Bethesda answering community questions

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
From Bethesda's blog:<blockquote>So we’ve let the journalists do the talking through their articles, but now we’d like to field some of your questions. That’s right, Todd and Co. are going to be willing to talk about more than Batman and their favorite color. If you’ve got something you’re dying to know about Fallout 3, take your suggestion to the forums here. If you want to send them directly to us via the blog, that’s fine too.</blockquote>Link: Get Your Questions Ready! on BethBlog
Briosafreak said:
About to send you this.

As per usual, I newsposted it within a minute of Gstaff posting it. Well, I newsposted it 10 minutes before he posted it, according to our server's clock, but I doubt that's correct.
I wonder what could gotten have so terribly wrong if they did that about... 2 years ago. They could always have screwed it up either way... hmm...
Hey Bethesda, are you huge Fallout fans? I only ask because you really seem to be capturing the spirit of the originals!
Joe Kremlin said:
Hey Bethesda, are you huge Fallout fans? I only ask because you really seem to be capturing the spirit of the originals!

They became fans when they bought the license.
Let's get our act together and gather some real questions now, it's probably the only chance we have of getting anything out of Bethsoft.
Briosafreak said:
Let's get our act together and gather some real questions now, it's probably the only chance we have of getting anything out of Bethsoft.

Community interviews always tend to get messy, and they can easily ignore whatever question they want.

Still, if you have simple, clear, answerable questions to post, do post them on the Bethesda forums
I think it would be best if both BN and Ausir would step up to the plate for this. They both seem well received there.
Ausir makes the most sense because he has the best oversight of Fallout lore and the current Fallout 3 knowledge, so he'll be first to recognise when questions have already been answered or don't make sense.

Since blinzler invited me and Ausir, I guess we'll both step up. We'll see who else joins in, and then in a few weeks time we'll have a 20-question Q&A.
how did the BOS get East?

how did the muties get East?

why is The Enclave still around after getting completely nuked at the end of FO2?

why is DC still in such a state so many hundreds of years after the great war when out west NCR is rocking what basically approaches full scale civilization?

please tell me the nuke catapult was just a prototype the chinese were using to combat the power armor....

will stealth be limited to hiding in shadows or will the dress up in someone else's uniform style/lie like a motherfucker of stealth/deception be supported as it was in Fallout 1&2?

Killzig said:
how did the BOS get East? Play the game and see.

how did the muties get East? Play the game and see.

why is The Enclave still around after getting completely nuked at the end of FO2? Play the game and see.

why is DC still in such a state so many hundreds of years after the great war when out west NCR is rocking what basically approaches full scale civilization? Play the game and see, though it probably involve super mutants...

please tell me the nuke catapult was just a prototype the chinese were using to combat the power armor.... Play the game and see.

will stealth be limited to hiding in shadows or will the dress up in someone else's uniform style/lie like a motherfucker of stealth/deception be supported as it was in Fallout 1&2? GASP. This one they might answer


There, I have channeled Bethesda. I really doubt they're gonna answer most of those. They COULD answer them, but they're probably just going to say "ROFLSPOILERS NEXT QUESTION!"
Jiggly McNerdington said:
There, I have channeled Bethesda. I really doubt they're gonna answer most of those. They COULD answer them, but they're probably just going to say "ROFLSPOILERS NEXT QUESTION!"
that's pretty much what I expect, but you have more faith than I do if you think they're going to fill out the back story fully in the game.