best avatar competition-

Slithering Iguana muses..

w00t !!1

(Bit pointless to read the old posts on account of everyone having changed their avatars since. Make a new thread maybe?)
My avatar is an evolution of a webcam pic I took the last time I was drunk.


Kai's SuperGooed Pic:

From which I made this avatar:

Which evolved into this avatar:

Which evolved into this avatar with a roving pupil:

Which evolved into the one I'm using here.

Tools: Kai's SuperGoo 1.0, PhotoshopCS, and ImageReadyCS.
ExtremeRyno said:
So I'm voting for Dove's new one of Stan in his Goth phase...

That's great, except that's not Stan. I don't remember his name, but he was one of the actual goth kids from South Park. He was from the You Got Served episode. The one where Butters killed everybody (just about). I agree that it was a funny episode though.
ExtremeRyno said:
It's my face all smudged over like the cover for one of the Doom II expansion packs (in case no one knows the reference)....And it blinks! YAY!
really good work
Buxbaum666 said:
ExtremeRyno said:
It's my face all smudged over like the cover for one of the Doom II expansion packs (in case no one knows the reference)....And it blinks! YAY!
really good work

I agree, Ryno- nice. But hats off to you too Buxbaum.

Pipboy = spammer.

Lots of new avatars, and yes, lots of quite cool.
I think Per W00t should get an honorable mention because of his avatar is from Wasteland. I think it's from the apple version. Great game.

Rhyno you did a good job. :ok:
My avatar is your typical mummy that comes out of a tomb gate in Cairo's Museum to warn the player (...), which was taken from the adventure game "DAUGHTER OF THE SERPENT". I particularly liked the hand-signal the mummy does so I captured the image, removed the speech bubble, and voila...
My lizard's from the C64 version (not sure if they look a lot different). The "w00t" part is obviously a tribute to Will's G-man avatar, because it brings a smile to my face.
Mine is the best....well, because its me damnit!

EDIT: Its not really me, but its know what I mean.

Mohrg :twisted:
Mine was handmade... for a differnet forum. The transparency didn't work so I RGBed the sucker and made it look transparent. Got it off the ATI site, as a tip of brim to R420 and R423... (begins foaming at the mouth) WHICH STILL BEATS NV40 EVEN THOUGH IT HAS BETA DRIVERS!

EDIT: sorry about the rant, but the rabies is really shaking my noggin.