This would be true if Namco was the actual publisher of the game. Obviously, Bethesda is the one calling the shots here.maximaz said:How do you know what they affect as a publisher? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't developers only work on the actual game within preset guidelines? Don't publishers control everything that has to do with selling the game, including what's on the disc and what's sold separately?
If they decide that it's more profitable to sell it as a series of DLC, developers are not deciding shit, are they? Again, I may be wrong here but this is my understanding of their relationship.
I wouldn't mind that one bit if they never advertised I'd get content I didn't.maximaz said:Yes, actually there is a difference. If I paid $60 for a disc, I have bought its' contents. I should not have to pay for it twice.
How would you like it if you bought a DVD and you could not watch a few scenes unless you paid extra money?
Look, yet again, *this is all in your mind*. There is no practical difference, here. You are getting exactly all the content that is on the disc, and if you can write a program that can extract the content that cannot be played in the game then you can access that too. It's not like they're magically telling your PC not to read the bits that are on the disc.
I mean really, how is a release-day DLC where you download all the content different from one where the content doesn't need to be downloaded, other than how you feel about it?
Didn't they, really? The effort they spent on that part of the game is non-existent, because according to your feelings it falls within the original production cycle? Nonsense. Companies are free to decide when they spend how much effort on what part of their product. They also constantly cut things from games that have already been partially completed.maximaz said:Also, unless they spend extra time and resources on that extra content, I should not be charged for it. If it's on the disc, they obviously didn't do that.
Would you rather that the cut content never ever appears again, or that you have the option of picking it up?
So, did you just erase the existence of expansion packs from your memory or are you pretending they don't exist on purpose?draeke said:Agreed, hella quote btw. It seems like what a lot of newbs are missing here is DLC used to be free, just like patches.