Is it possible to make encounters bigger? I.e. three packs of six aliens instead of one pack? That would please all combat fans, since killing six aliens or claws ain't a big deal, but killing 20 or 30 may start to be tricky.
Of course it would be great if there was a Char level limit for this - two groups at, say level 18 and beyond, three at 25... for instance. So that a 10th level character isn't forced to battle 24 aliens.
I know that the game occasionally spawns i.e. an encounter with 6 aliens and 6 deathclaws, so I'm sure it's possible.
It would be fun to add some, i.e. 6 tough deathclaws (the big ones) instead of 1 big, 5 small. Or runaway robots from SAD around New Reno areas. Or wanamingo queens around Redding (yeah I'm aware there should be only one.. but just for fun). And an enclave assault group (6 members with heavy weaponry, like plasma rifles and miniguns; hard to avoid) for extra difficulty.
I'd try to mod this myself if given some instructions..
edit: oh wait, I found this great tutorial. Well, gotta get to work then
So far I planned:
1. "swarm of aliens" - up to 24 aliens.
2. "tough deathclaws" - 6 tough deathclaws.
3. rare - "herd of deathclaws" - 6 tough deathclaws, 6 small deathclaws.
4. Extra rare - "band of deathclaws lead by alpha male". 9 tough deatclaws lead by alpha male (Will put an extra critter here. Most likely a deathclaw with double HP and double damage/massive crit chance).
5. Nightkin assassins - 9 nightkins with laser guns lead by a nightkin with (turbo) plasma rifle.
6. Wannamingo queens - 6 wannamingo queens. Iirc they are tougher then normal aliens. If not, gotta create a powerful alien-type using the silver alien model.
7. Gecko herd - 12 fire geckos, 24 gold ones. That would be annoying, lol.
8. Runaway robots (weak) - 5 melee bots led by a brain bot.
9. Runaway robots (medium) - 5 brain bots led by sentry bot (the one with rocket launchers)
10. Runaway robots (hard) - 6 sentry bots.
11. Runaway robots (insane) - 6 melee bots, 6 brain bots, 6 sentry bots.
12. Enclave assault team - 5 enclave dudes armed with plasma rifles led by a captain armed with gauss rifle.
13. Enclave executioner squad - 12 soldiers armed randomly with gauss rifles, pulse rifles and vindicator miniguns. THE encounter of the game (character level 40+
Would be happy to implement more ideas.
Most of those would be conditional (based on character level) and/or rare to avoid frustration. For enclave groups, I'd have to make custom AI for them to go for the strongest party member (that is you) to avoid them having a 99.999% chance to murder your NPCs every encounter (which isn't fun or challenging, merely annoying. Making your NPCs survive 3-men enclave patrols is hard enough...).
And yes, it's doable. Take two jets to have 8 gauss pistol shots per turn. With two instances of lifegiver backed up by a big enough level, you can take all the punishment before sending them to hell, since your HP is like, 500 and you can survive multiple grade 5 criticals. Unless they score a knock-out critical, which screws you up, but well, this is meant to be hard, isn't it ^^
Of course it would be great if there was a Char level limit for this - two groups at, say level 18 and beyond, three at 25... for instance. So that a 10th level character isn't forced to battle 24 aliens.
I know that the game occasionally spawns i.e. an encounter with 6 aliens and 6 deathclaws, so I'm sure it's possible.
It would be fun to add some, i.e. 6 tough deathclaws (the big ones) instead of 1 big, 5 small. Or runaway robots from SAD around New Reno areas. Or wanamingo queens around Redding (yeah I'm aware there should be only one.. but just for fun). And an enclave assault group (6 members with heavy weaponry, like plasma rifles and miniguns; hard to avoid) for extra difficulty.
I'd try to mod this myself if given some instructions..

edit: oh wait, I found this great tutorial. Well, gotta get to work then

So far I planned:
1. "swarm of aliens" - up to 24 aliens.
2. "tough deathclaws" - 6 tough deathclaws.
3. rare - "herd of deathclaws" - 6 tough deathclaws, 6 small deathclaws.
4. Extra rare - "band of deathclaws lead by alpha male". 9 tough deatclaws lead by alpha male (Will put an extra critter here. Most likely a deathclaw with double HP and double damage/massive crit chance).
5. Nightkin assassins - 9 nightkins with laser guns lead by a nightkin with (turbo) plasma rifle.
6. Wannamingo queens - 6 wannamingo queens. Iirc they are tougher then normal aliens. If not, gotta create a powerful alien-type using the silver alien model.
7. Gecko herd - 12 fire geckos, 24 gold ones. That would be annoying, lol.
8. Runaway robots (weak) - 5 melee bots led by a brain bot.
9. Runaway robots (medium) - 5 brain bots led by sentry bot (the one with rocket launchers)
10. Runaway robots (hard) - 6 sentry bots.
11. Runaway robots (insane) - 6 melee bots, 6 brain bots, 6 sentry bots.
12. Enclave assault team - 5 enclave dudes armed with plasma rifles led by a captain armed with gauss rifle.
13. Enclave executioner squad - 12 soldiers armed randomly with gauss rifles, pulse rifles and vindicator miniguns. THE encounter of the game (character level 40+

Would be happy to implement more ideas.
Most of those would be conditional (based on character level) and/or rare to avoid frustration. For enclave groups, I'd have to make custom AI for them to go for the strongest party member (that is you) to avoid them having a 99.999% chance to murder your NPCs every encounter (which isn't fun or challenging, merely annoying. Making your NPCs survive 3-men enclave patrols is hard enough...).
And yes, it's doable. Take two jets to have 8 gauss pistol shots per turn. With two instances of lifegiver backed up by a big enough level, you can take all the punishment before sending them to hell, since your HP is like, 500 and you can survive multiple grade 5 criticals. Unless they score a knock-out critical, which screws you up, but well, this is meant to be hard, isn't it ^^