Bethesda suing Notch

Next time I watch Castle in the SKY I am gonna be so confused, I mean is it part of the Skyrim continuity? How can I even know?
Imagine the frustration of those individuals who indulge in a bit of rimming, Bethesda will obviously lay claim to that. :P
The idea was that they'd establish a history of actually trying to protect their trademark, frivolous or not. They said that in the article.
Wintermind said:
The idea was that they'd establish a history of actually trying to protect their trademark, frivolous or not. They said that in the article.

The optics of it however, make it appear that they are continuing their tradition of douchebaggery.
This wouldn't be (much of) of problem if it didn't appear so petty; seriously, trademarking ''Scrolls''? If it was Skyrim then yes it's understandable, not a common word. And sueing a small indie studio over it? What next, trademark ''fruit'' and sue every single person in the world uttering it? This is completely ridiculous.

But anyway, we know Beth's lawyers are a bunch of idiots already. Here's hoping Notch won't be too affected by any bad publicity (who am I kidding, it's free ads for him).
I like Bethesda but their lawyers..... just as bad as their writers and in an ironic twist Todd Howard had a nice chat with 'Notch' about a month ago, it's on the UESP wiki's front page
Can't help but feel like Bethesda's lawyers are trying way too hard to avoid getting downsized in this rough economy by launching legal action left and right to show they're actually doing something.
Ain't nothin' like some hardcore railgunnin' to show who's the man.
I doubt the Beth lawyers know what Quake 3 is though.
lol, what is this? A scene from undergrad? Then does that mean a lawsuit that costs thousands of dollars and a waste of everyone's time is just nothing more than a college freshmens' geek fight? Does that mean little Todd got snubbed in someone during the "chat" about his, I don't know, favorite style of light saber or favorite trek captain or something? :P
It's nice to that Notch both has a sense of humor about this and realises that it isn't personal, and just bethesda doing this shit how it's supposed to be done. Apparently you have to sue over shit like this or stand a chance to lose your trademark/copyright, because American laws concerning that shit are fucking crazy.

And Notch has a clear advantage because Bethesda don't know shit about multiplayer.
Wintermind said:
Apparently you have to sue over shit like this or stand a chance to lose your trademark/copyright, because American laws concerning that shit are fucking crazy.
No, you have to sue over things that actually violate your trademark and/or copyrights. Frivolous lawsuits do nothing to establish a case history of protecting your mark.
Zenimax was on Kaiser Report on RT news frequently. Always bashing them. I guess he had a point. But this is beyond everything I imagined. And there we were joking about Beth lawyers all the time. It wasn't a joke after all, they are complete assholes.

If Bioware had "sold their souls to the Devil" (EA), to who the hell was Fallout sold then? Lucifer?
I think praying for Fallout 4 is a viable option now...
I'm not so sure that Zenimax's legal department is so evil, they seem to enjoy filing frivolous suits so they may be incompetent but it's all approved by upper management.
This is more about copy-right then actual violation.

And I know that this is heathen to say, but Bethesda actually makes some darn fine Fantasy RPGs, even if Morrowind > Oblivion. And while Fallout 3 was not great, it was still not bad.

And yes, this is a stupid lawsuit, and i sure as heck hope its thrown out.
FO is not exactly guilt free of borrowing from other companies, Coca Cola(Nuka Cola), Heckler & Koch(H&K), GE (M-134), Gill Hibben(throwing knife), Games Workshop(power armor),.... just to name a few. I am sure that if the "want" was there, FO/ Bethesda could end up facing dozens of intellectual and copy right infringement suits.

A tactic that is sometimes used by a big company is intimidation against a potential competitor, by filing a law suit that a smaller competitor simply can not afford to enter.
I have seen this happen with a very small company that I was pretty close to and which had to shut down production because they simply could not afford to take on the big conglomerate. In fact, the threat of the law suit was enough to destroy their entire production line.
Two-step said:
Coca Cola(Nuka Cola), Heckler & Koch(H&K), GE (M-134), Gill Hibben(throwing knife), Games Workshop(power armor)
Parody, likely used with permission, ditto, ditto, and Starship Troopers created and popularized the modern concept of power armor.