Bethesda: "Something really different"


Vault Consort
Staff member
Bethesda's Jeff Gardiner was interviewed by OXM UK. Among other things he said that the alien romp is primarily an action deal with "the most powerful weaponry in the game".<blockquote>With the Mothership responding to the distress beacon of Recon Craft Theta, will we find out the back-story of Theta?
Yes of course! Let's just say that the aliens don't have the best intentions for mankind. Players will be able to see the aliens interacting with their environment and themselves - eventually they'll uncover their nefarious plot, but not without the help of the other abductees. Let's just say, the aliens have been watching the planet evolve for quite some time...

Will the bulk of DLC take place on the mothership?
Yes, nearly all of it.

What was the design process for both Mothership and the aliens?
We already had a number of concepts to work with, including an alien corpse. The fit for DLC was natural, we're able to explore and experiment with things we weren't able or willing to on the main game. Going to an alien mothership is perfect for this type of content.

What's the focus - are we talking more action, like Operation: Anchorage, or an exploration-ridden affair?
There will be elements of exploration, and the ship is not linear - however it is an action-focused DLC. As mentioned, the player will also have to elicit the help of others whom have also been captured.</blockquote>He also said they're going for something different with the last DLC on account of having already covered all the expected Fallouty bases or something.

Thanks to Glovz.
Yes of course! Let's just say that the aliens don't have the best intentions for mankind.
No way! Who could've seen this coming! Why hasn't Hollywood made a film about an alien race trying to *destroy* the humankind?!
Let's just say, the aliens have been watching the planet evolve for quite some time...
Lemme guess, aliens have seen the great war, they didn't like it and *now* they're going to wipe out the human race, right?
Will the bulk of DLC take place on the mothership?
Yes, nearly all of it.
Remember when Fallout was about post-apo USA?
Maybe people who want to play this should just play Prey.
however it is an action-focused DLC.
Another shocker beth, you guys are on the roll!
I tried really hard to like FO3, I really wanted to. But I couldn't. And every DLC has made it that much harder.

I am a sad monkey...
Honestly, have those guys taken a good look at what they are making or did they write down every idea that was blurted out during a break?

Doesn't any in the general game reporter scene have an ounce of reason anymore, let alone the general game audience.

If they want freaking alien invasions stories, just buy a copy of Area 51 from Midway (the first, not the second), that should satisfy them.
Let's just say that the aliens don't have the best intentions for mankind.

How original...

Let's just say, the aliens have been watching the planet evolve for quite some time...

And what? We pissed them off this time for some reason? They should have just killed us when we were playing with stones and shit long time ago.

Lemme guess, aliens have seen the great war, they didn't like it and *now* they're going to wipe out the human race, right?

Maybe they didn't like the fireworks?

There are new fire arms and melee weapons, which will comprise the most powerful weaponry in the game.

Will there be lightsabers?

We're trying to focus on what's best in our game, and bring the fans more of what they desire.

Fans desired A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game not A Post Nuclear First Person Shooter with Role Playing Elements.

With Zeta, we figured we'd have done four DLCs by that time and we should try to do something really different for that last one. And thus, the alien abduction DLC was born.

Oh wait, I thought you said earlier that some guy just had an idea on about aliens the meeting.
Anyways, what's next? Teddy Bear Land?
So how is the Alien abduction different from the Enclave abduction? How is the heavy emphasise on combat different from Anchorage?
How is this any different from previous DLCs apart from being stupider?
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
God it just keeps getting worse...I'm going to laugh if you find out the aliens caused the great war.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.
It makes me sad that people actually get excited over these things. I guess someone on the team really liked Prey
Elhoim said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
God it just keeps getting worse...I'm going to laugh if you find out the aliens caused the great war.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.

Damn, I just realize that they might do that.
hi guys, im new here, but, im like you all, i always seen fallout 3 as a great post apocalyptic FPS, not a great fallout (a shitty fallout) but i still try to think positive about it, even if this DLC is gonna be what they said, i was thinking of, maybe its just a joke, maybe this is a chinese trap! NO SERIOUSLY, we don't know shit about other countries! maybe china is still trying to take the USA (after a nuclear war, i dont know, but, this is china :wink: ) and the mothership zeta was just a trap or something... i know that its not possible, but, im still hoping in something better than an "alien abduction" DLC
wtf ??

PS: im sorry for my bad english, im french and 16, it explains a lot..
We've mostly given up hoping around here.

Michael Bay will never make a Godfather or Blade Runner or anything even close to a film classic.

Bethesda will never come up with anything approximating original Fallouts in quality.

Plenty of people will still lap up their swill and fill their pockets with money.
so the "Alliens" are officialy part of the Fallout world ...

One can only imagine what the future will bring us with new Bethesda Fallout games ... but I doubt anything from it will feel really like Fallout. They seem get even further away from their "own" Fallout feeling. Particularly with tall this DLCs that are really nothing more then a few shooters. Do I go to far when I say Fallout 4 will be a shooter with lots of "phew" "phew" in space that has a 50s feeling to it? Did we not had such kind of things allread with No-one-lifes-for-ever?

so next will be fallout travel in time and fallout in the heaven with angels and god himself...?
Aliens actually can fit in with the motif, if they do it right. I'm thinking something along the lines of classic Mars Attacks.

As long as they stay away from Wannamigoes.
Next DLC: Chosen One vs. Predator.

Every next DLC is further away from the originals. I am still failing to understand the point of buying the IT, apart from targeting the older fans (us) which they obviously aren't, since they hate our guts?
And why is it so, that NOT A SINGLE FUCKING PERSON on their team ever played the original games?!