BBFC OKs Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The British Board of Film Classification has rated Fallout 3 18, with no edits, GamePolitics reports.<blockquote>That's the word from the British Board of Film Classification, which yesterday stamped the much-anticipated Bethesda title with an 18 rating, meaning that it can legally be sold to those of that age and older.</blockquote>Also.<blockquote>When submitted to the BBFC the linear elements within the work had a running time (eg cut scenes) of 56m 9s.</blockquote>Fallout 3 rating on BBFC.
Brother None said:
When submitted to the BBFC the linear elements within the work had a running time (eg cut scenes) of 56m 9s.
Wow. Am I right to say that's quite a lot?

What is the estimated gameplay time? Some demon in my head is whispering 20 hours (I seem to have read that somewhere but I'm probably fooling myself). And should be substract the linear elements from that time to figure out how long it'll take the average gamer to finish the game? 'Cause that would be less impressive, methinks. I can easily spend a whole week playing FO2 and still feel like I haven't done and seen everything there is to do and see.

EDIT: but only 11 minutes of real cinematics...
Average gametime if you want to wander about in that normal nonsensical TES way is 100 hours. Main quest can be finished in 20, I think.
I am guessing this would be a compilation of all the videos in the game. Including divergent parts or storyline. Meaning it would be 56 minutes including all of the helping megaton and all of the tenpenny towers stuff.

BTW: I want to say that Metal Gear Solid 4 had somewhere around 40 minutes of video footage, but can't check it at the moment.
Texas Renegade said:
BTW: I want to say that Metal Gear Solid 4 had somewhere around 40 minutes of video footage, but can't check it at the moment.
Uhh... I'm pretty sure it's more like 9 hours of cutscenes.
Brother None said:
Average gametime if you want to wander about in that normal nonsensical TES way is 100 hours. Main quest can be finished in 20, I think.

Bethesda has an internal 'speed run' contest for all of their games. The dev's sit down and try to finish it as fast as they can (of course, knowing every detail, every plot point, every location of every item etc.). Right now, the winner is at 1hr 46min I believe.

If you do nothing but the main quest (ignore all sidequests), I've heard both 10 and 20 hours. Completion of all sidequests can put it 100+, but you're probably better off doing them on multiple runthroughs rather than a marathon session.

Uhh... I'm pretty sure it's more like 9 hours of cutscenes.
That's conservative. I returned my copy after I played for 3 hours and only had about 40 minutes where I got to do something. I bought a game dammit, not a movie!
Phancypants said:
That's conservative. I returned my copy after I played for 3 hours and only had about 40 minutes where I got to do something. I bought a game dammit, not a movie!

That's how all Metal Gear Solid games are.

Though you must also realize that you missed the best parts that come at the later portions of the game.

Also Metal Gear Online is fun. (why more games don't implement cardboard boxes as a legitimate military tool is beyond me).
Phancypants said:
That's conservative. I returned my copy after I played for 3 hours and only had about 40 minutes where I got to do something. I bought a game dammit, not a movie!

I dislike that too to say the least. I lost all interest in Mass Effect because of that approach to game design. If I want to watch a movie I rent it or go to the cinema. Just like everybody else.
I bet these "NextGen" devs consider themselved the next undiscovered Spielberg / Lucas / Coppola, but that only shows how much money the industry is making and how can it all go in wrong direction.
Brilliant. It's good to see there shall be no cuts made to this game. Was slightly annoying playing without the children in Fallout 2, even if there was a patch to bring them back.

Classifying it as action bothers me too!
Adz said:
Classifying it as action bothers me too!

It shouldn't. These guys aren't genre specialists, they just look at what seems most prominent in the game. In their playthrough, the action was most prominent. They had no reason to try and avoid the action, so that's pretty natural.

So the action-label from BBFC doesn't mean all that much.
taag said:
I dislike that too to say the least. I lost all interest in Mass Effect because of that approach to game design. If I want to watch a movie I rent it or go to the cinema. Just like everybody else.
I bet these "NextGen" devs consider themselved the next undiscovered Spielberg / Lucas / Coppola, but that only shows how much money the industry is making and how can it all go in wrong direction.

I was happy to read in an interview that they've taken a 'show, don't tell' approach in Fallout 3. Don't give me a 20 minute cutscene while people discuss how horrible everything is. Toss me in the wasteland and let me see for myself!
It shouldn't. These guys aren't genre specialists

Good point and I suppose you're correct.

Still, looking at the gameplay videos it looks very actiony. I wonder if they'd have classified Fallout 1 and 2 as action too... It's a shame the BBFC didn't classify things back then so I can't go back and check.

I'm still happy that there are not cuts and the genre they've given doesn't bother me too much, just so long as they've come to that conclusion themselves and it's not the game makers that have submitted it for rating with that as the genre.
Phancypants said:
Brother None said:
Average gametime if you want to wander about in that normal nonsensical TES way is 100 hours. Main quest can be finished in 20, I think.

Bethesda has an internal 'speed run' contest for all of their games. The dev's sit down and try to finish it as fast as they can (of course, knowing every detail, every plot point, every location of every item etc.). Right now, the winner is at 1hr 46min I believe.

Mmh.. I wonder how long it would be if you subtract all the loading times (e. g. when entering a building...)
I suppose this is good, it that means the game has a lot of mature content.

But this can all be gore and curses, with no maturity in the quests \ npcs \ whatever.