Bethesda: "No one can match us"

UncannyGarlic said:
TheWesDude said:
plus, they know what the limitations are for the xbrick, if they upgraded the engine and all the visuals, it wouldnt work for the xbox anymore and that is unacceptable.
That's not true at all, engines can be optimized greatly in order to provide higher quality content with the same hardware. It actually would be fine for them to use the same engine if they did significant optimization (which would require rewriting and replacing much of the legacy code).

thats your problem. why would they try to optimize their engine?

1) lots of bugs in morrowind were left unpatched, leaving the community to try to fix them

2) lots of bugs were left in oblivion because they were too busy working on DLC

3) lots of conversational problems were left in oblivion and even morrowind, left unfixed

4) graphical update from morrowind to oblivion may have been significant technically, it led to very poor actual graphics as put out by their art department

5) they design their games primarily on the xbox, a fixxed hardware configuration rather than a dynamic configuration

6) oblivion was very very horrible for the first month or 2 because of severe performance issues on the PC due to very very poor optimization in their engine

7) many upon many customers of FO3 experienced a CTD on exit which prompted the first patch within 2 weeks of it being released at microsofts insistence due to the number of reports they were getting

by no means is that exaustive, but do you really expect them to do any kind of optimization? hell, at this point even if they said they would optimize their engine, i wouldnt trust them to know how to.
Crni Vuk said:
I think even without tourn based combat this community would have welcome a new Fallout 3 with open arms if it had auctualy an well designed and thought out plot that is somewhat in its spirit close to Fallout 1/2.

Though what we got sounded like written for 12 year old gamers.

Agree 100% :clap: :clap: :clap:

So often NMA is demonized as "whining" and "old timers," etc...

The reality is, most people here, IMO, just want well made games.
I wish my customers were as enabling as the general game community is. I could just do shoddy work all day, not giving a damn, and my customers would just be grateful that I did something. Then "professionals" would come and, seeing the reaction of my customers, casually mention the poor workmanship in their reviews but give me 5 out of 5 stars anyway to ensure they keep their readership. I'd get a big fat raise and drive my Ferrari to work, and whenever presented with any concerns about my work I'd wave my hand and say, "Well, you can't please everybody."

What a wonderful world. (Except that I'd still try to do good work. Damn my scruples!)
TheWesDude said:
3) lots of conversational problems were left in oblivion and even morrowind, left unfixed
Yes some, oor quite a lot of the Oblivion bugs and glitches even found their way intoo Fallout 3 as well. Awesome ... also Fallout 3, even on very good PC worked as poor like Oblivion back when it was released.

TheWesDude said:
5) they design their games primarily on the xbox, a fixxed hardware configuration rather than a dynamic configuration
And still cant manage to even on the consoles release a mainly bug free game. The many complains on the official forum from X-Box and PS3 users shows that it still has quite some heavy issues. Not that Bethesda would be the only developer to release buged games. Quite many do today. But thats no excuse. Since there are also game developer which manage to release quite "bug free" games. Particularly on the consoles. So it definetly is possible.
The funniest thing is, when it comes to bugs in Beth's games, fans will usually:

1. Don't bother and start making mods to fix those problems for Bethesda (for free of course)

2. Report it at Beth's forums, saying "sorry for asking" which sometimes sounds like this "Sorry for saying that, I don't want to troll or anything. I love your games, all of them, and I think they're awesome and you're the best game developer on the globe! But I bought your last DLC on XBox, and it doesn't work..."

3. They ignore bugs and glitches, still giving the game 11/10.
I sometimes wonder if Bethesda intentionally leaves massive bugs in there so that patches can add an element of replayability. I mean, their plots have no depth, and their character design systems allow everyman characters to max out everything and become a jack of all trades, and their quest restriction to balance good and evil is incredibly lacking, but this way, they can come out with a patch, and it would almost be like a director's cut. "Play Oblivion The Way It Was Meant To Be Played. Unglitched. Unbroken. Uncensored."

...well, maybe not so much the last one. Still, give them credit for genius marketting.
TheWesDude said:
thats your problem. why would they try to optimize their engine?
by no means is that exaustive, but do you really expect them to do any kind of optimization? hell, at this point even if they said they would optimize their engine, i wouldnt trust them to know how to.
Who said that they were going to optimize their engine? I simply said that using the same engine can be fine if it's optimized, not that Bethesda does or would (because they don't and [likely] won't).
The main problem is despite the remarkable mediocrity of Bethesda games, they still sell well. Probably the utterly lack of concurrence in the genre. Can't remember any relatively recent RPG except "the witcher" and Bethesda ones. Except if one can consider Mass Effect as a RPG.
Not that I really classify Bethesda games as RPG neither, more as bad medieval/SF 1st person view GTA clones.
Zwolf said:
Not that I really classify Bethesda games as RPG neither, more as bad medieval 1st person view GTA clones.

fixed. Fallout is now officially fantasy. With the medieval Japanese armor and all . . . (OK, it's the 19th century but it was still feudalism down there)
can i just say that i fecking LOVE the "no one can match us" quote? every time i read this thread title i giggle a funny little giggle and think to myself "wow. now i finally understand how a gem like [Intelligence] So you fight the good fight on Galaxy News Radio with your voice?" made it in the game. that is exactly how these clowns talk in real life."

then i go "tee-hee!" and feel all warm inside. :D
actualy the time to lough though is long over when you think about that they want to do more Fallout games in the future as well you know ...
TwinkieStabllis said:
if we get something as amazing as the "so you say..." line then it will be totally fucking worth it.

Todd Howard: Fallout 4 will be awesome!

Beth's fan: [Intelligence] So you say Fallout 4 will be awesome, huh?

Todd Howard: Damn kid. You're smart.