BBC survey: countries take a look at each other


Still Mildly Glowing
Linky linky

Pretty interesting stuff. Russia seems to be looked at considerably more positively, which is weird because PUTIN IS MAKEING RUSSIA COMMNUIST!!11


also, britain likes russia the most of surveyed europeans, what the hell

post you bastards
What struck me as most apparent is how the Japanese have the worst self-image of the evaluated countries. Most other countries seem to see themselves in a predominantly positive light (Russia and China especially), while the Japanese apparently don't think highly of their contributions, even though the others love them.
DJ Slamák said:
What struck me as most apparent is how the Japanese have the worst self-image of the evaluated countries. Most other countries seem to see themselves in a predominantly positive light (Russia and China especially), while the Japanese apparently don't think highly of their contributions, even though the others love them.

No wonder the suicide rate is so high.

The Vault Dweller
Germany’s global image is the most positive of all countries evaluated in this survey. In 20 of the 22 tracking countries the most common view is that Germany’s influence in the world is “mainly positive,” while two countries view its influence as mainly negative. On average across all countries, a majority (56%) has a positive view of Germany’s influence in the world, while just 18 per cent have a negative view.

Yay. \o/

- just my two cents.

I also like russia and neighbours. Funny to see, that the US and A sucks so much in the view of nearly everybody.

It is also interesting to see, that nearly all countrys in the east are watched negative from the germans. I would say, this depends on the negative propaganda on the tv.
We're the untermenschen after all. How else could they see us, if not as thieves and drunkards?

Anyway, society worldwide is on it's knees right now, so I don't have a positive view on any country.

Or I might just be an ass.
I guess people are recovering from their Anti-Americanism of the last years and returning to their long-established apathy. I wouldn't call it an "improvement" in any sense of the word.

Also, everybody loves Germany. We should make a WW2 theme park for tourists.
Blast it all, Canada isn't even in there either...

What are we too damn neutral for people to do surveys on anymore?!?

You sir, are a cad...

At least Canada doesn't have sissy beer, and we don't complain about the cold until it hits -30C and under.
Mord_Sith said:
and we don't complain about the cold until it hits -30C and under.

Complain? -30C is good weather for shorts.

Also, I saw The Day After Tomorrow. You guys are fucked when the mega-ice age hits. Don't blame me, though. Tell Al Gore to stop inventing things, like the environment.
Ashmo said:
Also, everybody loves Germany. We should make a WW2 theme park for tourists.

Horst: [threatingly] We Germans aren't all smiles und sunshine.

Burns: [recoils in mock horror] Oooh, the Germans are mad at me. I'm so scared! Oooh, the Germans!
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Ashmo said:
Also, everybody loves Germany. We should make a WW2 theme park for tourists.

I can see it now...

All aboard the Rollercaust! :mrgreen:

Or getting freerides in this baby:

DJ Slamák said:
What struck me as most apparent is how the Japanese have the worst self-image of the evaluated countries.

Not really surprising. Ever hung out with Japanese people for a while? Damn but they've got some self-esteem issues (usually.) It's practically a cultural imperative to dowplay, in a very big way, your own achievements- or achievements of others you can tie yourself to, like that of your nation.

Re: U.S. image improving. Well.... This could mean that it actually IS getting better (doubtful with W and his wrecking crew in power) or perhaps the rest of the world's just getting a bit worse.

Or it could be like the brief suggests, and it's just international hope that the next president won't bomb the shit out of another random country for no good reason.
Or it could be like the brief suggests, and it's just international hope that the next president won't bomb the shit out of another random country for no good reason.

Heh, then expect America's rating to go into single digits if McCain is elected.
Oh, no doubt there. Course that's assuming his crazy ass doesn't end up using our weapons to the point that there's no rest of the world to be upset at us. Can you tell who I'm NOT voting for in November?
Moving Target said:
Oh, no doubt there. Course that's assuming his crazy ass doesn't end up using our weapons to the point that there's no rest of the world to be upset at us. Can you tell who I'm NOT voting for in November?

Well, a nuclear war might not be a bad idea.. Anyone up for sending a bill to congress about a nationally sponsored Vault program? :lol:


McCain - Batshit Insane [ wants to start ww3 ]
Obama - Muslim [ pastuer brainwashed him into hating America ]
Hillary - Corporate Ducky [ Collected $850,000 for shutting up about national healthcare, did not pass go. ]

Good Canditates:

Ron Paul - Watched Zeitgeist, agrees and wants to destroy Federal Reserve.
Ralph Nader - Attempted to run for President three times in a row, had his reputation deliberately destroyed by the media