Bethesda retitled their forums

Mangler said:
You forget this is the rudest, nastiest downright insane'est bunch of fanatical fans on the 'net.

We will bring a war of words to their forum they will NEVER forget.

Beth' may not listen, but I'd bet we could twist a bunch of Oblivion-fans to our unique viewpoint. We can open their eyes to what Bethseda really has in store.

Where there is a will there is a way.


err... Are you really serious? You do realize that you sound like this "They better not mess with us or we'll argue with them over the internet!!"
This has to be teh lamest threat eVARRR.
And now seriously, all fans associated with fallout have said everything there is, was and would be said about what fallout 3 should and should not be like. All the information is there in forms of articles or community discussions here, at the codex or at DAC.
Do not be fooled, the guys at bethsoft have read enough of that info, and have given the picture about this. It's almost retarted to think that they have been in the dark for so long, and there's a chance to change everything now, when all the key elements of the game have been surely decided and implemented. Arguing the same exact issues which have been argued endlessly over the past 3 years since we found out bethsoft will develop the game will do NOTHING AT ALL, just like RPG Of The YEAR said. Those who think otherwize are won't face the music which have been going on for quite a while now. When bethsoft finally release the long awaited info about the game, we'll be able to see if giving them all the knowledge they needed have been fruitful or not.

(my highlights)

What kind of challenges have you faced developing for different platforms?

The 360 is our base platform, it's the easiest to develop for. The biggest challenge for the PC is that it's totally undefined. Even with DirectX 10 it's still a random amalgamation of graphics cards and RAM and processors. It's not a defined box, so it's really difficult to develop for.

With PS3 it's different, because it's a very different piece of hardware. It's very powerful but it works in a totally different way to the 360 so whenever you're doing something for both, even if the outcome is the same, the way you have to go about doing it is very different.

The way we do it is we use the 360, the PC architecture is very similar, then we have a lot of people who have a lot of experience in developing for Sony platforms like the PS2 - and they use their expertise to optimise the code for PS3.


Some critics described Oblivion as the first next-gen game. How did that affect your outlook?

We're very harsh critics of ourselves. We have very high standards, so we already felt like we were trying to deliver a huge next-gen experience whether or not any one else said it. If it did anything it really heightened the attention the game was getting.

A month or so before the game came out I was concerned anticipation had reached too high a level. People were expecting the game to cure blindness and heal the sick. It turns out that I feel like we delivered on what people expected. There was no bump, people didn't say, 'It's good but not as good as it should have been.' I think the scores and awards reflect that we delivered on people's expectations.

Comedy gold.
Uncle Pete said:
It turns out that I feel like we delivered on what people expected. There was no bump, people didn't say, 'It's good but not as good as it should have been.' I think the scores and awards reflect that we delivered on people's expectations.


Oh, Pete. You slay me.
"The way we do it is we use the 360, the PC architecture is very similar, then we have a lot of people who have a lot of experience in developing for Sony platforms like the PS2 - and they use their expertise to optimise the code for PS3. "

this kinda screams out to me that they dont really care about the PC just what it is like in the XBOX360 and the PS3 or am i wrong there?
What kind of challenges have you faced developing for different platforms?

The 360 is our base platform, it's the easiest to develop for. The biggest challenge for the PC is that it's totally undefined. Even with DirectX 10 it's still a random amalgamation of graphics cards and RAM and processors. It's not a defined box, so it's really difficult to develop for.
That's why I didn't like that they made X-Box an ordinary console. It was a great chance to create a PC that would be a defined game platform. Imagine all of the flexibility of PC without need to buy more ram a better processor or better graphics card and with optimalized games. It would be a great platform for elitarist gaming.
SNorth said:
The whole key to whether this game is successful or not will probably devolve on how good the leadership team is at listening. If you listen to your customers and your employees you have a good chance of keeping both happy. Balance what worked before versus what people don't like about your products.
It's not a problem of them not listening, it's who they're listening to. They not only listen, but downright pander to the munchkins, konsole kiddies, powergamers, and ADD crowd. The end result is a mass-market, dumbed-down 'sandbox' wankfest.

