Bethesda Q&A on Gamasutra

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Gamasutra released a Q&A with Pete Hines about Oblivion, Star Trek (which he understatedly admits is "not game of the year" quality) Fallout:<blockquote>Finally, when asked about Bethesda's highly anticipated resurrection of the classic Fallout post-apocalyptic role-playing franchise, Hines was obviously coy: “We are a fairly good ways into the process. The team has ramped up, and it will be a little while longer. As is the case with all of our games, especially those of this scope, we don't really want to talk about them until they are in a state where we can show you, rather than having you simply picturing it in your minds eye.”

He added, simply: “Fallout is not a quick two year process, and we are already several years into the project.”</blockquote>Hah, yes, I can see how it makes sense not to release info to quell the negative backlash the game is starting to grow...unless of course the info is negative, in which case you're our PR hero, Pete!

Link: Bethesda Q&A on Gamasutra

Thanks Briosafreak, CyanideRush.
The Dutch Ghost said:
So what is basically the status on the team, they are still trying to come up with ideas?

They're years into the project. I seriously doubt they're still coming up with ideas.
and we are already several years into the project.

Sounds good they've spent so much time on it and made sure everyone in the gaming world knows what it is going to be like with informative interviews, updates, concept art and screenshots. yep.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay stupid response, but what are they working on these days?
Erm..the game. There's not really anything more to it than that, no one really knows. Though they're probably done with the design and prototypes about now.
Yeah i can imagine them remaking oblivion heavy armor into fallout 3 power armor right now ...
I don't know about Oblivion as I did not follow the development of that game but if the developers are anything like the developers of Star Trek Legacy we get a very overhyped game from which promised features were cut in order to release it anywhere near the time it was supposed to be released, and be revealed to be only half complete in the first place.

Oh, and having controls originally planned for a control pad that can not be changed because that feature was never implemented.
The problem being that the hyping part failed miserably...

I wonder how they intend to sell it at all? Maybe they're still hoping for the console crowd to mistake it for a racing sim.
if all else fails, they'll simply market it as "Oblivion with guns!" on the consoles. i'm sure that'll get a decent audience. of course, there will be a severe backlash in the pc games section, but all publicity is good publicity, right?
Wow, after all these years he has finally concluded that the time is right to actually be able to say "we don't really want to talk about the game yet". That sure topples all our thoughts and gives us something fresh to speculate on.

I can picture info on the game being released just 1-2 days before the game ships. It wouldn't surprise me at all.