Pariah Children
Pariah Children
George Carlin's breakthrough schtick embraced the 7 words that couldn't be said on TV.
A parallel treatment for video games ... , would include the single issue choreographing around 'child killing'.
No profit in milking this forbidden sensation with free speech gesticulations.
Why do they even bother to include 'the kids' if no plot requirements need apply?
What dictate of realism has set the precedent for 'kids' in computer shooters?
The latest B-Soft FO3 E3 trailer is graphically a cut and paste using Poser dolls. Old fashioned, I base my 'real' on real life optics.
Is this the 'realistic' graphics of Nex Gen immersion?
Are there any REAL curves achievable in this style of 3 D simulation?
No wonder the Wonder Kids in this market place have to LARP.
A let's pretend of hear no, see no, speak no evil game graphics, nor evil graphic violence.
No wonder the action must be fast, to misdirect, and the rough edges obscured by bloom.
Well, B-Soft has chosen to include kids, for at least ambiance. Like trees or rocks or clouds in the sky.
But less like the flashing of tits, or the gore of shot off limbs spinning into the air, or the humor of heads exploding for the greater glory of profit.
Kids are in FO3.
Deem it the 'will of Todd'.
Put it all on Todd's broad, lead producer, shoulders.
Todd almighty.
Deification a mere lateral promotion, since the game press has already anointed Todd genius / rock-star and the future leader of the Western World.
Well the kids are in and are allowed to flee danger, protected by the 'hand of Todd',
and an attack on one is 'realistically' an attack on all of any small post apoca' community.
If children are such pariahs, I would like to see them get a FO 'Pariah Dog' treatment.
An attack would immediately evoke the 'hand of Todd' to thunder bolt the rabid rascal with a FO style Jinx trait.
If this Nex Gen immersion embraces realistic weapons failures, more than a clip of ammo may be lost or a weapon dropped.
I like SuAside's machine weapons' failure incite of the uncontrolled burning of whole clips, bullets akimbo!!1!, eat dirt or die!,
a rich context for self inflicted trauma to top off an orgy of hysteric hilarity as a riot of mayhem erupts in multitudes of crossing fire!
Guns fail, power packs explode, helmets fly, pre child menacing auto save option evoked in case the play-ah wants a chance at redemption,
after getting mom's permission of course.
Fun for the whole family!