I don't think customer retention and sustainability are a motivating factor for Bethesda. TES has become the cRPG equivalent of pop music, commercially successful, mainstream, easily forgettable, will probably age very poorly. Compare that to the adulation PS:T still gets - because it was sophisticated, quirky, and respected it's audience. It didn't bother them that dumbing down Morrowind pissed off Arena fans. It didn't bother them that dumbing down Oblivion pissed off Morrowind fans. They've been more and more $ucce$$ful each attempt! Why chase a small, nichey, demanding, sophisticated demographic, when you can mass-produce an over-hyped, gimmicky, multi-platform, disposable RPG for the masses?

It's like Matthew McConaughey said in Dazed and Confused "That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."
As with anything in retail, in order to sustain your customer base, you can't sell out for the quick buck and expect to last. Seventeen years ago I'd go into a K-Mart and find not only a store empty of customers but also employees! That company was dead that long ago. Going for the quick buck is an act of desperation, not of intelligence. The smart developer/retailer is going to offer you the best possible product for your money. They might offer some cheap piece of garbage as an alternative to those who don't have the money to capitalize on that market, but it won't be the only choice.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I thought I'd offer my perspective on this. These games we play can be the equivalent of a good book you never want to forget and can't get enough of. The really good ones are.
My point earlier was that with a few improvements to the Fallout 2 engine, I believe that Interplay had enough material to have forged a gaming franchise that might stagger the mind.
Without effort, a no-name part-time novelist like me can conjure up all sorts of adventures to be had. Just imagine exploring the ruined, possibly sunken cities and towns bordering the Mississippi River or a huge town like Detroit, Chicago or New York? Some of these places are so big, a whole game could be had just trying to survive exploriing one of them. I'm not even touching on Europe, Asia or Australia.
Aah, but what do I know. :)
Whenever the bean counters get the upper hand we are all doomed anyway.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I don't think customer retention and sustainability are a motivating factor for Bethesda. TES has become the cRPG equivalent of pop music, commercially successful, mainstream, easily forgettable, will probably age very poorly.

Good point. We're becoming a society that's more interested in instant gratification, everybody's looking for the next big thrill and then they just use it up and throw it away. Just look at all the reality crap on TV: Big Brother, Idol, Survivor, Biggest Loser etc. Most of the people who make movies, TV shows and games no longer care about making lasting impressions, they're just interested in making a quick buck, and then it's onto the next idea to make more money.

Good point. We're becoming a society that's more interested in instant gratification, everybody's looking for the next big thrill and then they just use it up and throw it away. Just look at all the reality crap on TV: Big Brother, Idol, Survivor, Biggest Loser etc. Most of the people who make movies, TV shows and games no longer care about making lasting impressions, they're just interested in making a quick buck, and then it's onto the next idea to make more money.

Great point.

I also think that these games leave no real lasting impression because once they become popular enough, another version with better shiny graphics comes out, leaving the other game in the dark, so to speak. They ride the wave of popularity giving gamers that "hit" they need until they get so bored, usually a week or two later, that they want a better version. See what I am alluding to here? TES.

Say no more.
When you have a objective, or goal that can never be achieved do you?

A. Continue to Fight, knowing full well that success is impossible.
The victory is not in winning but refusing to give up, against something that cannot be 'won'.

B. Give up, it was impossible and thus stupid to even try. Better to spend your energy elsewhere on something that CAN be done.

I know its impossible to convince Bethesda of making any real changes to the game. They already have the designs, and its already doomed to a mass-market appeal fate, like its brain-dead cousin Oblivion, et al.

True only a fool fights when there is no chance of victory, but is it foolish to fight when there will never be any hope?

Can Bad Publicity bring down a really bad game...? Lets find out.