Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

TheWesDude said:people say "whats in a name" when really the answer is quite a lot.
if you are smart with an online alias, they cannot tie your wow alias to your facebook.
when they can, they can find out where you live.
and you know that one of those guys who wants to beat someone up IRL or such will actually take it too far and eventually someone will get killed.
its not a matter of how hard is it to find someone on facebook or such, its how EASY it is.
and the easier it becomes, the higher the actual danger to the participants.
Solution: Don't post your fucking address/phone number on Facebook. First name, last initial, state and a picture is more than enough to network with people. When you post your address on those sites, you're just begging to be robbed.
Or just don't be a fuckwad in-game or on the forums. Is that so hard?
Also, the people who "want to beat someone up IRL" are typically basement virgins or twelve year olds who do nothing but talk shit 24/7. Just laugh and move on.