Searched but couldn't find an old thread on this topic to resurrect as I'd prefer.
So just thinking about this and posting ideas here. Some old, some new.
Balancing gameplay is something people have been trying to do for a long time it seems.
In my times playing, the beginning is always the toughest. For example: Trying to play different types of characters, I've died many times without ever getting out of the Temple. Searching for Smoke and fighting the little Geckos in Arroyo has been another frequent graveyard for me, along with getting mauled by Keeng Rat in Klamath. Several times I've been on the losing side of the Den gang war, or tried to take on Metzger too soon, but usually the next most common graveyard is somewhere between the Den and Vault City, ambushed and gunned down by a gang of Raiders.
Once you make it to V.C. it starts to get a little easier. Cassidy is really the first decent backup against armed opponents. You probably have a Combat leather jacket and a rifle or maybe SMG, and you don't have to try and see if you can run to the exit grid before your entire party is massacred. That seems to be the most balanced it ever gets. Building and equipping your party, and going back to take on those foes that were way too powerful before.
Anyway, everyone knows how the game goes from there. By the time you are ready to take the Tanker to the Enclave, none of the shopkeepers have enough money to buy the 40 Combat shotguns or 50 SMGs you have been collecting, and they have nothing to sell you that is any better than what you already have. Looking at game difficulty on a graph would be like starting at 10 and going to 1 down at a nearly straight angle from beginning to end.
So, what are some real ideas to solve the balance problem?
1. An ammo/damage mod, whether changing just ammo/weapon damage or modifying armor, it makes the game easier (or more difficult) at the start, and the same the rest of the way through. It doesn't change the balance any. The difficulty curve remains the same.
2. One of the incorporations in Megamod changes the amount of ammo available. Instead of picking up 20 shells, you are really only picking up 8 or 10. The idea being that you won't be able to accumulate 1000-1500 rounds of any ammo type. Downside is that all the containers on every map need to be changed for the numbers to show up correctly. And the upside is??? Maybe someone will actually need to buy ammo rather than being able to scavenge so much from fallen enemies.
3. Another idea is to scale the random encounter difficulty to match the level of the player. Not sure if this is even possible, but as somebody pointed out (sorry I can't remember who, so speak up if you remember this), "Wandering the wastelands, you are always going to run into weak enemies and powerful ones no matter what your skill level is" so it's not at all realistic.
4. Making every corpse 'non-lootable' would force the player to spend money all the time instead of only visiting shops to sell stuff. This would add more balance, but is even more unrealistic and ridiculous than the first idea. Making every corpse have lootable armor seems like it would work in reverse and unbalance the game even more, but you DO have to beat the enemy before taking their armor, so the prize is somewhat offset by the risk - same as lucking out and picking up that first SMG from the opponent who brought you down to 8HP with it.
5. What would it do to increase the cost of items in shops by some multiple? Could this be done without changing the formulas for how much they pay you for stuff you sell or trade? Other than the car, there are only three things I ever need to purchase: .223 pistol and Combat armor in NCR, (only because I'm not strong enough yet to go and survive where I can find them for free) and Power armor for the party members that don't already have a set that was found somewhere.
6. The car is also a major factor in the latter imbalance of the game, by zooming around the map and avoiding many encounters you would have on foot. First of all, it seems to me that it should cost 10x as much as it does, being as it's the only one in the known world. Secondly, it might be possible to make it run on the black fuel instead of energy cells, which would be much more difficult to find and more expensive when you did. "Car outta gas" would appear on the map more often, and force you to walk for fuel, (and maybe have to hope all that stuff is still in the trunk when you get back).

Balancing gameplay is something people have been trying to do for a long time it seems.
In my times playing, the beginning is always the toughest. For example: Trying to play different types of characters, I've died many times without ever getting out of the Temple. Searching for Smoke and fighting the little Geckos in Arroyo has been another frequent graveyard for me, along with getting mauled by Keeng Rat in Klamath. Several times I've been on the losing side of the Den gang war, or tried to take on Metzger too soon, but usually the next most common graveyard is somewhere between the Den and Vault City, ambushed and gunned down by a gang of Raiders.
Once you make it to V.C. it starts to get a little easier. Cassidy is really the first decent backup against armed opponents. You probably have a Combat leather jacket and a rifle or maybe SMG, and you don't have to try and see if you can run to the exit grid before your entire party is massacred. That seems to be the most balanced it ever gets. Building and equipping your party, and going back to take on those foes that were way too powerful before.
Anyway, everyone knows how the game goes from there. By the time you are ready to take the Tanker to the Enclave, none of the shopkeepers have enough money to buy the 40 Combat shotguns or 50 SMGs you have been collecting, and they have nothing to sell you that is any better than what you already have. Looking at game difficulty on a graph would be like starting at 10 and going to 1 down at a nearly straight angle from beginning to end.
So, what are some real ideas to solve the balance problem?
1. An ammo/damage mod, whether changing just ammo/weapon damage or modifying armor, it makes the game easier (or more difficult) at the start, and the same the rest of the way through. It doesn't change the balance any. The difficulty curve remains the same.
2. One of the incorporations in Megamod changes the amount of ammo available. Instead of picking up 20 shells, you are really only picking up 8 or 10. The idea being that you won't be able to accumulate 1000-1500 rounds of any ammo type. Downside is that all the containers on every map need to be changed for the numbers to show up correctly. And the upside is??? Maybe someone will actually need to buy ammo rather than being able to scavenge so much from fallen enemies.
3. Another idea is to scale the random encounter difficulty to match the level of the player. Not sure if this is even possible, but as somebody pointed out (sorry I can't remember who, so speak up if you remember this), "Wandering the wastelands, you are always going to run into weak enemies and powerful ones no matter what your skill level is" so it's not at all realistic.
4. Making every corpse 'non-lootable' would force the player to spend money all the time instead of only visiting shops to sell stuff. This would add more balance, but is even more unrealistic and ridiculous than the first idea. Making every corpse have lootable armor seems like it would work in reverse and unbalance the game even more, but you DO have to beat the enemy before taking their armor, so the prize is somewhat offset by the risk - same as lucking out and picking up that first SMG from the opponent who brought you down to 8HP with it.
5. What would it do to increase the cost of items in shops by some multiple? Could this be done without changing the formulas for how much they pay you for stuff you sell or trade? Other than the car, there are only three things I ever need to purchase: .223 pistol and Combat armor in NCR, (only because I'm not strong enough yet to go and survive where I can find them for free) and Power armor for the party members that don't already have a set that was found somewhere.
6. The car is also a major factor in the latter imbalance of the game, by zooming around the map and avoiding many encounters you would have on foot. First of all, it seems to me that it should cost 10x as much as it does, being as it's the only one in the known world. Secondly, it might be possible to make it run on the black fuel instead of energy cells, which would be much more difficult to find and more expensive when you did. "Car outta gas" would appear on the map more often, and force you to walk for fuel, (and maybe have to hope all that stuff is still in the trunk when you get back).