Between the Devil and The Dumbass


First time out of the vault
Well honestly i think they are both evil (skull and bones anyone?)

I'm sure somebody has already made a topic like this, but a lot of you guys have really well thought out opinions, and, quite honestly, some of you may have changed your mind since the last time you told somebody who you were going to vote for.

So, the question: WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR?

And why?
- Please refrain from posting some stupid shit you havent reaserched or looked up yourself, cuz i guarante, if you post some rhetoric propoganda shit, somebodies going to call you on it.

Write in votes acceptable, and no dumb ones... Unless its funny =/

And My Vote is For ---
a quote from the great one.
check out more about trafficant at
Mr. Speaker, the school prayer issue is out of control, literally. Students in Pennsylvania were prohibited from handing out Christmas cards. Reports say students in Minnesota were disciplined for having said merry Christmas. Now if that is not enough to find coal in your athletic supporter, check this out: A school board in Georgia removed the word ``Christmas'' from their school calendar because the ACLU threatened to sue. Beam me up. If this is religious freedom, I am a fashion model for GQ.

Mr. Speaker, I yield back the fact that Christmas is not about a jolly old fat man. Christmas is about the birth of Christ.

Madam Speaker, an investigation revealed that 16,000 IRS employees illegally used their computers. The report states IRS agents spent 50 percent of their time at work on personal business. If that is not enough to service your revenue, IRS agents illegally used their computers for shopping, stock trading, gambling and pornography. Unbelievable.

Think about it. While 60 percent of taxpayer calls to the IRS go unanswered, the IRS agents were watching Marilyn Chambers do the Rotary International. Beam me up here. It is time to pass a flat 15 percent sales tax and abolish this gambling, porno-watching IRS completely.

Mr. Speaker, reports say that China is two-timing Uncle Sam big time. With one hand China slaps Uncle Sam on the back and wishes us well in Afghanistan. With the other hand China sells missiles and weapons to Iran and Iraq and continues to funnel support under the table to the Taliban. Bottom line, China continues to aid and abet our enemies.

"Mr. Speaker, news reports say the Pentagon is stuck with 600,000 black berets made in China, and the Pentagon is storing these Communist hats in a warehouse in Pennsylvania," he said. "If that is not enough to bust your balloons, the Pentagon is trying to sell these Communist hats to foreign countries; and guess what the Pentagon is hearing from these foreign countries. Why would we buy them? Why would we want our troops to wear hats made in China? Beam me up. The Pentagon just did not waive the Buy American Act, the Pentagon waved Old Glory the wrong way. Mr. Speaker, I suggest that these Chinese berets be made into suppositories and be used on Pentagon brass."

"If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room!" — Traficant to photojournalists covering his House ethics subcommittee hearing

There are more loopholes in the U.S. Tax Code than those old hockey nets at the Boston Garden. Beam me up. The truth is, America keeps shipping jobs and money overseas, and America is getting in return two truckloads of mangoes and two baseball players to be named later. Think about that shot.

Now NASA is on an unmanned space mission to the moon. I think NASA should redirect and have an unmanned space mission to Washington, DC, and try to find out if there is any intelligent life left in the Nation's Capital.

"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much."

If you expel me, I will go down in history as an expelled member -- but you know what? I have a very clear conscience. I am proud to be an American.

Sorry this post was so long. But trafficant is a freaking american hero. Im writing in trafficant for president.
If I were American, I would vote Kerry, because the Republican Theory of trickle down economics just doesn't work.

The REAL job creators are not the rich, but the middle class who buy more with lower taxes which makes business make more money and hire more people.

The American health care system is a joke, some things, like education and health care, just plain don't work well when they are privately owned and funded.

Oh, and the budding beginnings of fascism in Bush, that's also another reason.

What kind of logic are people using when they think that the export of jobs with actually HELP the US economy somehow?

Here's proof that the Republicans are bad for the US economy:
Although the game shows a corrolation between the partisanship with defecit, it doesnt factor in any of the other variables. Every neoconservative will tell you "clinton was riding on the fiscal policy set by republicans"

What really sets fiscal policy for me though... I want to use my own money for my own crap. I dont work 60 hours a week to pay for somebody elses retirement. I'm sorry, my time, my life, my money. I'd much rather give my money to my church then giving it to some low life on unemployment and welfare. No reasonabley capable person should be without a job in america. Everybody has oportunity.

