Bethesda has the best fan interaction *ever*

Mr. Teatime said:
Darque said:
Mr. Teatime said:
Fallout is something, perhaps unfortunately, I feel passionately about. I don't want to see the license raped, and that means I want turn based combat and 3/4 top down view.

I think I'm aware of that by now. ;)

Just don't get so caught up in being angry that you forget what the goal is, to convince Bethesda to be as close to what Fallout is meant to be as possible.

I don't think there's such a thing as compromise here. As a fan of FO, I've been screwed over and lied to by companies who are 'fans' of the license. My objective is to say as loudly as possible, this is how I want FO to be. Whether they listen and do it is another thing, but I am truly fed up with compromising, stuff like 'oh buy FOBOS it will help FO3' and other crap. Sorry, but i doubt Bethsoft were thinking of doing turn based isometric and then read my posts and go 'ooh no he's a bit rude, let's not do it'. I would love my cynicism to be proved wrong, I really would.

Well this talk of $5000 hookers got my attention.

But I agree with Teatime on this, and really, I think this is being fair to Bethesda.

Bethesda can look at this situation as a liability or an opportunity. Like it or not, they have a license of a game with a very loyal fan-base. Those fans can be an asset if they play their cards right. Simply, think about what the fans want and do it.

But when they bought into this game they also knew that this was one of the more critical and intelligent fan bases. If they don't like the heat, well, they shouldn't have bought the license.

THe fans have been screwed over in the past. That's part of the history that Bethesda bought. And Teatime is right, unless he does get vocal on his frustration and his rage about how much he wants fallout done right, then Bethesda will not be aware of the passions of players or their frustration.

So the ball falls back into Bethesda's court. Either they can play it smart and give the fans what they want.
Or they can fuck it up.

If they or SA want to give NMA shit, well, fuck 'em.

This is probably the leading fallout fan site out there. If Bethesda is smart and want to acknowledge the fans and make a product that the fans will be happy with, than they can post here and discuss their project and development.

But if they do than they, like every other developer, has to realize that we don't stick our tongues up their ass. We don't fanboy. If SA wants to do that, then they can reap the rewards and pay the consequences should Bethesda decide to shit all over them. This is a fan site and we support the fans.

Fallout fans have a right to be frustrated and voice those frustrations. I agree with Teatime, that to do otherwise is to start making compromises, and that will lead to disappointment.

Is it fair to Bethesda. Honestly, I'd like to see what they do the license and I hope they don't fuck it up. If that's there plans, well than they have been receiving a taste of our frustration. If not, well good for them. THe rule of business is simple- make the customer happy. ANd if they want respect than they have to publish a product of quality.
I'm not saying "don't be critical"
I'm not saying "don't be angry"
I'm not saying "don't be frustrated"
I'm not saying "don't give them intelligent feedback"
I'm not saying "don't juggle smurfs"
I'm not saying "don't feed a gremlin after midnight"


I'm just saying do get so fixated on the "venting anger and pain part" that the MORE IMPORTANT part of "telling them how to make the game the way the fans want it' is lost :)

You can do both, just don't forget the more important part :D
welsh said:
So the ball falls back into Bethesda's court. Either they can play it smart and give the fans what they want.
Or they can fuck it up.

If they or SA want to give NMA shit, well, fuck 'em.
Remember folks, it's the denizens of the Something Awful forums that were saying how we shouldn't complain about FO:BOS because gosh darned it, we hadn't played it yet!

Darque also has a valid point. Unfortunately, I don't believe internet forums are the best way of telling Bethesda what we want. It's the nature of the best they are. Well-written articles are an idea.
This is how Im going to approach it.

As a paranoid FO fan who doesnt trust any company, but on the otherhand, this isnt Interplay so they havent been proven to be complete fucktards YET.

Im going to ramain dubious, but give them the benifit of the doubt.
For now.

Once the Devs start actualy having stuff to say, then Ill start forming more of an opinion.
I would prefer to place judgement after there has been more information.

I however do wish to stress that NMA fans really do not take to kindly to "it was just speculation", or "we said this but we really meant that".

After seeing how Fallout has been screwed in the past, we are highly critical of what people say. Here at NMA either post concrete evidence or just say what should have been said in the first place, "we really have almost zero information on Fallout 3 and absolutely nothing is concrete and we would prefer not saying anything that might potentially alienate our primary fanbase".

Saying crap like, "turnbase and isometric is something we are not very good with", really does not inspire confidence.

PS: PR representatives must carefully analyze what they say lest it come back and bite them in the ass.
They should do this

A: if they have been limiting what that PR guy can say, recend said order and let him say the truth, theyre still doing concept stuff and are noware near ready to tell us shit

B: If he chose what he said, fire his ass and get someone competent.
J.E. Sawyer said:
My interests in life cover more than just Fallout.

Hey, J.E., last I heard you were out of a job after you quit from Interplay. So why don't you skedaddle off to Bethesda and get yourself hired on as lead dev or some other fancy position for Fallout 3. They'll hire you in an instant once you remind them that you can help them "borrow" the concept art and story ideas from Van Buren. You'll be making $100,000+ a year again, while us fanboys will get a decent Fallout 3. It's a win-win situation.
ratburger said:
J.E. Sawyer said:
My interests in life cover more than just Fallout.

Hey, J.E., last I heard you were out of a job after you quit from Interplay. So why don't you skedaddle off to Bethesda and get yourself hired on as lead dev or some other fancy position for Fallout 3. They'll hire you in an instant once you remind them that you can help them "borrow" the concept art and story ideas from Van Buren. You'll be making $100,000+ a year again, while us fanboys will get a decent Fallout 3. It's a win-win situation.

He's already employed :P
Darque said:
That's a lot of anger you have Teatime :)

Turn away from the darkside before you become all old and shrively :? :shock:
Funny for you to say so, with that avatar. :P