May 2, 2018 #1 seanofsteel First time out of the vault I wanted to know what is the best way to get a ton of xp besides doing brotherhood, and minutemen quests.
I wanted to know what is the best way to get a ton of xp besides doing brotherhood, and minutemen quests.
May 2, 2018 #2 TheWhiskySix Drunken Monk early game (0-20): build FUCKTONS of wood fence poles/ clear out locations mid game (21-60): do quests/ go and kill shit late game (61+): do radiant quests or unfinished quests/ clear out the Gunners Plaza and Quincey repeatedly
early game (0-20): build FUCKTONS of wood fence poles/ clear out locations mid game (21-60): do quests/ go and kill shit late game (61+): do radiant quests or unfinished quests/ clear out the Gunners Plaza and Quincey repeatedly
May 2, 2018 #3 seanofsteel First time out of the vault Thanks this is very helpful cause I am trying to get all perks in the game and doing brotherhood quests don't give you enough xp after a while.
Thanks this is very helpful cause I am trying to get all perks in the game and doing brotherhood quests don't give you enough xp after a while.
May 2, 2018 #4 TheWhiskySix Drunken Monk yea I feel your pain man, leveling up after ~60+ gets to be a real bitch to do. have fun with fighting allota gunners man
yea I feel your pain man, leveling up after ~60+ gets to be a real bitch to do. have fun with fighting allota gunners man
May 2, 2018 #6 NMLevesque Commie Ghost Mods. Also some ridiculous combo of gear and drugs that boosts INT before doing any of the aforementioned options.
Mods. Also some ridiculous combo of gear and drugs that boosts INT before doing any of the aforementioned options.