it made quite a hole and it got plaster all over the bathroom. Good thing I wasn't on the john when it happened... Now if that doesn't just beat all I don't know what does! Having a neighbor like this just makes me want to own a gun...

So this was one of my stories involving bad neighbors. If you feel the urge to bitch about the shit your neighbors do to you this the thread so let it pour!