Bethesda's requested redacted statements revealed

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Duck and Cover has unveiled all the parts of the transcript Bethesda looked to have redacted. None of it is very exciting, and it probably got a lot of screentime now due to the wish to have it redacted rather than due to its contents. Some interesting bits. On Bethesda's MMO.<blockquote>Q. How do you know what an MMOG is?
A. One of the divisions of ZeniMax Media, ZeniMax Online Studios, is currently in production of an MMOG and has been in production for a number of years.
Q. Is it a Fallout MMOG?
A. It is not.
A. ZeniMax Online Studios is creating a triple A MMOG along the lines of, I mentioned earlier World of Warcraft. It is, you know, a world wide launch. There's close to a hundred people that are working on the game currently. The budget for that, you know, is tens and tens of millions of to dollars.
MR. GERSH: Your Honor --
THE COURT: Um hum.</blockquote>On the Fallout trilogy pack.<blockquote>Q. Okay. In the upper right-hand corner, just above the word "Fallout," it clearly identifies that this book contains three smash hits in one radioactive pack, doesn't it?
A. That's what it says.
Q. And right underneath the word "Trilogy," it also shows what's purported to be in that box, Fallout, Fallout Two and Fallout Tactics, correct?
A. That appears to be the case.
Q. And all three of those games are pre-existing games that Interplay has the right to distribute, correct?
A. Correct.
Q. And I believe that you testified earlier that there's no restrictions on Interplay creating compilations of its games of pre-existing works, correct?
A. So long as it met the specifics of that clause in the APA that required all packaging to be pre-approved by Bethesda.
Q. Is that all packaging to be pre-approved by Bethesda from the date of the agreement of April 7, 2007 to date?
A. All packaging means all packaging.</blockquote>On Interplay's right to change Project V13 from FOOL to "post-apoc MMO" if need be. This is part of the rather key if obvious argument that Interplay working on FOOL does not in any way directly harm Bethesda, which negated the immediate need for a preliminary injunction.<blockquote>A. Well, they have the exclusive rights to the Fallout Three license, but there is nothing, which is a post-apocalyptic game, but there is nothing that prevents them from doing a game in a post-apocalyptic setting, as long as it didn't trade on the assets of Fallout. You know, the themes, the vaults, the looks, the style, the things like that. But to do a Mad Max game in a post-apocalyptic world, there is nothing in there that prevents it.
Q. Correct. So there's nothing to stop Interplay from continuing to manufacturing their trade, their MMOG, even if it's a post-apocalyptic game version, so long as it doesn't trade, ultimately when it's completed, and not approved, I'm assuming, on the image and the likeness of the rights owned by Bethesda, correct?
A. Well, that's correct. And if that is the case, given that they didn't pass those two hurdles in that test, you know, I would want the rights back so that I would know what to do with my post-apocalyptic franchise in the MMO space. If they had chosen the direction that you're talking about and create a Mad Max post-apocalyptic world, yeah, they can do whatever they want. But, you know, there are two very specific tests that they have to get over in order to hang on to my brand, and continued development of my brand. So, fine. Go ahead. Do it.
Q. Bethesda hasn't started at all to do anything to make a Fallout MMOG yet, correct?
A. That is correct.</blockquote>And I thought I'd just pluck out another hilarious bit of browbeating.<blockquote>Q. Well, quality MMOGs can be created with a lot less people, can't they?
A. None that I can point to. I don't know if you point to any. If you can point me to some, I'd like to hear them.
Q. Who is Matt Frior [Firor - ed]?
A. Matt is the President of ZeniMax Online Studios.
Q. He created an MMOG that was critically acclaimed with 25 people in 18 months, didn't he?
A. I don't know that to be a fact.
Q. You don't? It's all over the internet.
THE COURT: Okay. Don't argue with the witness, please.
MR. MARBURY: Objection, Your Honor.</blockquote>
Q. Is it a Fallout MMOG?
A. It is not.
All I needed to hear.

