Best Threads of General Discussion 2005!

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
So a while ago I got an idea for a "Best threads of 2005". I thought I could do one each for The Order, General Discussion, and the Vats plus a "Best Noob of the Year". They would be polls that would be both reminiscent of the past and cause discussion about what was more funny/informative. There would be seperate threads for serious threads and funny threads. After telling Welsh who discussed it with the other important people he told me not to make a poll and just do one thread for all threads and not differentiate by funny/serious and to ditch the "Best Noob" thread.

So here are in my opinion the best threads of 2005 started or updated then. I also include the vats.

Best threads appear at the bottom in all caps.

Discuss and have another good laugh since many occurred so long ago they appear new to whoever reads them.

Best Threads of General Discussion 2005:

How do you think you will die?

Crazy Partners


Race Riots

Sovz reports from Romania

Nation-Specific Jokes

European Education System VS. American Ecucation System

Interesting Links. Luke: "I'm speechless."

Ask God

Racism from an "inane" source.

nOOb threatened with death has ironic name

Favorite liquid to decrease intelligence temporarily

Star Wars VS. Lord of the Rings or "Welsh's Epic Struggle"

Remap Europe!

John's way of helping the ultra-right-winger's to learn more about us.

Slavic ancestors?

Cookie Monster comes out of lurking to comment

Montez: "I was expecting a discussion about books - boy was I surprised!"

Great title wording by Welsh

Sexual Torture...was a discussion then a fetish thread

Strangest Sites + Dual of "The" Vault Dweller's

This happens every friday at most Orderite's living places

Snappy der Krokodil

Colt is Gordon Freeman in "To Destroy a Monitor"

<a href="">BEST THREAD OF 2005!
Ratty loses his virginity.</a>

Relationship Hilarity! or "TVD has no shame!"</a>

Thank you all for the fun. It took almost three hours to look over the forums, read threads, decide, and make this list. Now argue over what you think was best.

The Vault Dweller


The original best thread was "The Zombie Survival Guide", but as Kharn pointed out below that was from 2004...whoops!

*EDIT 2*

As Welsh pointed out "Relationship Hilarity" is a 2004 thread...ugh.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Zombie Survival Guide</a>

Yeah, except that that thread is from 2004.

Geeze, VD.
Good job, VD :D. I'm glad you included Cookie Monster's appearance, I forgot about that one.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Relationship Hilarity! or "TVD has no shame!"</a>

No bias at all for that choice.
So I just read the entire death of a monitor thread (which is more of a rats vs hamsters thread) and sadly reached the end before i saw the smashing of any monitors. Boooo i want a video!
Nope, at least no anymore. Not really sure if I was spreading the word of sheepishm at DAC or the Interplay forums before the big bang. Some might remember.

And that emoticon raping was a praise for Ratty's adventure to the unknown. No reason to be a dick about it.
Mary jane
That debate was epic and all-encompassing.

It was like Rebel in the Cross-posting thread, but less moronic and more organized.

The Vault Dweller
Heh. I forgot to update the monitor thread... Unfortuantely due to the winter weather (living in Alaska this means little daylight) I couldn't find a good time to destroy it and take good pictures. Eventually I had to toss it into the dumpster to make room but I assure you all, it exploded spectacularlynot to mention loudly when it slammed into the bottom of the metal dumpster. - Colt
Well, Colt, i'm disappointed. No posts since October and now your update is that you have no update. You could have tried posting someone else's broken computer photos.