Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

RAID 0 is a block-level striped, non-redundant (R)AID setup.
im talking about early 90s... in one of my college classes we were going over networks and spent about half an hour going over raid and thats what it was back then. later it became striping and old raid 0 became jbod.
plus SCSI/fire wire raid compatible cards use pre-seek where it pre-spins up the drive before the pre-seek time and you access all the drives at the same time whereas SATA/IDE reads one drive at a time with the seek time added because it spins up the next drive as the previous block ended which is pre-fetch.
i may not be explaining it very well but there is a big difference.
RAID 0 is a block-level striped, non-redundant (R)AID setup.
im talking about early 90s... in one of my college classes we were going over networks and spent about half an hour going over raid and thats what it was back then. later it became striping and old raid 0 became jbod.
plus SCSI/fire wire raid compatible cards use pre-seek where it pre-spins up the drive before the pre-seek time and you access all the drives at the same time whereas SATA/IDE reads one drive at a time with the seek time added because it spins up the next drive as the previous block ended which is pre-fetch.
i may not be explaining it very well but there is a big difference.