Q. Well, quality MMOGs can be created with a lot less people, can't they?
A. None that I can point to. I don't know if you point to any. If you can point me to some, I'd like to hear them.
Q. Who is Matt Frior [Firor - ed]?
A. Matt is the President of ZeniMax Online Studios.
Q. He created an MMOG that was critically acclaimed with 25 people in 18 months, didn't he?
A. I don't know that to be a fact.
Q. You don't? It's all over the internet.
This is golden, though. :clap:
Q. Well, quality MMOGs can be created with a lot less people, can't they?
A. None that I can point to. I don't know if you point to any. If you can point me to some, I'd like to hear them.
Q. Who is Matt Frior [Firor - ed]?
A. Matt is the President of ZeniMax Online Studios.
Q. He created an MMOG that was critically acclaimed with 25 people in 18 months, didn't he?
A. I don't know that to be a fact.
Q. You don't? It's all over the internet.
THE COURT: Okay. Don't argue with the witness, please.
MR. MARBURY: Objection, Your Honor.
FUCKING LOL. xD That was hilarious, for some reason. I hope Beth's MMO is a catastrophe, but I'd probably be interested in V13 even if they had to de-Fallout-ize it.

I don't get Beth's crying about the trilogy pack. In what way does it possibly effect them? Plus, it's ridiculous that Interplay should've changed their "pre-existing packaging" -- unless Beth had asked them to, which as far as I can tell, they did not.
I honestly would've let Interplay alone. Caen is the biggest weasel I've ever seen. He can squirm his way out of anything. And besides, most MMO's aren't too successful. It's gotta have a hook to catch casuals, and a lot of high-end content that keeps the hardcore gamer on. It's pretty much why WoW has 10 million subscribtions. If V13 fails, Interplay might go under.
i like how they say its impossible to have full scale MMO development with more people than the lead of their "online studio" did 2 MMOs with...

do they even know the history of the people they employ? lawyerfail inc!
DGT said:
I don't get Beth's crying about the trilogy pack. In what way does it possibly effect them? Plus, it's ridiculous that Interplay should've changed their "pre-existing packaging" -- unless Beth had asked them to, which as far as I can tell, they did not.
I do, but thats MY oppinion though.

The pack was quite long for such a old pack in the top 10 of many selling lists. Kinda hurts to see such a old game gets bought that many times when you made a game that is "the new generation" and meant to be better then the old games. I would not be surprised if many people played Fallout 3, heard about the past games never played them and decided to get them all 3 F1, F2 and tactics and ask themself why Fallout 3 could eventualy not have some parts of the old game (you know like coherent dialogues and better story). Of course its just my theory, could be completely wrong and Bethesda/Zenimax just loves to sue people just like Herve loves to suck the life out of a company :P . What do I know.

TheWesDude said:
i like how they say its impossible to have full scale MMO development with more people than the lead of their "online studio" did 2 MMOs with...

do they even know the history of the people they employ? lawyerfail inc!
It seems anyway that a few people (which are probably older then me) seems to have a very short span when it comes to memory.

I mean I can remember even a few extremly well done and even still today very popular games that have been made by ... how much? 2, 3 or 10 people? Sure with many of the things gamers today demand you need sometimes more then 40 or 50 or even 80 and 100 people working on a single project from animations, to graphic and what ever else a lot today is specialication with companies that did nothing else but make software for physical calculations, certain graphical aspects. I mean heck see Unreal they pretty much do nothing else then a graphic and a game to sell the engine. But more people does not inherently mean "better" game. Neither Mass Effect, Dragon Age or the newest C&C title have for me the same "vibe" and quality compared to older titles like BG1+2 for example. Or the first 3 C&C games.
Sueing Interplaying for the trilogy pack is probably part of the overall goal: get all Fallout assets and rights firmly in the hands of Bethesda. The trilogy pack probably doesn't hurt Bethesda much, but it's something they can attack Interplay on.
Crni Vuk said:
F1, F2 and tactics and ask themself why Fallout 3 could eventualy not have some parts of the old game (you know like coherent dialogues and better story).
That's Bethesda's problem for releasing a decidedly sub-par product -- and this is from someone that enjoyed F3 for what it really is, a shooter with (very) light RPG elements. Not really the place for this, but I still don't see why they didn't design their own IP; not like they really used Fallout, other than a few dumbed-down setting elements.

