Bethesda teases Fallout 4 announcement


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
It looks like Bethesda is finally getting ready to announce Fallout 4. After months (years?) of rumors and recent strong indicators that the company would announce Fallout 4 at E3 in two weeks, the outfit has now put up a countdown clock at The clock seems to be counting down to tomorrow, June 3rd, 11 AM ET. Presumably they'll reveal something more at that time.
Yet another teaser, clue, rumor, hoax about FO4...

I haven't been around for a long while, nevertheless it feels like I never left ;)
This is actual the first official teaser from Beth. So far we got only rumors and strong hints the title might be at E3, but this might as well be confirmation.

So tomorrow we'll get the first 1 minute teaser. Guess the game will be released around october 2015. That's usually how Bethesda works, if I remember correct.
Dis gun b gud.
I guess there'll be a short animated teaser. My prediction:
An Ink Spots song is playing from a vinyl player in close up, zoom out to a delapidated Boston home and out through a missing wall to the streets. Boston landmarks can be seen in the background and there's a figure in weird-ass power armor overlook the scene.
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Let's hope we'll get a new Fallout game from Obsidian then two or so years later.
This is what will happen: they will clean the floor with fallout lore, you will play the game, and after having spent 140 hours on it, you will say that it's a shit game (which will be true in a sense). I wish i could play it though, but i gave my pc to my brother and the only thing i have is a chromebook with linux core utils. So i will stay pure, while the lot of you will be dirty little hippies.
Pre-rendered game engine, I think.
So, if they show a short teaser tomorrow, what will they show at E3? Gameplay footage?
Finally seeing this for real made my heart sink, as I have zero hopes that anything will top New Vegas (yes, yes, let alone the originals, but I guess I'm speaking in terms of fully 3D western RPGs). For its flaws, New Vegas is probably one of, if not my favorite video game, and a big part of that was the writing connecting things back to F01 & F02 and delivering quality quests and characters. Bethesda will do none of these things.

At least it's something new, I guess. It's more than the deadass Chrono series has to speak for.
But only to the press. Then folks like Canard PC or PC Gamer or whoever will get the exclusive rights for a month or so until everyone else get's to see the stuff.
About freaking time, Bethesda! Almost 5 years since the last game in the series already... Seriously, how long does it take to add guns to Skyrim? :lol:

I'm actually hyped for this, but I'm expecting it to feel just like Skyrim: Massive and beautiful (although somewhat implausible) game world with good (but not exceptional) storyline and a very large number of quests with very low amounts of player choice and no real hardcore roleplaying.

In the end I'll probably spend a good amount of pleasant hours with it but still be sour about all the gapping flaws that reviewers throughly ignore.