Biggest Revolver?


The Biggest Revolver?

Saw this on popular mechanics-

The Marines' new six-shooter fires 40mm grenades. USMC

While in the Army, I remember a constant pang of jealousy over other branches’ equipment: uniforms, body-armor, weapons, whatever. And the Marines' recently-fielded M-32 six-shot 40mm grenade launcher is no exception.

For the February issues of Popular Mechanics, I wrote an article that included an update on the XM-25 the Army’s High Explosive Air Burst weapon. Still in the prototype stage, the XM-25 fires a 25mm smart round. The technology and capabilities of this weapon are astounding; I thought it was pretty cool.

But while the M-32 is not the technical marvel the XM-25 is, at least it doesn’t look like the rifle from old Lazer Tag sets. The M-32 just looks mean, like a Tommy Gun on steroids. I know looks shouldn’t matter, but even today, I’m still jealous of the other branches’ toys. —Ted Latiak (who spent six years in the Army as a Captain with the 10th Mountain Division).

What are you hunting, elephants!?

Anything smaller and it'd be in too small of pieces to do anything with but make stew!
Are you implying that a 40mm High Explosive grenade is useless for small game hunting? Not to mention it's usefulness for varmnit hunting, AND home defense.

From what i hear it's also a useful round for deer hunting and big game as well.

The 40mm HE grenade is the perfect all around hunting and home defense round. It really is quite perfect.

Not shure why you would insist otherwise.
Five to Six-shot revolving grenade launchers have been around for quite some time, why didn't the military procure them before now, and why the hell did they cover this one in plastic?

This article has more on revolving grenade launchers, they've been around since '83, featured in anime (the famous anime Hellsing, which was crap like near every anime to date with a few exceptions like Jin-roh, had a vampire villain that used one), games, and all sorts of movies.
Elissar said:
From what i hear it's also a useful round for deer hunting and big game as well.
And of corse the T1000s.
PhredBean said:
Five to Six-shot revolving grenade launchers have been around for quite some time, why didn't the military procure them before now, and why the hell did they cover this one in plastic?
There are many reasons why not, the first: Do you really need to have 6 rounds in it. Why not take 2-5 soldiers and give them 1 round weapons, they do a hell of a lot more damage, simultaneously.
The second: The amine makers do draw the technical and construction drawings, don't they.

Are you sure it is plastic, and not ceramics, painted steel or composites.
Have you used one, it might be better for the grip, hold, aim etc. to be made from plastic.

And I think that some one has looked to much T2, and invented this toy while watching.
In terms of "big" and "compared to it, the steyr aug looks like 19th century design", you also have the weird named french "Papop", not yet in full scale production, of course (so, hey, I might be out of context).
( Papop stands for "Polyarme, Polyprojectiles" - "Multipurpose weapon, Multipurpose projectiles")

A supposedly quite versatile rifle :
+ 7kg
+ 5.56 mm automatic rifle
+ 35 mm semi-automatic launcher (35mm only ? mpff, sissies !!)
+ opto-electronic full solution fire control (that includes timed grenades and corresponding trajectory in order to be sure a grenade launched above a wall does precisely explode above the enemy head)

A similar US Army project is the H&K OICW...
i dont really see the point of having a shitload of grenades à la OICW. do you intend to simply nuke everything in sight?

i'd rather have a nice, accurate, ergonomic, modular & light (bullpup) AR à la FN F2000 (3.6kg normal, 4.6kg with 40mm LV grenade launcher). besides, it's pretty! OICW & Celluloid's gun are ugly as freaking hell.

but then again, i've never been in the army, so wtf am i talking about anyway? :)
Sorry, but my heart belongs to this baby:


Folks, meet Dora!
Wasn't the OICW project discontinued? I think it had a lot to do with the thing being so expensive and heavy.

As for me, my state-of-the-art grenade launcher is my arm, and the all-purpose round I use to hunt varmints is good old-fashioned dynamite.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Splash damage + Friendly Fire = :(

The Vault Dweller

Hmm true there is possiblity for friendly fire.......but thats why you should never fire a weapon a your feet. Or even the ground nearby....... Properly trained men could use this kinda thing to their advantage, have you ever tried to hit a moving vehicle at 150 yards? its harder than it would seem....having six shots would give you more of a chance to correct your aim. not to mention you would have the ability to wipe out and or heard an enemy. These kind of weapons would be really useful at choke points, and for crowd control..................................
Bradylama said:
Wasn't the OICW project discontinued? I think it had a lot to do with the thing being so expensive and heavy.

As for me, my state-of-the-art grenade launcher is my arm, and the all-purpose round I use to hunt varmints is good old-fashioned dynamite.

I actually think those are good reasons why the OICW project should be shelved. That and that it's too complicated and subject to malfunction on the battlefield. One would think the ideal weapon would be light, easy to repair and rugged.

But this is the last I heard about whether the project got shevled. Any more recent news?
The problem with the AK-47 is that it is fairly inaccurate. But then what do you expect from a weapon created from a communist assembly line that was built to maim, but not kill, people.

Don't know Perfect Dark, at least the game.

However, I would think that the average guy in the field who is under fire and spending many days and nights in the rain the mud would want a weapon that's dependable. Isn't that why Glocks are so popular as handguns- dependability?
welsh said:
Don't know Perfect Dark, at least the game.

Theres a gun thats a machine gun, a grenade launcher, and a proximity mine called a Super Dragon or something.

But heres an idea, instead of thinking within the box and making biggerer, keweler weapons like a six shooting grenade launcher(attach a robot to the back of that and you got yerself a living anime), why not think smartly, like offering peace to the al queerda and friends and give them crap guns, then giving them a bullet that is designed to blow up in their faces(I know, theres so many problems with that, like children soldires and all that)

something like that