Feel free to comment about this, but please be sure to mention your vote.
kerry has lied MANY times in the past. his purple hearts were for band aid size wounds, he got three so he could get out, where he then served on a cruiser in the gulf of tonkin for all but three months of his 'tour'. Oh yeah, he was the captain's secretary.

GB may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you can tell he really believes in what he says, while kerry will turn on his statements faster than a propeller.

so yes, GB for me...

oh and yeah, GB is not anti gun, so that kinda seals the deal...
slicer17 said:
Although the game shows a corrolation between the partisanship with defecit, it doesnt factor in any of the other variables. Every neoconservative will tell you "clinton was riding on the fiscal policy set by republicans"

Other variables? The fact is that Clinton wasn't handed anything that Bush wasn't, and Bush managed to fuck it up royally.

If the Republican policies that Clinton was "riding on" were so beneficial, they why didn't the benefits show up until Clinton was in power and not the 12 years before when Reagan and Bush Sr. were in charge?

slicer17 said:
No reasonabley capable person should be without a job in america. Everybody has oportunity.

Perhaps more people would have jobs if there were enough to go around under a president that advocates their export.

I think that high taxes on the rich and low taxes on the middle class are the best way to improve the economy. While I think welfare is a good thing, it only solves the symptoms of a weak economy, while tax brakes for the middle class would solve the source of the problem.

fallout ranger said:
oh and yeah, GB is not anti gun, so that kinda seals the deal...

While I support Kerry, I do think that gun controls such as registration(like the Canadian govt recently instituted) are useless because criminals don't register guns.

Bush just restricts other liberities in the name of security.

fallout ranger said:
kerry has lied MANY times in the past. his purple hearts were for band aid size wounds, he got three so he could get out, where he then served on a cruiser in the gulf of tonkin for all but three months of his 'tour'. Oh yeah, he was the captain's secretary.

At least he served.

fallout ranger said:
GB may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you can tell he really believes in what he says

He just won't admit when he's wrong.
fallout ranger said:
kerry has lied MANY times in the past. his purple hearts were for band aid size wounds,

So a shrapnel wound must be large to be deep? please

he got three so he could get out, where he then served on a cruiser in the gulf of tonkin for all but three months of his 'tour'. Oh yeah, he was the captain's secretary.

He volunteered for a more dangerous assignment after hearing that his firend from Yale was killed. He wanted to see first hand the situation. If you fault the man for wanting to get directly involved, that's your prerogative, but don't make it sound like he left his cushy cruiser duty for shits and giggles.

GB may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you can tell he really believes in what he says, while kerry will turn on his statements faster than a propeller.

You think its a good thing that he believes fervently in what he says, when real economists (not simple MBAs) overwhelmingly endorse Kerry's economic plans? Not to mention that invoking God as the reason why you do things, like invade sovereign nations, is exactly what the leaders of Iran do?

oh yes, GB for me...

good to see that the rhetoric of fear and hate has blinded another decent American.

oh and yeah, GB is not anti gun, so that kinda seals the deal...

And Kerry is? Get your facts straight, and from more than one source before you come here and talk out of your ass.

Oh, and glad to see that this minor issue, one that would never change under Kerry because of Congress has persuaded you to vote for Shrub, instead of something important like health costs, abridging civil liberties, the environment or Iraq.
Murdoch said:
You think its a good thing that he believes fervently in what he says, when real economists (not simple MBAs) overwhelmingly endorse Kerry's economic plans? Not to mention that invoking God as the reason why you do things, like invade sovereign nations, is exactly what the leaders of Iran do?

good to see that the rhetoric of fear and hate has blinded another decent American.

And Kerry is? Get your facts straight, and from more than one source before you come here and talk out of your ass.

Oh, and glad to see that this minor issue, one that would never change under Kerry because of Congress has persuaded you to vote for Shrub, instead of something important like health costs, abridging civil liberties, the environment or Iraq.

Fuckin' eh. While I don't know much about Kerry's war record, I do know that it includes him actually serving and stepping foot in Vietnam.
Im voting third party...if I were to vote for the D's or R's I would vote for Kerry though I dislike his him being pro-gun control. (or is it anti-gun) Other than that everything else I approve of that he stands for.

