Bethesda-Splash game is Brink

Looks like they've decided to make a rip-off from Japanese sci-fi anime movies.
Hmmmm a utopia gone wrong ?

Why does this make me think they are ripping off bioshock.
Because i severely doubt bethesda would rip-off anime.
They arent creative enough for that.
Urk, some of the comments on Kotaku related to this game/trailer make me feel slightly nauseas.
A lot are the "I loves this game even though I don't know nothing about it 'cause it is Bethesda *squeee*" variety.

Should be interesting to see how it unfolds as Fallout 3 and Oblivion had relatively little competition in the free world action genre but now they are trying to enter the FPS market which is ever so slightly crowded.
What can I say? I like the idea, even though it might be ripped from bioshock or something. I don't expect much from anything beth related altough splash damage did some good stuff before. Gotta wait and see, one thing for sure, the game will have superb PR...
Black said:
You're already covering it. 2 news. TWO!
Decline etc.

I have a fine feeling that this is a three-news game which is triple sweet and also super awesome!
I would like to qoute Sir Sebastian Shaw after the battle of Vickery Pond in 1746.

"Meh" - Sir Sebastian Shaw after the battle of Vickery Pond in 1746.
Someone at bethesda is experimenting with LSD. Aliens and now playing too much Bioshock.
Patton89 said:
Hmmmm a utopia gone wrong ?

Why does this make me think they are ripping off bioshock.
Because i severely doubt bethesda would rip-off anime.
They arent creative enough for that.

Appleseed Ex-Machina for example.

Bioshock was retro-fictional (or something), this "Brink" looks like it's gonna be sci-fictional.

"Utopia gone wrong" scenario was around for long time and done many times. I know that Japanese sci-fi movies and comics use that idea many times, I will need to look into it.

And anyway, look at that "tower" on the beginning. It's so Asian looking, not American.
does Bethesda actualy have to say anything in the development or will they only be some kind of publisher ?
can't say i'm "teased" at all by this teaser trailer.

the background of the site looks kinda neat, but seems to try to hard to get the few people on it to look overly 'cool'.

anyhow, not very interested, but who knows, might be an enjoyable game. wait & see.
skinny fists said:
The cinematic sure is pretty.
I disagree, the cinematic looks at least 5 years old to me, with the hair looking especially terrible. The teaser has no substance so there's really nothing to be excited about.
So is it co-developed by Bethesda or are they only the publishers? If they are only publishing it, it may actually be a good game. Call Of Cthulhu DCOTE was very decent too in my opinion.
Even if it was basically a FPS, but with a few good ideas and an awesome setting :)