Beyond Good & Evil 2

I also felt the new look was too Brown. Then again they seem to be on a desert planet this time so it can be acceptable to move from blue and green hues to brown and yellows and reds of desert
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed>
Mot sure if this one was official though.

Wonder if the Aerocrane in the new video is somehow related to the thing that comes to rescue the Duo after this video?
Those pigs make me wish it was a Duke game.

Anyway, looking good. Never played the original but I've been meaning to for awhile. I don't think it's gameplay either, btw.
I kinda agree with SuAside, the game also looks less futuristic than than the first part! but still, BG & E 2 is one of those titles that i am really looking forward too...loved the first part!
So while, we are on the subject, can anyone recommend a version of the first one? What did you play it on and how was it?
I played it on Pc. The problems I remember about the game... Actually not much. The main game was nearly absent of any control problems and the difficulty curve was good. There are a few Boss battle near the end game sequences where you need to dance to the boss' attacks that go something like left right roll forward attack, repeat twice then another combat routine a few times but beyond that I did not have any problems.

However If you are OCD enough to go after 100% on the additional content (mainly the animal photographing and pearl hunting side quests) you might go nuts as some animals are really hard to spot, (nocturnal, shy, underwater and seen like 5 seconds? come on!) and some pearls require you to hit some really hard hovercraft races, aero acrobatics and platforming...

Overall good funny game, that looks childish from graphics and beginning but has a real grim story. A human story with all the laughs, tears, frusturation and hate. (and no cheap love scenes and other holywood crap.)

Edit: Also the game somehow manages to be enjoyable both on a stick and a keyboard&mouse combo at the same time. So does not really matter where you get it.
cronicler said:
However If you are OCD enough to go after 100% on the additional content (mainly the animal photographing and pearl hunting side quests) you might go nuts as some animals are really hard to spot, (nocturnal, shy, underwater and seen like 5 seconds? come on!) and some pearls require you to hit some really hard hovercraft races, aero acrobatics and platforming...

Hey, that's how it should be. A moderate difficulty throughout the game, spiking when you go OCD to get absolutely everything.
What, are they using Assassin's Creed design framework or something?

I'm not digging the style change much either, but it'd be a blessing if they change the camera from the wonkiness of the first. Still, it looks like the sequel will lean more towards action than adventure. Not a big surprise.
Brother None said:
Still, it looks like the sequel will lean more towards action than adventure. Not a big surprise.
That would suck MAJOR balls! hope it ain't like that! :(
Brother None said:
I'm not digging the style change much either, but it'd be a blessing if they change the camera from the wonkiness of the first. Still, it looks like the sequel will lean more towards action than adventure. Not a big surprise.

We've had two trailers released so far, and the second one is devoid of any context.

If you remember, BG&E also featured several getaway segments and this particular one reminds me of Jade GTFO of the last city infiltration segment.
Ancel said that they were making it less of a "core" game, but I guess that can be interpreted two ways. Perhaps they're putting a greater emphasis on smooth looking platforming rather than sneaking and puzzle solving.
Or distilling the gameplay, making it flow better.

Which was never my complaint, but the ways of the casuals are mysterious.
Well, I picked up the original and it seems to be a good game but no gamepad support sucks.

I also encountered a bug where I can't get a key in the slaughterhouse to advance. It's the one where you fight the three robots that drop from the ceiling. Well, the key stays stuck up there and I can't continue with the game. THIS IS BULLSHIT!
Apparently there was a recent semi-development. An Ubisoft rep confirmed that the leaked footage was BG&E2 but at the same time said the game will not necessarily be finished.

IG: It's always a bit risky for a publisher to push out a new IP, not knowing how the market will react to it. Luckily for Ubisoft, Assassin's Creed did well so now it's a franchise...

LD: Yes, that worked out, but it doesn't work out every time, and sometimes you come back to an IP that didn't work because you still think it could have – like Beyond Good and Evil, which was leaked, so now people know we're working on a new one. Whether or not it comes out remains to be seen anyway, but we didn't want to abandon that IP because it has a cache and authenticity about it. There's something very pure about that game and it's too bad that we were not able to build it as an IP at the time.

IG: Most publishers make decisions based on sales, so what made Ubisoft decide to pursue Beyond Good and Evil again?

LD: Well, I didn't say there's definitely going to be another game. I said something had leaked, which means we've been working on some Beyond Good and Evil stuff, but whether there's going to be another game or not, that's something for the future. But getting to your question as to why there's work on the IP again, it's a creative people business; the creative talent is interested in it and possibly exploring how to do it from a new angle.