Better Use From Shotguns?

Dude, you have the link just in front of you.
Study Cubik2k's posts a bit more carefully. :lol:
Judaeus Apella said:
I can't find that version of the editor, can someone link me? I'm looking everywhere but nothing... I can only find the 1.3.0 versions

You have old version and upgrade to newest.
As Darek wrote, the link is just in front of you. :D:D
I mean shotguns loaded by energy cells, not shooting them. Like the Gatling Laser is loaded by "batteries". I mean, a shotgun that shoots electricity or something like that. But I forgot it's already in the game - the laser rifle, plasma rifle and pulse rifle.
I don't understand the instructions on this page:

He talks to the reader like they already know what he's talking about, and I promise you most people won't. He says:

bmp2frm.bat my_item.jpg

But he doesn't tell you where to type it or how to get the program to run. *cusses and grumbles*

Can someone help me with this? Or even better, tell me where to find something that's easy to use like F2Wedit?
Its not working. :(

It just flashes on and off really fast exactly like it did before. I did exactly what you said.

I also need to know which script controlls the weapons store in China town....
Oh, give the vampire a break! Still 4 days before the Full Moon and he's been very careful not to offend anybody recently. :twisted:

Using 'frm2bmp1.02' ?

You should have 2 .exes in that folder,

'bmp2frm.exe' and 'frm2bmp.exe'

If you have that, it's easy. What do you want to convert? FRMs? For XP sp2:

1. Open a new text document.

Type the name of the .FRM file, top, left hand corner, starts;

frm2bmp shotgunshell.frm

"shotgunshell" is the name of the FRM you want to convert, replace that with whatever his name is.

2. Save file. "Save file as" and select "All file types" instead of default 'txt' files.

3. Give the extension '.bat' and you are in business.

You create a .bat file which has an icon of a system box and a gear looking thingy inside.

4. Put your FRM file in the same folder, double click the .bat file you just created, and like magic, the program processes your file and produces a bitmap from your FRM.

Works the same in reverse, only you use 'bmp2frm.exe' but you are smart enough to figure that out. 8-).

/data/scripts/scripts.lst (also opened with notepad)
I have no idea what you meant in that first line...

Anyway, no I don't want to convert frm files, I want to convert bmp files to frm. I'm creating new frms.

This is what I did:

alchemy rslugs.bmp bmp2frm.tmp -w -o -f fallout.pal -d0 -8
bmp2frm_core rslugs.bmp

Thats exactly what he said to do, but it didn't work. :(

Is the size of the picture wrong? Its exactly the same size as the picture I got from F2Wedit. 215 x 147... which doesn't sound right. aren't game artworks, tiles, and textures usually in multiples of 8? You know, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

Do all the files need to be in a spacific folder with anything else? Do I need to drag a file into the bat file... or something else, or just click on it? *sigh*
You can try Frame Animator 2.70 to convert your pic to frm. It's simpler to use than bmp2frm. Here's the author's site: (Scroll down for download link, and don't worry about Russian, the program itself is in English.)
You know exactly what I meant by the first line, or maybe not, and you should be able to read and see I wrote "Works the same in reverse, only you use 'bmp2frm.exe' but you are smart enough to figure that out." Guess not.

Ja tvoi sluga, ja tvoi Rabotnik

Woman is driving up the hill. Barely able to swerve around a huge hog standing in the middle of the road. She meets a man coming down the hill at about the same time. She yells, "PIG!" and he looks at her and yells, "BITCH" just about the time as he hits the pig, crashes his car and lands up in the ditch. Men never listen.
You're right... I just made a new frm in seconds after first installing that program. WOW, I think that program was one of the simplest game editing softwares I've ever used.... and believe me, I've used a LOT of them. Good call man, thanks!
Well, here's what I did:

Rename the file to rslug.frm please, and tell me whatcha think. :D

Problem now is I don't know how to get F2Wedit to recognize it. I tried putting it in ...Fallout 2\data\Art\inven, but no dice. Do I have to add it to a list? I've modded games that won't recognize a texture or object until you actually add it to a special list, otherwise it wouldn't load it.
Judaeus Apella said:
Its not working. :(

It just flashes on and off really fast exactly like it did before. I did exactly what you said.

The picture must be as 8 bit (256 colours).

Read carefuly what you read!
F2wedit v1.3.1.5 has option to make 8bit and 32bit picture.

Anyway, if you found better way to make frm files then OK.

Judaeus Apella said:
Is the size of the picture wrong? Its exactly the same size as the picture I got from F2Wedit. 215 x 147... which doesn't sound right.

You are right, the size is not correct. I have to change this ;) Thanks.
So what is the correct size to save an FRM in, if I'm making a new ammo?

Which script controlls the gun shop in china town?

How do I get F2Wedit to recognize the frm, once I've made one?

And I don't understand the damage values for ammo. I'm not so good with math. :| I didn't understand any of that stuff on the page you linked me to, and I think what you linked me to had to do with armor vs damage, not the 4 damage values in ammunition files. I'm talking about "Dmg Mod A", "Dmg Mod B", "DR Mod %", and "AC Mod %". What is the effect of positive and negative values in these fields?
Crap... the way I thought I found to convert an frm to a bmp, isn't working. I tried to save the pallet used by a picture I got from F2Wedit.... but when I tried to apply it to an already existing F2 explosive rocket, it ruined the picture. *sigh* There HAS got to be an F2 pallet SOMEWHERE... I'm realy surprised I can't find one. When ever I've modded any game, I've always been able to find a pallet for texture/skin editing.... this is the first time I haven't been able to find one. And if I find one, I'll post it up somewhere so everyone can use it.
Do you mean the file color.pal?
Use datexplorer to open your master.dat file and in there you will find it.
I've already tried loading that with three different versions of Paint Shop Pro, and I always get "This is not a valid pallet file". I meant to ask about that earlier, but I forgot to mention it. Is it just an old version of that file format?