Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicle


This one of course.
That thing looks so awesome! And the gun is sweeeet also :mrgreen:

It reminds me a bit to those things the Germans keept throwing around on the east front for some time

The gyrocopter doesn't need fuel.


Of course, in a zombie scenario, it might not be the best idea, since it doesn't really offer any protection while you're resting.

edit: also, if you're fat, you should probably go for the camel instead.
You can also land on a building with a solar powered airship.

But the gyro-copter does not come with a swinging nightclub and bar. That's what all the post-apoc chicks will dig. That and food.
Love that one above.

If I could find the fuel here is my vehicle of choice:


Ok it would be pretty hard to find the damn vehicle as well.