Well honestly i think they are both evil (skull and bones anyone?)
I'm sure somebody has already made a topic like this, but a lot of you guys have really well thought out opinions, and, quite honestly, some of you may have changed your mind since the last time you told somebody who you were going to vote for.
So, the question: WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR?
And why?
- Please refrain from posting some stupid shit you havent reaserched or looked up yourself, cuz i guarante, if you post some rhetoric propoganda shit, somebodies going to call you on it.
Write in votes acceptable, and no dumb ones... Unless its funny =/
And My Vote is For ---
a quote from the great one.
check out more about trafficant at http://www.freetraficant.com
Mr. Speaker, the school prayer issue is out of control, literally. Students in Pennsylvania were prohibited from handing out Christmas cards. Reports say students in Minnesota were disciplined for having said merry Christmas. Now if that is not enough to find coal in your athletic supporter, check this out: A school board in Georgia removed the word ``Christmas'' from their school calendar because the ACLU threatened to sue. Beam me up. If this is religious freedom, I am a fashion model for GQ.
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the fact that Christmas is not about a jolly old fat man. Christmas is about the birth of Christ.
Madam Speaker, an investigation revealed that 16,000 IRS employees illegally used their computers. The report states IRS agents spent 50 percent of their time at work on personal business. If that is not enough to service your revenue, IRS agents illegally used their computers for shopping, stock trading, gambling and pornography. Unbelievable.
Think about it. While 60 percent of taxpayer calls to the IRS go unanswered, the IRS agents were watching Marilyn Chambers do the Rotary International. Beam me up here. It is time to pass a flat 15 percent sales tax and abolish this gambling, porno-watching IRS completely.
Mr. Speaker, reports say that China is two-timing Uncle Sam big time. With one hand China slaps Uncle Sam on the back and wishes us well in Afghanistan. With the other hand China sells missiles and weapons to Iran and Iraq and continues to funnel support under the table to the Taliban. Bottom line, China continues to aid and abet our enemies.
"Mr. Speaker, news reports say the Pentagon is stuck with 600,000 black berets made in China, and the Pentagon is storing these Communist hats in a warehouse in Pennsylvania," he said. "If that is not enough to bust your balloons, the Pentagon is trying to sell these Communist hats to foreign countries; and guess what the Pentagon is hearing from these foreign countries. Why would we buy them? Why would we want our troops to wear hats made in China? Beam me up. The Pentagon just did not waive the Buy American Act, the Pentagon waved Old Glory the wrong way. Mr. Speaker, I suggest that these Chinese berets be made into suppositories and be used on Pentagon brass."
"If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room!" — Traficant to photojournalists covering his House ethics subcommittee hearing
There are more loopholes in the U.S. Tax Code than those old hockey nets at the Boston Garden. Beam me up. The truth is, America keeps shipping jobs and money overseas, and America is getting in return two truckloads of mangoes and two baseball players to be named later. Think about that shot.
Now NASA is on an unmanned space mission to the moon. I think NASA should redirect and have an unmanned space mission to Washington, DC, and try to find out if there is any intelligent life left in the Nation's Capital.
"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much."
If you expel me, I will go down in history as an expelled member -- but you know what? I have a very clear conscience. I am proud to be an American.
Sorry this post was so long. But trafficant is a freaking american hero. Im writing in trafficant for president.
I'm sure somebody has already made a topic like this, but a lot of you guys have really well thought out opinions, and, quite honestly, some of you may have changed your mind since the last time you told somebody who you were going to vote for.
So, the question: WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR?
And why?
- Please refrain from posting some stupid shit you havent reaserched or looked up yourself, cuz i guarante, if you post some rhetoric propoganda shit, somebodies going to call you on it.
Write in votes acceptable, and no dumb ones... Unless its funny =/
And My Vote is For ---
a quote from the great one.
check out more about trafficant at http://www.freetraficant.com
Mr. Speaker, the school prayer issue is out of control, literally. Students in Pennsylvania were prohibited from handing out Christmas cards. Reports say students in Minnesota were disciplined for having said merry Christmas. Now if that is not enough to find coal in your athletic supporter, check this out: A school board in Georgia removed the word ``Christmas'' from their school calendar because the ACLU threatened to sue. Beam me up. If this is religious freedom, I am a fashion model for GQ.
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the fact that Christmas is not about a jolly old fat man. Christmas is about the birth of Christ.
Madam Speaker, an investigation revealed that 16,000 IRS employees illegally used their computers. The report states IRS agents spent 50 percent of their time at work on personal business. If that is not enough to service your revenue, IRS agents illegally used their computers for shopping, stock trading, gambling and pornography. Unbelievable.
Think about it. While 60 percent of taxpayer calls to the IRS go unanswered, the IRS agents were watching Marilyn Chambers do the Rotary International. Beam me up here. It is time to pass a flat 15 percent sales tax and abolish this gambling, porno-watching IRS completely.
Mr. Speaker, reports say that China is two-timing Uncle Sam big time. With one hand China slaps Uncle Sam on the back and wishes us well in Afghanistan. With the other hand China sells missiles and weapons to Iran and Iraq and continues to funnel support under the table to the Taliban. Bottom line, China continues to aid and abet our enemies.
"Mr. Speaker, news reports say the Pentagon is stuck with 600,000 black berets made in China, and the Pentagon is storing these Communist hats in a warehouse in Pennsylvania," he said. "If that is not enough to bust your balloons, the Pentagon is trying to sell these Communist hats to foreign countries; and guess what the Pentagon is hearing from these foreign countries. Why would we buy them? Why would we want our troops to wear hats made in China? Beam me up. The Pentagon just did not waive the Buy American Act, the Pentagon waved Old Glory the wrong way. Mr. Speaker, I suggest that these Chinese berets be made into suppositories and be used on Pentagon brass."
"If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room!" — Traficant to photojournalists covering his House ethics subcommittee hearing
There are more loopholes in the U.S. Tax Code than those old hockey nets at the Boston Garden. Beam me up. The truth is, America keeps shipping jobs and money overseas, and America is getting in return two truckloads of mangoes and two baseball players to be named later. Think about that shot.
Now NASA is on an unmanned space mission to the moon. I think NASA should redirect and have an unmanned space mission to Washington, DC, and try to find out if there is any intelligent life left in the Nation's Capital.
"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much."
If you expel me, I will go down in history as an expelled member -- but you know what? I have a very clear conscience. I am proud to be an American.
Sorry this post was so long. But trafficant is a freaking american hero. Im writing in trafficant for president.