The Vault Dweller
Both parties are For gun control. Bush only says he isn't because he has too. If bush is re-elected president, watch for a terrorist attack to occur with fully automatic weapons in the united states. I guarantee you the mystified masses will overwheliming support gun control after that.

Buy your guns now while you can. I've got mine, and enough for you too =/

I would be in favor of imposing a 15% flat tax for all americans making under 100,000 a year and 20% tax for americans making over 100,000, and a 30% for americans making over 250,000.

Although i would never vote for either of these two scum bags, if i had to choose, i would go for bush. he is for reform of social security. Although, even though i think kerry is as much a scumbag with more to gain then bush, i more and more lean in his direction. Bush in his speaches has accidently said "i will support a draft" I wonder how much of an accident it is. ANd bush senior on the floor of congress, in 1991, sept 11, said, and i quote, "we will establish a new world order." Doesnt that scare you people?

No matter who wins, we are heading towards a fascist police state.
slicer17 said:
i would go for bush. he is for reform of social security.

He'll reform it by screwing it over.

slicer17 said:
No matter who wins, we are heading towards a fascist police state.

I just don't see the fanaticism in Kerry that I see in Bush. Whenever Bush makes a speech, it's like he's changing the whole world and ushering in an age of something or other, when Kerry speaks, he looks and sounds tired. :lol:
calculon00 said:
I just don't see the fanaticism in Kerry that I see in Bush. Whenever Bush makes a speech, it's like he's changing the whole world and ushering in an age of something or other, when Kerry speaks, he looks and sounds tired. :lol:

Ever see Dean make a speech? He makes Bush look as indecisive as Kerry. Dean was up there on the podium shouting out the names of the states he claimed he was going to win so as to make you think he'd roll into them with tanks. "We're going to get Nebraska, and Vermont, and Washington, and Connecticut, und Poland, und Czhecoslovakia und the Sudatenland und...." well, you get the picture.

Voting Bush 'cause at least I know how he'll screw it up, and I believe that the things he'll screw up are fixed more easily than the things that Kerry would screw up. Kerry, on the other hand, simply says whatever he thinks will get him ahead wherever he is at the time, so you have no idea what he's going to do, or why. There is an expression about "better the devil you know than the one you don't".
slicer17 said:
"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much."

If I voted, mine would definately be cast for Mr. Trafficant. We really need a hard ass like him running this jaded country. I think I'll register soon so I'm ready for the next election at least. Every year I see how much more important it is to vote...
A quick correction- Kerry is not anti-gun. He might be a little more against a policy which would allow Al Qaeda terrorist from buying assault weapons at Wal-mart. Ironically that was a policy from Osama's terrorist handbook.

Bush won't do anything about that because he has his nose up the NRA's ass.

Vietnam- the difference is that Kerry actaully went to war, got shot at, and was wounded. Even if he got out earlier, that only makes him consistent with every other vet who got wounded too many times and was able to get out of the front. Unlike Cheney who deferred because he had "better things to do" or Bush who used political connections to get him in the air national guard.

Social Security- was saved under Clinton when we had surplus. Under Bush it's gone to hell in deficit.

And while Bush says there will be no draft, he also said we'd find weapons of mass destruction and free those who were tortured. Instead, we find no weapons but find ourselves doing the torturing. Way to go Bush!

If you don't think there will be a draft- consider this. Most of the US ground forces are dedicated to Iraq and Afghanistan. People are being pulled from Europe and Korea to Iraq and the reserves and the national guard are being forced to extend.

If there was another major conflict somewhere that really threatened US vital interests, who gets sent to fight? Under Bush there is no choice- there must be a draft.

At least Kerry says he's going to increase the size of our army. Bush says nothing.
Oh no, not another American elections thread! Is there a single thread on this forum that isn't about Bush and/or Kerry?

