best avatar competition-

Ahh But I didnt make it myself, it was an audition test from NgInE when he wanted to join The Mutants Rising.

King of Creation youve just taped togheter a picture from otherones, not that its bad but its not originall.
Yeah but yours isn't as original as Wooz's, because yours has a recognizable figure, not original.

(this post is directed to KoC)
That's like saying snake's avatra isn't original because it contains a well-known reptile and a well-known radiation symbol.

I took a big picture of stuff, edited out Mr. T, resized it, photoshopped a burger king crown on him, and added my own text. You won't find that avatar anywhere else, it was custom made from scratch by me, as was snake's by him.
I believe what they are referring to is that your avatar (in both text and image) is capitalizing off an all-ready well known figure. While Snake's avatar doesn't bring a specific image or recognition to everyone, as Mr. T does, it’s a common object, but people have many different reactions to it.

I don't really care either way, people choose or make an image they like, it's simple as that.
Kotario said:
I believe what they are referring to is that your avatar (in both text and image) is capitalizing off an all-ready well known figure. While Snake's avatar doesn't bring a specific image or recognition to everyone, as Mr. T does, it’s a common object, but people have many different reactions to it.

I don't really care either way, people choose or make an image they like, it's simple as that.

In laymans terms, yes.
I took the picture of the Fallout Tactics ghoul, opened up Microsoft paint, added a radioactive symbol below HpA, Horsemen Of The Post Apocalypse clan for Fallout Tactics, and wrote ghoulz, yes, I know it is spell ghouls. I also wrote GOO between his legs, I think it's cool.
[HpA said:
|GHOUL|DWELLA|]I think it's cool.

All about [HpA]|GHOUL|DWELLA|
Interests: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics, Fallout:Brotherhood Of Steel, and other cool shit like that

You're a retard.
And your avatar sucks. :evil:
[HpA said:
|GHOUL|DWELLA|]Horsemen Of The Post Apocalypse clan for Fallout Tactics.
Considereing the UV is pretty much defunct (as far as I know) there is only one true Fallout clan left. And one based on Tactics wouldn't be a 'true' Fallout clan, would it?
Yup. Blade, that thing of yours comes from a techno music video

Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers...

Why don't you put one of your drawings in it ?

@KOC: It's funny how one may be able to spot the FO RPG fans out of the I-only-play-tactics-and-CS after three posts...
Touchy how?

I'm currently playing it, and I like it. Not as much as I like the original, but I like it.
Well, I did enjoy tactics. I was just beyond disappointed with certain aspects of it (ie: the ending!).
I consider myself a roleplayer, not a tactician in terms of gaming though.
My point is that I haven't seen any FO fan have a nick like "[[1337Hac]555000oRRRE]deathd00d[" , not to bash Tactics.

Played it twice, anyways.
Meh, it got an "ok" by me. The old, nothing but combat got boring real quick though. But what do fans expect? It has "Tactics" in the title. If only it could've had a better story though, much like FF Tactics. Now that was a classic. Anyhow, I think the thing that really pissed off people was that they thought it was going to be Fallout 3.