BethSoft hiring designers, FO3 Lead Level Designer revealed

Davaris said:
I've heard that one as well and yet its too idiotic for me to believe. Why would anyone not hire the best people for the job?

"Best" is a relative term. To my knowledge, the Boyarsky-Anderson-Cain trio doesn't have a single major gaming hit to its name.
Davaris said:
I've heard that one as well and yet its too idiotic for me to believe. Why would anyone not hire the best people for the job?
Because they didn't consider them to be the best. If they don't want to make a true Fallout sequel, or want to make their *own* game they don't want the original creators on board at all.
If you don't count Fallout, which was a sleeper hit when it was released.

They do have a reputation of making profitable games in the industry, just not mega hits.
Guys, I think the reason they want Oblivion modders is that FO3 will use the same core engine as oblivion. So they want people who know the engine.

I actually think you guys are overracting, just because they have worked\made mods for Oblivion doesn't mean they haven't even heard about Fallout. Ofcourse I want it to be a great game, but you cannot always hire the entire NMA so that we can make the game together.

Question; Do you need a bachelor or similar degree to be able to "ship" over to USA? Or are you taking in US people only to make it more quick?
st0lve said:
Guys, I think the reason they want Oblivion modders is that FO3 will use the same core engine as oblivion. So they want people who know the engine.
Learning to use an engine is never a problem to a professional, really. That really can't be the main reason, it's not like the toolset is overly complicated.

st0lve said:
I actually think you guys are overracting, just because they have worked\made mods for Oblivion doesn't mean they haven't even heard about Fallout. Ofcourse I want it to be a great game, but you cannot always hire the entire NMA so that we can make the game together.
That's hardly the point. There are actual professionals out there, and also people with *gasp* actual experience working on a Fallout title (hint, hint), yet they ask a bunch of modders with *no* professional experience and the only prerequisite to submit is 'do something in the TES construction set' (which is a dumb requirement as well).

Of course, I realise that there is a sollicitation procedure, but I find it odd that they're looking to the Oblivion mod community of all things.

st0lve said:
Question; Do you need a bachelor or similar degree to be able to "ship" over to USA? Or are you taking in US people only to make it more quick?
They said they needed people who are willing to relocate to their homeground. You'd also need a green card for that.
st0lve said:
Guys, I think the reason they want Oblivion modders is that FO3 will use the same core engine as oblivion. So they want people who know the engine.

Yep that was the reasoning nongenre gave in the TES post, seems logical. He could have asked for "knowledge of the Fallout games as a plus" too, like Lumpy was saying, but it's no biggie to me.

I actually think you guys are overracting, just because they have worked\made mods for Oblivion doesn't mean they haven't even heard about Fallout. Ofcourse I want it to be a great game, but you cannot always hire the entire NMA so that we can make the game together.

Sure they can :D

Question; Do you need a bachelor or similar degree to be able to "ship" over to USA? Or are you taking in US people only to make it more quick?

You need to be able to relocate to the States and get the required visa, either asking for a green card or the special status of IT immigrants.
st0lve said:
I actually think you guys are overracting

I'll show you overacting! *ahem* Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?!

Briosa said:
They do have a reputation of making profitable games in the industry, just not mega hits.

Let's be honest, "barely profitable"
Profitable, that's what matters, most have to rely on OEM deals (pc and consoles) or the renting market (consoles) to see any money at all.
The problem is that most game designers these days go for 'the big one' and accept a shitload of failures in between. The marginally profitable ones get ignored.
You guys do forget that lots of modders ARE professionals aswell. Hell I know people who work at Gearbox (BIA etc.) who have made mods for Oblivion.

As long as they make a proper Fo3 game, I'll be happy I couldn't actually care less about what communities they come from.
And I think Beth got enough professionalism to reqruit the right people.
And those who are new, often get just an intern job, like creating random encounters and such.

EDIT; Who ever said that the original creators want to work at Beth? Or the people at Troika for that sake.
Where have you been, in a glacier all this time or what?

Edit: You are working for BlueSky these days? Nice, congrats
st0lve said:
Who ever said that the original creators want to work at Beth? Or the people at Troika for that sake.

I did, because I know they did, and because I know how BethSoft responded. Trust me, it is fact.
OMG... why do I get the feeling it's a nerd who got laid (dungeons = poontang!).

As someone said it...We're doomed. Doomed i say. DOOMED!
Well what I mostly meant (i'm still a sheep, so it still might be a bit confusing...) was, that the lead designer is a dungeons dude (with that I mean all those giffy +3 sword types...).

He's a dungeons dude, who got a lead designer role and now he wants to hire more dungeons fans. "I am the mastah! gimme slaves!"

(Lead design = poontang)

I'm just afraid that this might become a lead designer on a powertrip to doom.

Hiring dungeon experts who can use dungeon tools...too bad they ain't making a dungeon game...(I HOPE!)
st0lve said:
You guys do forget that lots of modders ARE professionals aswell. Hell I know people who work at Gearbox (BIA etc.) who have made mods for Oblivion.
If there were available professionals they want to have there would be no need to contact the mod community. Those already in the industry have other methods of entry.

As long as they make a proper Fo3 game, I'll be happy I couldn't actually care less about what communities they come from.
And I think Beth got enough professionalism to reqruit the right people.
Eh, yeah, as long as they make a proper Fallout 3 game.
And those who are new, often get just an intern job, like creating random encounters and such.
And that's why they asked specifically for level designers, moreover people who have experience designing *dungeons*?

EDIT; Who ever said that the original creators want to work at Beth? Or the people at Troika for that sake.
Ehm, they themselves? Apparently, people Kharn knows at the very least.
I imagine Bethesda's working under the idea that if the modders could make better content than their own for free that they can hire a few of them on and pay them shit.

i think its a little pre-mature to start hiring level/area designers untill after you convert the camera to do well in a top-down view, hex or square based grids for movement, and convert the engine over to a turn-based system and not something like that bastardization that is KOTR
TheWesDude said:
convert the camera to do well in a top-down view, hex or square based grids for movement, and convert the engine over to a turn-based system and not something like that bastardization that is KOTR

Who said it was ever part of their plans for Fallout 3 ?