Fine, here's my two cents. I would vote for Kerry, simply because when you have to choose between a moderately right-wing demagogue and an extreme right-wing lunatic who would love nothing more than to see American democracy hanging from the Statue of Liberty by its neck, it's generally a good idea to choose the demagogue. Unless, of course, you like the prospect of America being a war-mongering neofascist dictatorship, in which case I pity you, but nonetheless understand that it's your political choice, albeit possibly the last one you will ever have a chance to make.
Yeah, but Kerry will stop us all owning M60s! They're great for home protection. :roll:

Not that I'm pro Kerry, rather that I'm anti Bush. As far as the two parties go, I see precious little difference between the two.
The Vault Dweller said:
Im voting third party...if I were to vote for the D's or R's I would vote for Kerry though I dislike his him being pro-gun control. (or is it anti-gun) Other than that everything else I approve of that he stands for.
Does either candidate really stand for the things that they say they do? Obviously yes on some things, but for most of the issues they seem to base their political strategy solely on vote-winning policies. Not that some of that doesn't go on in every democracy, but it seems to be at a high in the States.
A quick correction- Kerry is not anti-gun. He might be a little more against a policy which would allow Al Qaeda terrorist from buying assault weapons at Wal-mart. Ironically that was a policy from Osama's terrorist handbook.
He IS anti gun, having voted for every gun restriction ever thrown his way. Just because he dawns a yellow jacket and shoots ducks every few months dose'nt mean he thinks John fucking Grisham is wrong on guns.

Again, I don't really care either way anymore, as no one really needs even a handgun for protection I'd think (though I don't want to infringe on liberties) just thought I'd point this out as bullshit.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
A quick correction- Kerry is not anti-gun. He might be a little more against a policy which would allow Al Qaeda terrorist from buying assault weapons at Wal-mart. Ironically that was a policy from Osama's terrorist handbook.
He IS anti gun, having voted for every gun restriction ever thrown his way. Just because he dawns a yellow jacket and shoots ducks every few months dose'nt mean he thinks John fucking Grisham is wrong on guns.

Again, I don't really care either way anymore, as no one really needs even a handgun for protection I'd think (though I don't want to infringe on liberties) just thought I'd point this out as bullshit.

So the NRA doesn't like him. Fuck them. Really, a political organization that is owned by the gun industry is not worth taking seriously.

John Kerry on gun control-

Country less safe-terrorists can now buy assault weapons. (Oct 2004)
Supports 2nd Amendment, but wants to ban assault weapons. (Sep 2004)
Gun owner & hunter, but rights come with responsibility. (Mar 2004)
Democratic Party shouldn't be for the NRA. (Nov 2003)
Supports assault weapons ban & Brady Bill. (Oct 2003)
Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
Voted YES on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
Voted NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology. (Aug 2000)
Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record. (Dec 2003)
Edge 386 wrote
If I voted, mine would definately be cast for Mr. Trafficant. We really need a hard ass like him running this jaded country. I think I'll register soon so I'm ready for the next election at least. Every year I see how much more important it is to vote...

You guys need to take edge's example. (obviously this is not an issue about wether or not your going to vote)

Seriously, i dont want to play the "dont be partisan" song because quite frankly, i think its a ridicules demand, however, i think you guys are seeing this all wrong. This is not a bush vs kerry issue. This is an issue about us fighting for our civil liberties. Either way you vote, these men are going to take away our money, our protection, our livelyhoods.

For those of you who dont know what skull and bones is, go look it up. There are interviews with bush and kerry where they "deny to make any comments" about their connection with skull and bones. But they dont actually deny being in it. They make it fully aware that they are trying to avoid the question... I will post the vids on my websight after i get paid. Need cash to keep the sight going.

Calculon wrote
slicer17 wrote:
i would go for bush. he is for reform of social security.

He'll reform it by screwing it over.

Again, i am not a bush supporter, but you should read up on his plan for social security reform before making this comment. You have THE CHOICE to invest (tax free) or even to be involved with this reform if you want to, otherwise, your social security stays the same.

Edit: I would have voted for dean over kerry or bush in a heartbeat

Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology. (Aug 2000)

This is one of the scariest things to me about both these candidates. While bush has been in office, more has been done to strip our civil liberties then ever before. Did you know, the CIA, is able to REMOTELY turn on YOUR cellphone. Cell phone companioes, by law, are required to install this little component. Also, GPS in your phones and soon BY LAW, in YOUR CAR, will be used to monitor ever where you go, where you are, and where your going. Also, FDA just approved of implant chips. Soon, every man woman and child will have an id implanted into their forehead.

Prepare for revolution, or prepare to live in a communist state.

The previous poster that said "we dont need guns to protect ourselves"