Sander said:
Sueing Interplaying for the trilogy pack is probably part of the overall goal: get all Fallout assets and rights firmly in the hands of Bethesda. The trilogy pack probably doesn't hurt Bethesda much, but it's something they can attack Interplay on.
I agree completely. In fact, that's been my understanding of Beth's whole side of the suit from the very beginning.
well a lot of people asked exactly the same question "why Fallout?". Official answer or personal oppinion?

Well officialy they (Todd and his cohones) always repeated in the press that they wanted to make a "real Fallout sequel, true to the past games ... *yada,yada,bla,bla*". What ever now if that is just marketing yackety-yak or what they truly believe its fact that Fallout 3 is in many things very different to Fallout 1/2. And quite a lot of the mechanics in the game work similar or exactly like Oblivion.

I personaly believe that they dont have at the moment anyone at charge in Bethesda that can come up with a own design but they wanted to have something else then Elder Scrolls but with the same popularity. Its a lot easier to use a already exisiting and established franchise and optimise it in a way that it fits your imaginations then to come up with a own world where you have to "invent" everything new. Example, no reason to get new factions, enemies, and such. You have it all there "BoS" as noble knights "Enclave" as evil knights and the Super Mutants as evil orcs. or ogres, what ever. It just fits to well to not modify and use it.
Interplay making a post-apocalyptic MMO means there won't be any Vaults, FEV, Enclave, Brotherhood Of Steel, Deathclaws, Fallout 1/2 locations, and the story can't be the same. Just the setting and references to Fallout. Possibly some similarities. Maybe they could put Vaults in. Nah, I don't think I'll like it.

By the way, isn't Interplay using the popularity rise on the Fallout series, granted by Bethesda's Fallout 3?
All in all, I think the impression I get from Todd is that he wanted to be the one to have made Mario or Die hard 1 or something.

So I think this IP grab at the beginning was just to fulfill his dreams of blowing stuff up without needing all that complicated magic or ancient weapons. There was a fairly famous thread in Beth about an interview with a writer that worked on MW who has left beth. It clearly shown that toddy having had no patience for any of the lore "crap" or "consistency" for overall design and characters.

Action games and action movies have their place, but I still don't see why FO 3, to me it was a ptless IP grab that some of the top guys' ego are too big to back down from.
Crni Vuk said:
And quite a lot of the mechanics in the game work similar or exactly like Oblivion.
Some of them are exactly like Daggerfall....

Crni Vuk said:
I personaly believe that they dont have at the moment anyone at charge in Bethesda that can come up with a own design but they wanted to have something else then Elder Scrolls but with the same popularity. Its a lot easier to use a already exisiting and established franchise and optimise it in a way that it fits your imaginations then to come up with a own world where you have to "invent" everything new.
Game design is dead, that's what I've been saying for some time now... It's dead.

Actually, it's more like moribund...
A. Matt is the President of ZeniMax Online Studios.
Q. He created an MMOG that was critically acclaimed with 25 people in 18 months, didn't he?
A. I don't know that to be a fact.
Q. You don't? It's all over the internet.

Wait, what MMOG are they referring to?

Starseeker said:
There was a fairly famous thread in Beth about an interview with a writer that worked on MW who has left beth. It clearly shown that toddy having had no patience for any of the lore "crap" or "consistency" for overall design and characters.

Probably was from Michael Kirkbride. To be fair, some reports have pegged him as being pretty difficult to work with (although he did bring a lot to the table for Morrowind). Now, if I recall, Ken Rolston who designed both Morrowind and Oblivion came out after leaving Bethesda and said that Todd was pure hell in his drive to streamline TES4 and take the role-playing out of the role-playing game.