Bethesda announcing next game today

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
If you're wondering why we haven't newsposted on Bethesda's upcoming game reveal, well, it's because it's their "gender-breaking" FPS project with Splash Damage, which I doubt is of interest to us. Still, Bethesda fans, keep your eyes open, I guess.
It's about time Transamerica got optioned for a video game. Would be awesome as an adventure game.
Black said:
So will we get news about their new fps or are you going to pass?

It will be mentioned, but that's it. We're not going to start covering The Elder Scrolls titles or other titles just because Bethesda produces them, here. This isn't a Bethesda fansite.
The reveal will be their attempt to make the shittiest game ever conceived by human kind while simultaneously having game reviewers and fans call it the best game ever created!
EnglishMuffin said:
The reveal will be their attempt to make the shittiest game ever conceived by human kind while simultaneously having game reviewers and fans call it the best game ever created!

Sounds promising to me. I like explosions.
Black said:
Good, I was afraid you're craving for news so DESPERATELY that you'll cover anything!
nah, that's just Mikael Grizzly... he'll do about anything with a pulse...

oh, wait, you didn't say what i think you did...
EnglishMuffin said:
The reveal will be their attempt to make the shittiest game ever conceived by human kind while simultaneously having game reviewers and fans call it the best game ever created!


Seriously, they are not going with the same bullshit about genrebreaking and stuff are they?
EnglishMuffin said:
The reveal will be their attempt to make the shittiest game ever conceived by human kind while simultaneously having game reviewers and fans call it the best game ever created!
Wait isn't this how EA works? Overall I found it meh.
Considering that it's splash damage that they're working with, we can expect yet another "pretty" game with very little polish and about 2 patches before it gets completely ignored for some newer more lucrative project.

business as usual for bethesda..
whirlingdervish said:
Considering that it's splash damage that they're working with, we can expect yet another "pretty" game with very little polish and about 2 patches before it gets completely ignored for some newer more lucrative project.

business as usual for bethesda..
Indeed it is. Except for the part of completely ignored. They only ignore it if it tanks. I mean, they only completely ignore it if it tanks. Otherwise they let the forums live on.
whirlingdervish said:
Considering that it's splash damage that they're working with, we can expect yet another "pretty" game with very little polish and about 2 patches before it gets completely ignored for some newer more lucrative project.

business as usual for bethesda..
Star Trek ... anyone ...

Bethesda shure has the real skill as either game developer of high quality RPGs or in outsourcing bought IPs to skilled masters of game developing ... wait a min ... thats not completely correct here, they also know how to aquire high quality voice acting, with lidle if any mistakes and professional acting.
Even with the teaser in front of me I can still meet this with a super gigantic "Who gives a fuck?"
I stopped caring at TES3 to be honest and that was even a passing interest at best.
How any one can get excited about a new FPS game is beyond me. They all do the exact same thing with a change of models and textures and some half baked story that has the player running through hallways and fields murdering people (and occasionally aliens) with the only excuse for this immorality as 'they are bad'. That's a bit of moral dissonance isn't it?