Bethesda’s PR agency leaks Fallout 4 details ???

It is. It's over 9 months old and the original source admitted he was lying for shits and gigs.

But man, all the positive comments in the Reddit thread have me facepalming. Ahh the classic "I didn't like NV as much as FO3 because it didn't feel like Fallout" people. They never cease to make me want to punch my screen.
Well, for fo3 fanboys, fo3 is thier bible.
other Fallouts? they don't know anything about them.
woo1108 said:
Well, for fo3 fanboys, fo3 is thier bible.
other Fallouts? they don't know anything about them.

"I tried playing the original Fallout but I didn't know how to draw my gun and I got killed in that ant temple, where are the quest markers? I just couldn't get into it, sorry! :("
Actually, for many gamers, how to play RPG is just read walkthrough, read story and combat.

but RPG is actually, solving problem other features are just obstacles and tools to overcome them.

but what beth did in oblivion is adding walkthrough directly to game.
and the elements of RPG in beth's games died.

so what oblivion, fo3 and skyrim users enjoyed is just poor novel and poor shooter. so they don't know how to play RPG.
I think it would be impossible to have these people mandatory neutered to ensure that their genes will not be passed on to the next generation, continuing to dilute the gene pool.

I am still pissed that this is the majority of gamers for which almost all games are made and for which old games need to be re imagined as they would otherwise not appeal to them.

If only it were possible to wrest the Fallout IP away from Bethesda, isn't there something in some law book that can be used?
I think it's matter of crowd mind.
since fo3 is well sold, many people(possibly fanboys) though themselves is major so, their critic is always right and other minor group's opinion is wrong. to prove themselves are right, they need something like bible(ex:fo3, skyrim etc). but actually, they are not a fan. if they are a true fan, they can try older game to find out how this game have been improved(or degenerated) or accept criticize of game and critical thinking about his favorite game.
but fanboy don't. what they did is just like worshipping something not like loving something.