Bethesda clarifies Fallout 4 speculation

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Pete Hines agrees that the "Fallout 4 in 2011" headline was jumping the gun a bit.<blockquote>"I’d call that jumping to conclusions, and then some," said Bethesda PR man Pete Hines in an e-mail to Edge.

In the report, Howard did say that he believed that the 10 years between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 was "a bit long," however.

To that, Hines said, "An accurate headline would probably be, 'Fallout 4 before 2018,' since that’s what he really said (10 years is too long)."</blockquote>
That suggests that they do plan to alternate between the TES franchise and the Fallout franchise so probably Fallout 4 in four to six years then?
I hope so.

I'm not sure I have the energy to see Fallout smacked around this much again within 3 years.
What does it really matter? In my mind Fallout died when BI got shut down.

BS is going to just do what they do best, make unimaginative games that will further erode the quality of both FO and TES.
Pope Viper said:
What does it really matter? In my mind Fallout died when BI got shut down.

BS is going to just do what they do best, make unimaginative games that will further erode the quality of both FO and TES.
Yeah, I'm going to try not to invest any time or energy in following Fallout 4 when it's announced as it's really not the best use of it.
It is such a sad thing to see something beloved like that going down the drain.

We know there will be a Fallout 4, 5, 6, expansions, spin offs, mobile phone games and so on if its up to Bethesda, that is pretty much how modern large publishers work; franchise, franchise, franchise.

What IP will they pick up next when the stream of money made on Fallout will start to diminish.
UncannyGarlic said:
Pope Viper said:
What does it really matter? In my mind Fallout died when BI got shut down.

BS is going to just do what they do best, make unimaginative games that will further erode the quality of both FO and TES.
Yeah, I'm going to try not to invest any time or energy in following Fallout 4 when it's announced as it's really not the best use of it.
Same here. Actually, I'm not reading most of Fallout 3 news.
The Dutch Ghost said:
We know there will be a Fallout 4, 5, 6, expansions, spin offs, mobile phone games and so on if its up to Bethesda, that is pretty much how modern large publishers work; franchise, franchise, franchise.
If we all cross are fingers and believe in fairies then maybe one of those spinoffs will be totally different from Fallout 3, 4, 5, 6. And they might totally wreck the gameplay by making the combat turn-based. To further ruin it, they would switch to an isometric engine and try to save money by substituting good writing for the shiny graphics that we all know really make a true Fallout game. And they won't even give it the attention it deserves and instead outsource it to a small-startup featuring mostly ex-Black Isle/Interplay developers.

The Dutch Ghost said:
What IP will they pick up next when the stream of money made on Fallout will start to diminish.
I just hope they sell the IP when Fallout dries up for Bethesda.
Best-case scenario is Bethesda outsourcing this to Obsidian instead of starting a second studio. That would be heavan already, even though the game would still likely be first-person real-time, at least it won't suck.

Sorrow said:
Same here. Actually, I'm not reading most of Fallout 3 news.

Me neither.
lol you guys are getting the whole thing wrong.

you see...Bethesda needs to release a new TES first, then a new Fallout. that takes around 8 years.

because they need a new TES engine for their Fallout games. this is ,afterall, a post apocalypse Oblivion to them.

brotha none! said:
Me neither.

and yet you always have new info about Fallout3 and Beth. :clap:
Best-case scenario is Bethesda outsourcing this to Obsidian instead of starting a second studio.

Hah, imagine all the complaints about Obsidian ruining Beth's franchise.
Ausir said:
Best-case scenario is Bethesda outsourcing this to Obsidian instead of starting a second studio.

best case scenario is that bethseda is making FO3 more appealing to the public so it brings Fallout back into the limlight of the manstream media and then it will work with ex-Black isle dev's to develop a real fallout game by remaking van buren using black isles ideas and wrting and bethseda's tech, PR and resources!

and valve comes in to help coordinate the dialogue scenes...then nintendo comes in and provides shigeru miyamoto to help them with diff't ideas........

and then.........Duke nukem forever will comes out ........

it could like totally happen
Funny how you all decided it's bad without even playing the game. You miss out on a lot of things the world has to offer with a narrow mind.

Anyways you should hope that Fallout has a lot of spinoffs. Maybe they'll release a Van Buren type isometric game for a handheld, like the PSP. Since they would have to recruit new people to support that number of simultaneous projects, I wouldn't count out them hiring some of the original Fallout developers as consultants or something.
sonicmerlin said:
Funny how you all decided it's bad without even playing the game. You miss out on a lot of things the world has to offer with a narrow mind.

Hmmm....I hear a record skipping over and over and over and over and over.

I stills got my old Fallouts. GM could give a fuck less about a new one in 4 years.
Hopefully there will be a doomsday on 2012, and then our civilization will rise again from the ashes. People who were called Gods come back on Earth and thanks to them we will build a better world to live in, without money, corruption and Bethesda Softworks.

The world will finally prosper, in peace without agony and fear.
sonicmerlin said:
I wouldn't count out them hiring some of the original Fallout developers as consultants or something.
They turned down at least one of them looking for employment there.