Bethesda never did ask Bill Clinton

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Apparently we're pretending this is news worth following up on now. From The Cut Scene.<blockquote>“Before they would pitch us on someone like Clinton, they may first go ask if he would do something like that,” says Pete Hines, Bethesda's vice president of public relations and marketing. “In no way, shape or form, did we say is President Clinton is who we want for this role or [tell Blindlight to] go chase him.”</blockquote>
"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not ask that man, Mister Clinton, to work with us. I never told anybody to ask him, not a single time; never. These allegations are false, and I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you."
I don't think Chapelsky said that Bethesda came to him and requested Bill Clinton as the voice actor for Eden in the first place. Isn't it unnecessary to release a statement that reads something like "We didn't do what he didn't say we did"? Even if it's just for the people who jumped to conclusions (looking at you, glittering gems of hatred), this is simply wasting time. Even more so since a lot of fans thought it was an überawesome idea of Bethesda.

Crni Vuk said:
I am somewhat confused. So did they asked him now or not ?

Chapelinsky's studio asked Clinton's people. Bethesda didn't ask for anything in particular, apparently.
Southpaws said:
Even if it's just for the people who jumped to conclusions (looking at you, glittering gems of hatred)y.

Uh, what? Assuming glittering gems is us, I'd like you to point out where we jumped to the conclusion that it was Bethesda who approached Bill Clinton.
*gets black box from earlier thread*

Brother None said:
That said, it would so fit Bethesda's MO. It makes no sense, he's not an actor or voice-actor and we have no reason to assume he could be up for the job. But it'd be SO COOL.

There is a distinct take-off to be read here. It might not have touched any ground nor is on a direct path, but it's rather safely traveling in mid-air over the general area of the conclusion. Also this quote virtually radiates with hatred.

I'm only kidding. And while there's no doubt that people might get me wrong because I and my opinions are unknown, I still kid around.

My earlier question is still open though. Was it a necessity of Bethesda to state that they "didn't do anything"?
Pah. I was just off mocking Bethesda's VO policies in general. And I think even the biggest fans would acknowledge that not all is right in Bethesdaland when it comes to VO.

Southpaws said:
My earlier question is still open though. Was it a necessity of Bethesda to state that they "didn't do anything"?

It isn't. Hence my remark in the newspost.
Regardless of whether or not it was a specific request (it would be strange if it was) it was still something which happened and Bethesda is ultimately responsible for it because they hired these morons to recruit voice talent for them. This is a step below Beth claiming that they are not responsible for quality of voice acting in the game (the piece missing is Beth checking off on it). It's all pretty stupid but note that Pete merely denies being responsible for the attempt to get Bill Clinton, not that they wouldn't have (or didn't have the desire to) used him if he had said yes. That question is one we'll never know the answer to.

All in all, this is pretty Beth-like PR, choosing something small, ridiculous, and pointless to correct and address rather than tackling the larger problems. When it comes down to it, no one really cares who they went after for voice acting, they care about the final product and the final product was pretty bad, or at least not good.
Beth sound get a better casting agency. I mean casting VO is easy these days, 1. Cast Grey DeLisle. Everything else follows that.