TwinkieGorilla said:
as far as Hicks? no. i disagree. but maybe he's not relevant to you as a Dutchman, i truly would not know...but i find that hard to believe. are Lenny Bruce, Woody Allen or Groucho Marx not relevant to you? i don't see Hicks as less a universal figure.
Oh really? Do you know Jacques Brel? Sergei Eisenstein? A. Den Doolaard? Kim Ki-duk? I'd say they are some of the most relevant cultural figures in recent history, but you won't find me insulting people who don't know or dislike them. What is important or meaningful to you does not have to be meaningful to others - take Claudia de Breij who I just mentioned. I would never, ever expect a non-Dutch person to get why or how she personifies everything Holland is or how meaningful
her songs are, and that's ok. Sometimes things just stop at your borders and have less meaning to others, why would that be a problem unless you need affirmation to embrace something? And if you do, well, let's not get too philosophical here, Dopemine Cleric's first post in this thread and think about it for a while: does circle-jerking over how great this guy really add anything to the experience? When someone is first shown his stuff and says "not impressed", does it make your experience better to call that guy a troll or lame? In my perspective, nothing ruins true enjoyment like that kind of self-entitlement. And if you're like me and just wish to share the brilliance of a gem, do you really think insulting people is the way to do it?
Anyway, man, I'm not saying he's not present in the Dutch consciousness at all, but I'm not exactly insulated enough not to have heard of him if he were a big deal here. Like I said, it makes sense for him not to have penetrated here: by Dutch standards, he's just a crass stand-up who kicks in open philosophical doors (from the clips I've seen). Wikipedia also mentions American social commentary - but honestly, do you think Europeans give a shit about how controversial a guy is by making Gulf War jokes? We're too free-thinking a nation to get kicks out of controversial taboo-breakers anyway.
TwinkieGorilla said:
but seriously, don't take MY word for it. a few google's and i think i'd look a bit less "centric" to you.
I'm not sure what google is supposed to tell me? Other than that
a fragment of his work was in the Zomergasten piece with Theo Maasen. But that's not surprising since I could recognise Maassen (a Dutch comedian) is inspired by Hicks the moment I saw the first clip here - so I figured Maassen knew and was inspired by him.
The Dutch internet brings up little else, tho', but the google is not exactly ideal as an interest poll. Dunno. Don't know why it's important either come to think of it. Regardless of how popular he is in the Netherlands, this thread raised my interest, and I've been watching some funny clips - just don't try to sell the intellectualist angle to me, his material just isn't that smart.