BBC's plans for post-apocalyptic radio messages released


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
It seems the BBC had pre written scripts for what to put on the air in case of nuclear attacks back in the day, and these have now been made available to the public.

Sadly it seems we have to pay a symbolic sum to download the documents, but here is a little taste:

"This file contains documents detailing discussions between the BBC and various government departments on the use of a pre-recorded announcement in the case of a nuclear attack. A draft script urges members of the public to stay indoors to avoid radioactive fall-out, save water, ration food and turn off all gas and fuel supplies.

An issue of concern raised by the Ministry of Ports and Telecommunications was that an unfamiliar voice repeating the same message could lead listeners to suspect the BBC had been obliterated. It was felt that familiar voices were necessary to reassure people "the BBC is still there"."

Some images:

very neat indeed.

i'm tempted to pay those 3.5 pounds. convince me. :P

Luke said:
Hehe... "stopcock".
caught my eye immediately for some reason...
"Remember friends: DUCK and COVER!"

Reminds me of the old British "Made for TV" movie Threads. Go watch it on Google Video if you haven't already.
Reminds me a bit of a graphic novel by Stephen Briggs, IIRC, "When the wind blows".

Sue said:
i'm tempted to pay those 3.5 pounds. convince me.

Please do, and show 'em to us :P
Dopemine Cleric said:
Reminds me of the old British "Made for TV" movie Threads. Go watch it on Google Video if you haven't already.

I downloaded and watched this movie about a year ago. I still shiver when I think about it.